Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi there! <3

The Eternal Queen
Hiya! So, came from TGC. Suprise suprise, I know. A certain someone pointed me to this board and I must say, it looks perfectly wonderful <3
I was wondering if I could have my rank transferred? I was just made Master over there. ^^

Ava Solborne

Welcome, young soul! Yes, you can do it. You just have to do a post in the Rank Requesting thread. :D
You'll have to excuse Disciple, he's a bit dramatic. Welcome! Of course you can transfer, as I've spoken to you about this on Skype. I'll handle it now.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to PM myself or another Staff member.
The Eternal Queen
Okay. I really do think I'm going to like it here. Will have a bio up in the morning.

@[member="Darth Moridin"]- Oh Sunshine... I would apologize for stabbing you, but...... you know. ^^

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