Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yeah I'm back. I don't think I have to excuse my absence (I mean I at least hope I don't lol) as I dropped out from Chaos at a point where I wasn't involved with anything major. Still I think at least an explanation is in order, as my disappearance was sudden to say the least.

When I left my muse was already at an all time low, not because of Chaos itself but due to my actual real life. Still for a while I enjoyed mainly lurking and reading, maybe working on some factory and codex stuff when I had the time but not much besides that. The college decided to turn even more stressful, as did my passion for music (currently working really hard to go to a rather prestigious college that offers Music and Sound Design) and I really just lost all interest in roleplaying all together. Now things have calmed down a bit, and I felt a desire to get back into writing. At first I was thinking about looking for a new forum in a new universe, but tbh there's just no forum like Chaos which in the end lead me back here.

So yeah, how's it going everyone, what did I miss?

Some IC things: For the time being I have no interest bringing Abyss back as a major character. He is by far my favorite of all characters I ever used anywhere be it online or in a pen and paper, but I need a change. For that I'm starting out as a new character, that will slowly give reason to Abyss absence over the course of his upcoming arc.

Sebastian Thel

Hey dude, welcome back. I understand how you feel, I wrote Vereshin to the point of running out of ideas and had to start fresh.

I have a new character too and would love to write with you again some time.

[member="Darth Abyss"]

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