Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi all! :)

New here, looking for a good sw rp to start up vith fun ppl! I been rp-ing on-off for about 6 years, and sw is one of my favoirte setings to play in. I'm prety detailed in my posts, so I hope my in-perfekt English vont be a problem (not my native langage).

Looking forvard to geting to know you and playing vith you!
Thx, I got one; vhats this all about "writer" or "character" kategorization? I mean, I can see most ppl identify as there own chars. I planed to, but since I plan on haveing more then 1 char (eventualy, Xi is just the first), it wuldnt realy be praktical. So I'l just keep MCs and myself separate, if thats ok.

And I vant to add my own faction, the Bladeborn (its in Legends). How are factions maked?

Welcome to Chaos!

To answer your questions, a writer account is your main account. Some people use it as their main character, while others use it as an OOC account. You can then may sub-accounts for your characters. For example Asaraa Vaashe here is a sub account and [member="Luciain"] is my OOC/Writer account.

In terms of factions, up on the top right of the site there is a factions link, if you click on that it takes you to the factions page and there should be a button which says add faction. Anyone can make a minor faction, but to make a major faction you need to gather writers and apply to go major. If you have any more questions please let us know, we're a friendly bunch and someone's always around to answer then :D

If you go to your profile, click on your avatar, then you should see a button that says characters. If you click on that it will let you make a new sub-account. You can then use the drop-down menu on the bar to select which of your accounts you want to post with.

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