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Worshipper Of Halrormalenth
NAME: Tyro'din (Formerly: Shelk Tef'din)
FACTION: The Primeval.
RANK: Worshipper Of Halrormalenth / Delta Agent Of The Primeval

AGE: 26
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5ft 10in
WEIGHT: 83kg
EYES: Dark (Blood) Red

HAIR: Light Gold
SKIN: Pink
Marital Status: Single

Relationships: Senrak Tef'din (Father), Hentil Tef'din (Mother), [member="Mikkel Markov"] (Ally/Brother In Arms)


Strengths: Highly Intelligent, Highly Manipulative and Skilled Actor (Bothan Learning), Skilled Slicer, Large Physical Strength and Skilled Fighter.

Weaknesses: Prideful (this can get him in serious [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]trouble[/SIZE]), Missing his left eye, Slow To Trust With His True Self and A Traumatic Event In His Past

Tyro'din has a muscled, heavy set build. He has light gold, heavy fur all over his body and a canine style head. He has one, blood red eye, he has no second eye. As a result of losing his eye he has a scar over his left eyelid.

He wears a gold leather tunic and matching greaves as well as a brown belt that is covered in pouches.

Tyro'din was born to Senrak Tef'kyx and Hentil Tef'kyx on the planet Bothawui. Senrak was the heir of old Bothawui nobility but struggled to hold his rank due to his, and his clans, ideals opposing the current [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]regimes[/SIZE] ideals. This culmulated into mass political assassination when Tyro'din was 11. The assassination [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]killed[/SIZE] off all Bothans within the clan over the age of 12.
Growing up he was always a quite child that was highly intelligent and skilled in the Bothan culture. So much so that when he was 21 he was a minister. After serving for two years Tyro'din grew bored with his life and how it had stagnated and left Bothawui for something new.
He eventually settled on Nar Shaddaa where he joined the Shadow Fist Gang. For the six years he was with that gang Tyro'din served as their spy and hacker and never officially became more than a grunt, but that was more of a show than anything. Being a grunt meant he never had to kill nor hurt someone, keeping him clean, but he served as a shadow leader, manipulating the official leader to move to his whims.
When all but a few members of the Shadow Fist were killed Tyro'din once again began to wonder the galaxy working as a slicer and gladiator to earn money. It was at one of his earlier fights that he lost his eye, this gave him the drive to train in hand to hand vigorously. This continued for a year until he stumbled across The Primeval and their religion.
He encountered one of their artifacts and, after weeks of study, managed to break through the security, he then downloaded the files to study them in private later on to form his own opinions of them. He ended up becoming an avid worshipper of Halrormalenth, believing that it was he that could reveal a person's true nature with words and give people their true names, things that resonated with Tyro'dins personality.
Choosing to track down The Primeval, Tyro'din ventured into the unknown space letting his new gods guide him. He eventually ran into the newest Host Lord [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] and asked to be allowed into The Primeval, pledging his services as an agent.

When many disappeared into the Netherworld when he was 25, Tyro'din was among them. He ended up at the The Blood Waste. When the rift to escape formed it opened under his feet and caused him to fall in unwillingly. When he came out the other side he entered a murderous rampage. He soon came out of it though as his superior training meant he easily and quickly killed the same person who had been next to when the rift had opened. Even though he managed to stop the blood-lust quickly, he still killed more people, those who attacked him as he sort to find a way off the planet he recognised as Alderaan. Using the chaos he stole a starfighter and left for the Primeval territory, ready to help them expand their territory as he saw the event as a sign from the Gods.

At age 26, Tyro'din became the liaison between Primeval and The Red Ravens. He was to prove himself to the Ravens by working his way up through the ranks.

(For More History See This - Please Note That It May Be Slowly Updated)





Slicing: Master
Crack Shot: Skilled
Acting: Master
Politics: Master
Manipulation: Skilled
Hand-To-Hand: Master
Knife Fighting: Skilled
Dancing: Skilled
Blind Fighting: Skilled
Force Illusions: Average
Force Sense: Skilled
Force Push/Pull: Skilled



-1 Personal Comms Device
- 1 Personal, Modified Datapad
- 1 Respirator Mask
- 2 Augmented Warfighter Visor, advanced version of the Augmented Reality Contact. Sunglasses and HUD Screen Version.

- 1 BTI-838 Rifle
Attachments: Thermal Scope, Long-range Scope, Tripod, Silencer
Extra Ammunition: 7.62mm VENOM Slug (Acid Filled Bullet), 7.62mm BANG Slug (Explosive Slug), 7.62mm FLARE Shock (Fire Slug), 7.62mm SHOCK Slug (Electrical Slug) and 7.62mm Basic Slug
- 2 BTI-WB "Woebringer" Heavy Blaster Pistol
Extra Ammunition: Sith Killer Rounds
- 1 CW-77 Blaster Pistol
- Numerous Vibroknifes
- Many Poisons
- Explosive Detonators
- Brylark Cane that contains a hidden wooden blade that is attached to the detachable handle within, the tip soaked in a paralytic poison.
- 1 Augmented Shooting Tool

Order of Posts (See Post #4 For Links):

The History Of Tyro'din
Introduction To The Faction
Trying To Fit In
Beginning Of Two Echoes
Challenge With Ciara Jevnaker
To Silently End A Threat
Dominion Of Rhadamthus


Worshipper Of Halrormalenth
Training Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
Teaching Threads
Total: 1 | Completed: 1
Faction Threads
Total: 6 | Completed: 5
Duel Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
Development Threads
Total: 1 | Completed: 0
Miscellaneous Threads
Total: 2 | Completed: 2


Worshipper Of Halrormalenth

Tyro'din is a certified genius with a brilliant memory and deduction skills and uses these in his close-combat fighting. How much time he has to prepare decides on how he will fight.

If he has time:
If he has time to conduct an analysis the opponent(s) he will plan out what their weak point(s) is(/are) and use it(/them) to his advantage in his planning. He will then run simulations of the fight through his head and decide on what one is the best to use. He will then act.

Inspiration: Sherlock Holmes from the movies "Sherlock Holmes" and "Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows".​
If he doesn't have time:
If he doesn't have time to analyse or plan he will fight using his instincts, senses and by observing body language for tells.

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