Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You may remember me. Elvira, Amee, Nellja, etc. I know I had a sudden leave last winter without saying goodbye. Spiritually and emotionally I was going through a lot, so I decided to lighten my load by leaving some places including this one. It was without a goodbye or anything, so I apologize.

I hope I can become at least somewhat active here again. Unlike last time, I'll stick to only two characters: one I already made (Andrea) and a new character. Once again, I know leaving without any notice was bad, it's a bad habit, and once again I apologize.

Nice to post again,
~ Elvira

Connor Harrison


Nice to see you back - just shout if you want to write anytime and get the creative juices flowing again.

Glad you're well.

Hey there! I can't say I remember writing with you, but don't sweat it about leaving without a word. Unfortunately, life can be real poodoo. Thankfully, the community here is always more than happy to qccept these things thay life throws at us, and dont judge others for it. It took me away for a while, and even now I'm not on very often because ill be leaving again soon. Anyway, it's great to have you back. Now get posting, or no cookies for you! Jk, they're over there on the table.


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