Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hidden Sanctum



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery adjusted the straps of her backpack and tapped against her hip to make sure her weapon was properly secured. Packing for a Jungle trip was important, and with where she was planning to go, she needed to be prepared. Part of that was equipment, but she had also reached out to Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow for some assistance. The two had met going after something similar in nature, but the way events transpired that day had kept them from getting to know each other. He was no Jedi, but his skills were just as useful and his heart seemed to be in the right place.

A good chance to make an ally, and perhaps a friend.

<I've arrived at the coordinates,> Valery sent him over comms once she reached a small lake within the jungle. It was visible even from above, so she had chosen it as an easy landmark they could use as a meeting point.

Or escape point if they ran into trouble and got separated.

Looking across the lake, Valery smiled and closed her eyes. She focused on her breathing and relaxed her body, as she fell in tune with nature around her. She had grown up within the new Cov Jungles, so this place almost felt like home.

One that carried dangerous secrets.

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Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

Overhead and approaching rapidly

With hardly a whisper through the air, a pear-shaped object dipped down near the lake and began to tip upwards. It was easily the size of a small freighter, but with no distinguishing features on its surface, save for three ridges evenly spaced around the body. Landing vertical with the grace of a leaf blowing in on the wind, the Pod nestled into the dirt and began to root in place with a triplicate of thin pillars stabilizing the tall craft. A side door peeled open, letting Jack step forth and down onto the ground.

Taking a long inhale, he knelt for a moment to grab a handful of grass and dirt. New planet; the first time in a new biome was always a heady experience for him. Bringing the handful to his mouth, he gently inhaled the variegated scents and pheromones the plants and fungi were broadcasting to him. Interesting... very interesting.

He put the handful back down and patted it back into place, stepping out to meet the Jedi Grand Master, Valery Noble Valery Noble . He was about to call out, but... There. She was meditating. He bit back a greeting, stopping in place before gingerly taking a seat. He closed his eyes, his hand sifting through the grass.

That brightness before him was undoubtedly Valery. She was a lighthouse in the Force, and he could feel the very grass and trees bending towards her. She had called him; he could wait for her.


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"You can say hi," Valery said with a kind tone, but when she turned to look at him, she flashed an almost teasing smirk. "I sensed your approach and I'm glad you made it." After brushing her hair back over her shoulder, Valery walked over to him and dipped her head for a somewhat more formal greeting. He was no Jedi, so she didn't expect him to bow, but it was a gesture that she offered without really thinking about it herself.

A way to respectfully acknowledge.

"Last time was... a little intense, so I hope this adventure will be better." Jungles were still difficult terrain and exploring old sanctums had its own risks, but she doubted that it'd turn into another three-way battle before they even reached their destination. She couldn't be that unlucky, right?

"Are you ready to start heading out?"


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Assembling....
Weapons: Assembling....

"Hello," he answered belatedly, giving her a smile and returning the slow nod. "Glad to make it safe and sound." Well, the super-star of the Jedi Order certainly seemed fairly down-to-earth. Seemed like she had a good head on her shoulders. Probably best to keep it there, what with the whole galaxy-shaking war going on.

"Yes, ah... having to deal with Mandalorians almost inevitably ends up in a brawl one way or another. Which can be a good thing, if you need to stop a horde of Sith zombies from taking over a city. Not so good if you're trying to explore a temple." A reek in a ritzy restaurant would be less destructive, though that was probably not saying much. He thumbed over to the Pod when she mentioned heading out. "Just about ready, yeah. Going to get my adventuring gear, one second."

Moving back over to the Pod with a bit of a spring in his step, he reached up with a hand and, through the Force, gently asked his ship to please deploy the exploration loadout. His ship cheerily concurred, popping out a large seed-like growth to tumble land next to Jack on the ground. Splitting open with a soft pop, Jack dug inside, letting the organic shell coat his body and grabbing the 'rucksack' within to place on his back. The backpack straps snaked around his chest, fastening securely to his frame as the light armor shell solidified over the rest of his body, sans head.

He turned back around, patting down the last few bits of armor adhering to his outfit - now becoming his outfit. "Ready to go!" he chirped, heading back towards Valery with a grin. "Lead the way."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Tell me about it." Between the hunt that happened when they last met and the rise of a new group of Neo-Crusaders, Valery spent much more time dealing with Mandalorians. Usually, that meant fighting them. Setting that aside for now, Valery watched curiously as he retreated to his pod to get ready for the mission. Wasn't he already equipped in his adventuring gear?

She looked up at the much taller man and perked a brow, clearly somewhat confused.

She began to understand once he reached the pod and a seed-like item popped out. It was fascinating to see how the armor attached itself to his body, wrapping around him almost like a second skin.

"That's... quite interesting," she commented with a smirk, "What kind of armor is this? I don't think I've seen anything like it before." She turned around and began to lead him into the jungle, but she was still curious to learn more about him and his obviously unique gear.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Velona pistol

"Thank you! I can say with a high degree of confidence that this kind of biotech has never existed before. The Yuuzhan Vong of old certainly did similar things, but this?" He rapped on his armor with his knuckles. "This is all me. Lots of painstaking work, growing specific breeds of plants, crafting and shaping. It's still alive, by the way."

He paused, placing a hand on a tree trunk. The bark shivered a moment, before flexing and allowing his hand to slip a few millimeters under the surface. "Mm. And adaptable." The armor around his body rustled, then shifted in appearance, the smooth green becoming a rougher and darker green to evoke the bark surface of the native tree. "And also proprietary, so please don't ask for your own, heh."

Not that she couldn't handle it, probably. She was a beacon in the Force, and while he certainly had his way with nature, she just exuded Light. Adapting to living armor would probably be child's play for her. It had been a very, very long time since he had been in the presence of one so strong in the Force, and he was very grateful it wasn't someone hellbent on destruction.

"So I suppose I didn't get the chance to ask before, so I'll ask now," he piped up. "That bounty on your head - that still a thing? Have you had any serious takers? Or is it more symbolic than anything else, like - 'now the entire galaxy is searching for you, blah blah blah'?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery couldn't help but smile when he proudly talked about his armor and the work he put into making it. That was the sign of someone truly passionate about what he did, and she admired it, "Well, I'm very impressed by it." She chuckled and watched how the armor changed around him when he touched the bark of a tree.

The more she saw, the more stunned she was.

"I won't ask you for one, but I'm curious — is it easy to repair or work on it if it takes damage?" Maybe it could just repair itself by growing new plant... vine... thingies? She blinked and decided to just let him answer the question.

Jack also had a question for her, and Valery seemed a bit surprised by it at first, "I wish it was just symbolic. I've had several attempts at my life already, and I'm expecting more." It had only been quieter because the Dark Empire was still recovering from their loss at Coruscant.

They'd be back at it soon enough.

"Why? Not thinking about cashing in yourself, are you?" She flashed him a smirk.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Velona pistol

"That's it exactly; its hallmark is the ability to self-repair - to self-heal - even in the middle of extenuating circumstances or when away from nature. And on places like Coruscant or in the middle of space, that's kind of omnipresent." He hopped over a large rock with ease; the obstacles and lack of direct path in the forest was of little concern for two Force-users. Jack was following Valery's lead on this; trying to suss out a good direction for their travel was difficult - it was like trying to find a shadow in a room of light, what with all this greenery around them.

"Hah.... well, I will be honest, I had genuinely considered it, insofar as it would have been interesting to contend with you. And then I saw you phase through solid matter, and I realized you are waaaaay out of my league." He had a lopsided smile on, which faded a bit. "I do hope you have people to rely on, if things go sideways. If the Sith are genuine about that bounty, they are only going to redouble after they recover from Coruscant, and... well, no offense, but you are just one woman. Grand Master or not."

He slid his tongue behind his teeth. It didn't feel like they were getting anywhere quick, that he could see or sense. "....Do you have any idea where we're going?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Well, now I might ask for a piece of armor like yours anyway," Valery said with a smirk, as she hopped across a larger rock and continued her path through the Jungle. "I like my jumpsuits for combat, but they do occasionally get torn or damaged." Not that it was hard to replace them, but if she had a self-repairing jumpsuit for her missions, she wouldn't ever have to worry about buying new clothes again.

Or getting a little too exposed during a mission.

On the topic of her bounty, Valery perked a brow, "Well, I'm glad you decided against it. The bounties were largely made by Sith, and you don't strike me as someone who would work for them." She could be wrong, but his presence and his love for nature made him feel far too gentle and caring to be working for people who destroy so easily. "As for me, I'm not alone. I'm going to be careful, but I trust the people around me to offer help." When they met, she had even gotten some unexpected protection from people.

"We're getting closer," Valery said after a moment, as she weaved her body around some vines, "I feel something... ancient. Untapped, even." A grin began to spread across her lip, showing her excitement.

"What do you think we'll find?"


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Velona pistol

He snorted a bit at that. "Well, I've yet to make thin clothing - most of my stuff has a bit of bulk and weight simply because there's a minimum size to all the biotech I've made so far. But yknow what? If I happen across something that lets me craft thinner? I'll let you know."

The walk was starting to become more of a climb - though the density of the jungle didn't decrease, Jack assumed they must be approaching the base of some large mountain. "I have no idea what to expect... I've not really spent time delving into ruins, my time has been mostly spent in nature." Still, one could theorize... "Was this a Jedi temple? I'm not sensing any Dark Side here... maybe there's something Light-aligned that could prove useful in... some way."

For the war? perhaps. For crafting and creation? also perhaps. Force-imbued? Almost certainly.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
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Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Maybe I want thicker armor, too," Valery said with a teasing grin tugging at her lips, "Or do you think a thin armor would suit me better?" She maintained her playful little grin while she looked him in the eyes, wondering how he'd respond to her poking at him a little bit. Her usual attire was more form-fitting and had some feminine allure, so it made sense he'd want to look at something tinner

Didn't make it any less fun to tease and possibly get a reaction out of him.

"I'll hold you to it, though." Her grin softened into a warmer smile, before her eyes focused on the terrain ahead. It was quite a climb to get through this part of the jungle, and the vegetation seemed to grow a bit more dense as well, forcing them to move around parts of it.

Each time they had to, their journey became longer and more complex.

"It's possible but we usually make our Temples more accessible. Unless it once was, and nature reclaimed all of its terrain." It could also be a Sith Temple long gone, or even an entirely different culture lost to history.

There was only one way to find out.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Velona pistol

Jack did laugh at that, returning her grin with his own. "Well maybe you would prefer thicker armor, and I'm not one to judge. You'll excuse me, Grandmaster, for making an assumption based on circumstantial evidence," he nodded towards her current outfit with his own smirk. "And once I have some options, I'll be sure to let you know."

The trip continued to grow more arduous, and he was feeling the burn as it were. "Hey, nothing wrong with building in the middle of the jungle. Some of the most famous temples were found in the jungles - Yavin 4, off the top of my head. All surrounded in life..." He paused again, closing his eyes. There was an empty space nearby, somewhere without trees or ground life. His hand reached out, trying to sense where an opening might be. "We might need to tunnel... If I can figure out where it is, and figure out a weak spot, we should be able to -"

The ground suddenly fell out from under his feet, and he let out a yelp before finding himself plunging into the darkness. "SHIT!"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery laughed along and looked down at her own outfit when he gestured at it, "You're fine, I was just poking fun. Thicker armor or clothes aren't meant for me unless it's cold." She hated the cold and even in multiple layers of thick winter attire, she'd much prefer to be somewhere else. That said, she was curious to see if he'd actually figure something out for her, even if it wasn't nearly as good and useful as his own.

She could make use of it whenever she was on New Cov again.

"Yavin 4, and also my Temple on New Cov," Valery said with a smile, "But they usually do get some infrastructure to make them easier to reach." New Cov's Temple was also built somewhere with special protection to keep the extremely deadly fauna and flora from ever reaching the Temple grounds.

"Perhaps I could show you-" Valery stopped when the ground underneath him suddenly fell away. She watched him fall with widened eyes and threw herself down to hands and knees to hover over the hole. Her arm stretched out, tendrils of the Force extending far beyond her fingers to grab him.

She stopped him mid-fall, her muscles straining at the sudden grip, and clenched her jaw.

"Can you see anything down there?!" Valery called out, "I can lower you slowly!" She didn't know if he could absorb a fall like that, so if he agreed, she'd bring him down. Otherwise, she'd also be able to pull him back up.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Velona pistol

"Haahh... one second..." With a soft pfff, a sudden burst of glowing spores shot out from his arm, floating down through the air to the floor below.... Far below. Jack's eyes widened as the spores continued to fall, and he was mindful of Valery straining above. "Hang on... just...." The spores were beginning to settle, and he could just barely make out the texture of the ground below. "Okay, drop me."

Using the Force to slow a fall was thankfully something Jack was familiar with - though usually it was done hopping down from a tree, not halfway down a hole in the earth. It was a tall drop, but soon Jack touched down light as a feather. "Okay, there's ground down here!" he called up. "Feels like rock and rubble... some stones, some moss... Maybe a small river? I'm sending up a flare!" Peeling a small nodule off his armor, he concentrated on it gently as it began to glow a bright luminescent blue. Giving it broad leaves and a lightweight stem, he arched back and flung it upwards, aiming for the roof of the cavern. "You need a hand to get down?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Once she solidified her grip and Jack was no longer actually falling, maintaining her telekinetic grip became a lot easier. Her breathing steadied, her muscles relaxed and her eyes focused on the spores that illuminated the darkness down below. At first, she had thought of this as an old trap, perhaps to catch animals or trespassers, but there was something far larger down there, she realized.

Had they found their objective?

The moment Jack made it down, he began to describe the environment and Valery started to grin. Even if their objective wasn't down there, it'd be a shame not to explore, "Coming down!" She called out, and without help or any further warning, she jumped all the way down. On impact, she bent through her knees, sending up dirty leaves as a rush of air expanded out from underneath her.

When she rose, she flashed an even wider grin, "This is incredible, isn't it?" She looked around and placed her hands on her hips, "Good thing you fell through that hole."


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Velona pistol

"Showoff." He returned the grin with his own, before craning his neck back to take in the vast cavern. Every sound seemed to echo tenfold, and with how big and dark it was, all that was really visible was the bright light of the opening above, and the flare slowly floating to the ground. "Yeah... and doubly lucky I had someone to catch me. I couldn't imagine exploring solo, that's a recipe for disaster."

Grabbing his left gauntlet, he began to fashion a similar light source to the 'flare' he had just sent up. A few moments of tinkering later, and a large organic floodlight protruded from the armor. "Alright... let's take it low and slow; no idea what might have crawled its way in here." The light fuzzed into full glow, a bright blue headlamp that Jack aimed around the massive cavern. "Any idea where to, from here?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery flashed a grin and flicked her hair over her shoulder — she had definitely been showing off a little, even though it was the best and fastest way down. So, it was practical, too! Turning away, she began to study the cavern, still amazed that something this large was only accessed by that small hole inside the ground that he happened to stand on.

Perhaps it was no coincidence at all.

Looking back at Jack, Valery blinked when his armor began to produce light as well. She already wanted something like this for herself, but he strengthened that desire almost every chance he got, "I have an idea." Valery closed her eyes and turned her focus to the Force. She felt its currents and allowed her mind to follow those pathways. Some led her to the animals of the forest, while others showed nothing at all.

But there was something else, lurking further away.

"Something down here is very strong in the Force. Maybe what we're looking for?"


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Velona pistol

"Could be. Could also be something that wants to keep us from... whatever it is we're looking for." Jack worked his jaw. He could certainly feel something, far far ahead... but his spores hadn't travelled very far, and he was still trying to map out the ruins. It would be some time before his biotech could sense it, so... for now, he moved towards the nearest opening, a broken door. "Alright... you tell me where we're going, I'll lead." He patted his gauntlet. "I've got the light." Hopping over a fallen pillar, he moved to the doorway, noting the crumbled stone and wrought iron door. "...can I get a hand with this?" he grunted, reaching out with the Force to try to shove the rubble away.

The black opening yawned before them both, and Jack eyed Valery with a concerned look (albeit hidden behind his helmet). "You got my back?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"I'll lead the way," Valery assured him as she walked along towards the broken door. With her guidance, she was certain that they'd find what they were looking for. Perhaps something else entirely, but she wouldn't even mind. The whole purpose of this trip was to explore, and there weren't any lives directly on the line. For once, she could permit herself to follow her curiosity, and there was no way she'd miss out on exploring whatever it was they found.

When they reached the door, broken and with debris in the way, Valery raised her hand and helped him. Large chunks of stone and metal began to move like they were weightless, shifted aside by her strength in the Force.

"I've got yours if you have mine," Valery said with a smile, "We'll both have to be careful in case we run into traps or other dangerous items."

Stepping inside, Valery's Keshian eyes narrowed, allowing her to see decently well in the dark, "I'm pretty sure that this place goes quite deep," she noted, as she began to walk.

"I feel something as well, but it's faint. Like... something is suppressing it."


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Outfit: Iresine Scout Armor
Weapon: Velona pistol

Jack nodded in agreement. "I couldn't really say I'd be able to tell the difference between faint and suppressed myself, but... I'll take your word for it." Old temple, allegedly Jedi origin, with hidden secrets? Who could have possibly thought?

Jack walked alongside her, using his light to illuminate the walls, ceiling, floor, and any obstacles along the way. Every so often he dropped a small nodule onto the ground, letting it blossom into a small flower which glowed a soft blue in the dark. "...some really intricate craftsmanship in these walls..." he murmured, moving closer to one to gently slip a finger into a fracture in the stonework. "...lots of good solid work. There's history here." He took in a slow breath, wincing a bit at the stale notes. "Mh. Alright, so what was this place, back in its heyday? Jedi temple? training facility? meditation... place?" It had been abandoned for a while, if the age of the erosion was any indication. Easily a good couple thousand years, probably.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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