Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Hiding in the Storm

Good Men Don't Need Rules


Location: Outside abandoned Zeffo Temple, Campsite
Weather: Constant Wind and Rain.
Objective: Figure out what is inside.

Having the strongest sense of Deja Vu to hit me as I stood there. Before a rather large elevator. The designs around the outside capsule were amazing. A sight to behold unlike any I had seen before. It reminded me greatly of the old texts from the Je'daii and Bendu Orders. Mysterious, ancient, and well beyond the time of my own. Yet, I could feel the force flowing through the planet. Slowly I was gaining a better hold over myself, and the force that I could control. While I have not been able to replicate what I did on the battlefield months ago, My connection to the force itself was bolstering. She had told me so. That was, before it all happened.

Closing my eyes, I clenched my fist hard. Choosing to breathe in and out through my nose evenly. Centering myself quickly. Finding myself as a "Calm within the storm." Much like how Master Jade had taught me. A simple lesson to center my thoughts on learning how to deflect blaster bolts, has had such a profound lesson upon me. Keeping my cool head, and a calm tone. It allowed me to concentrate when I otherwise would have failed. For the past couple times I have been around other Jedi, it seemed that I was starting to get a following. People who knew me, and joined me on whatever I happened to be doing. I felt like I owed them in some manner. However, that was to be discussed later. For now, I was here on Zeffo for this impromptu expedition.

I sent out a message to any Jedi or even light sided people who would be willing to aid me in finding out more of this Zeffo planet. One that had only recently been rediscovered having been lost off of the galactic maps for what seemed like forever. Likely lost during the Gulag plague that had struck so many. There was a small camp set up in front of the steps leading up to where I stood. this camp barely big enough for two people. Let alone any others who joined. Really, it was just a camp I had made for myself. Having trekked here after a day of finding my way here. Following, trusting within the force to guide me.

A small fire that had now gone completely out due to the wind and rain, colder than any Sith's heart. The tent being propped up and held together by all that I could. Propped up against one of the ruined pillars that may have been once an entrance path. Now, was open to the elements. Hearing ships overhead, I smiled. People would be joining me soon. Rushing down to the Camp, I eagerly grabbed a datapad, and began to go over the information I had collected one last time.

Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
The call had gone out. Aaran had answered. It was a no-brainer really. A fellow Jedi required aid. So the call would be answered. It was as simple as that. Only through unity would the light triumph. And so the coordinates were followed, the rediscovered planet had been found. And one rather wet Padawan was now wandering through the rain. Homing in on the signal that Kaleleon Kaleleon had been broadcasting to help bring others to him.

His robes drawn tightly around his chest. Aaran finally crested the hill and made his way along the entrance path. Not bothering to hide his bulky form. Clearly visible to Kale as he plodded along the entryway. "So tell me!" He called out, shouting over the wind. Announcing his presence to his fellow Padawan. "When does this stop being tomb robbing and start being archaeology?" He asked, his casual tone being a bright contrast to the gloomy weather. So determined was he to keep his own spirits up in the miserable weather.

"Aaran Tafo." He greeted, showing the symbol of his order on his shoulder. Announcing himself as a member of the Order of Silver Jedi. "Kale Seleare right?
Location: Outside abandoned Zeffo Temple, Campsite
Weather: Constant Wind and Rain.
Objective: Figure out what is inside.

Zeffo. He had heard of it, heard that it was at one point a world important to the Jedi... But hadn't been able to find an excuse to check it out until now. The Wardens of Light were hoping to check it out though, and after pledging to help them out, Josh couldn't resist the opportunity to see the planet for himself. It didn't take long after they arrived for him to feel the strong Force Presence radiating throughout the planet, and the Jedi Master closed his eyes, letting out an effort-able exhale as the ramp came down on the Maekrix. It seemed that a Padawan had found a purpose on the planet, and then had contacted other Jedi within the organization to aid him with his purpose.

The Jedi Master gingerly walked across the planet's surface, following the presence that he knew to be human until he came across a small camp. Curious, the Master would stride forward until he found the source of said presence.

"You are Padawan Seleare?" He inquired gently, tilting his head slightly as he then looked around the camp a moment. "Quite a small camp for a potentially large number. I have supplies on my ship, if you need them."
"Your Grace, we have arrived near the source of the transmission. We are coming to land near the temple complex as requested." Chika reported, eyeing Kimiko.

Said woman stood silently, eyes closed, and focused on the planet, the land, and specifically, the large buttress that was her target,"Thank you, Chika. One you touch down, set a guard. Though I doubt we'll need it." she had turned and issued the command to her crew. Chika bowed as a response.

Ki began to head towards the exit of the bridge, stopping abruptly and glancing over her shoulder,"Oh, and have Nozomi get ready as well. She'll come with me."

Outside abandoned Zeffo Temple, Campsite
Weather: Constant Wind and Rain
Objective: Figure out what is inside

The Cyaron nestled itself in the nook of a nearby hill, sheltered partially from the inclement weather. The ramp hissed and lowered once on the ground, and the occupants began descending,
"Your Grace, thank you for allowing me to accompany you. I look forward to this adventure and all the curiosities we'll discover." the mystic fox happily said as Ki came to an abrupt stop at the bottom of the ramp, surprising the other woman.

Ki pointed at the glow of a small fire, not far from their current location,"It appears as if we are not the first to arrive." she looked at her partner and nodded before making their way out into the storm.

Kaleleon Kaleleon Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor
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It was always interesting to see how the galaxy continued to change century after century, even with 50000 of recorded history new planets were constantly being discovered or in this case re-discovered after many many years. She had remembered this planet during the days of the old republic but had never personally visited, which was a shame considering what certain archaeologists had found on the world. Unfortunately other... matters had taken most of her attention during those days but in this current millennium nothing was stopping her from coming aside from not knowing where the planet was, time having once again taken the location of another world.

So combine with along with her recent occupation as a anthropologist h it was only natural for Elise's attention to be quickly caught by the message sent out. Technically speaking she was a Jedi in her youth even if that was many many years ago, with all the Jedi orders and former Jedi running around the galaxy her identity would be mostly safe. Not that is should matter, tis was to be a peaceful trip if the other Jedi present were the true peace keepers they constantly yapped on about.

She landed her humble shuttle not far from where the signal was coming from, making sure to have masked her dark side aura with a fake light one as she usually did when interacting with Jedi and other like them. Dressed in her ancient dark brown and cream robes the women slowly made her way towards the scent of three other people, an Atrisian styled umbrella keeping the downpour away from her body. Out of those present one seem slightly familiar, the one with the blonde hair and beard, if her memory served her correctly he was apart of the Silver Jedi, though the mans name eluded her. "Greetings, is it safe to assume this is the gathering spot for the archaeological mission"?

Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Kaleleon Kaleleon

Kestrel Dray

“Oooooh, nope!” Kestrel moaned, her breath catching in the middle of her throat. The wind ripped off the hood of her jacket, blowing it back from the crown of her midnight tresses the moment both feet stepped outside the now luxurious comforts of her ship. Arms immediately crossed over her chest, rubbing up and down her biceps and through the layers of her jacket and clothing as she made her trek to the beacon signal.

Ever since leaving Tattooine she had done plenty of traveling, her Master had made sure to see to that after he freed her from under Kolo’s oppressive thumb, but she couldn’t recall ever visiting anywhere as cold and windy as this. She could definitively say that she wasn’t a fan, but she hadn’t come for the weather, she was here for the expedition, to learn something about the Force and extend her understanding of it. Of course, Kes knew that seeking the knowledge and wisdom of the Force was not something that could ever be done in a single sitting or expedition, that was a task that some Jedi spent their entire lives dedicated to, only to find that the depths of its wells were yet to be even hinted at. It was a lifetime of searching.

With a huff, she hauled up to the gathering at a fair pace, well and truly soaked to the bone. “H-h-hey everyone,” she managed, struggling to keep her bottom lip that’d turned a shade more purple than pink, from trembling. “I’m K-kestrel,” she didn’t recognize any of the faces, but truth be told, she didn’t often work alongside others like this. It would be a refreshing change of pace. “Heard you could use a h-h-hand.” Frak it was cold!

Kaleleon Kaleleon , Elise Ike Elise Ike , Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou , Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor , Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Hearing a voice break over the storm, calling out to me, I turned around to see an armored Jedi. Clearly with the almost Clone Wars era styled armor. I brightened my face ever so slightly as I adjusted the hood on my poncho. Pulling it down so he could see my face. Letting the misty air smack my face and wet it. I chuckled at his comment about Tomb robbing and shook my head. Bowing my head in respect to another Jedi in my presence before looking at him once more.

"That depends on your narrative. I hope to gain knowledge rather than just scavenge."

As he introduced himself, even showing he was with the Silver Jedi, I nodded my head. I had worked with them many times in the past. Even fought for them. However, it seems that some of their leaders were.... not to my tastes or understanding. Hence why I tend to just help out rather than be a fully fledged member. Following in the footsteps of my master as I seemed to do. We were of a like mind.

"Yes, tis I. Thank you for coming."

Coming from my left I saw a slightly familiar face. Deja Vu. Dragonshield? Dragonsbreath? NO! Dragonsflame. He was a Jedi master who I had happened to barely work with when I was with the same Silver Jedi. Either way, I bowed to him in respect as well.

"I don't expect many to show up, but you are more than welcome to fill out what I have neglected. I got too focused on discovering the place, rather than preparing for future visits."

It was with that a ship landed down a whole heck of a lot closer than I anticipated. It seemed that they were exiting their ship. Bringing my hand up to my brow to prevent the wind from taking away my vision, I could see the clothing was rather regal, and very formal in design. I was unsure who they were, but they would be welcomed all the same.

It was when an Atrisian looking woman showed up with an umbrella. I smiled and bowed to her as well. Feeling the presence of the force within all of these individuals, most being well above my own. Only making start to doubt why I was leading this little group. Yet, I pushed it from my mind to address her.

"Yes, Kale Seleare Freelance Jedi. This is Josh Dragonsflame, and Aaran Tafo of the Silver Jedi Order. Thank you for coming."

However, what made me chuckle was that to my right another woman showed up. She was dressed in... strange clothing. Yet was covered for the weather. Barely getting out the words through the storm and the rain of a hello and her name of Kestrel. Even mentioning that she came to give a helping hand. Without even thinking, I made quick pace over to her and guided her towards the barely going fire. Facing her back to the wind so it could block the wind and rain against the fire.

"Warm up here. If you need anything warm let me know. Inside the temple it shouldn't be so windy. So we will be going as soon as this last people join us. The uh... names Kale. Yeah, the weather is not the best."

Turning to all of them, I had a small smile on my face as it seemed that there were more people showing up than I had expected. Turning to Dragonsflame, I nodded my head.

"If you could bring the supplies, that would be grand. Seems like we have people who have not dealt with this kind of weather before. Otherwise, all of us need to prep with any remaining gear into the temple. I have no clue what is inside, so climbing gear would be nice. I have three sets currently. And I have plenty of provisions."

Turning to the others as I spoke about the provisions.

"If you all have anything else you want to take with you, please do."

Kestrel Dray Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Elise Ike Elise Ike Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou
From the moment JJ stepped off his personal ship the wind and cold proved to be more than he anticipated. His body had become used to the humidity of Kashyyyk, and the jungles which littered the surface of the planet. The shadowlands in particular were a favored place for Judah to take solace and test his skill with the force. Such a dark and untamed place had become the one sanctuary Judah found to help calm his anxious mind and soul.

He simply needed to stay active.

Zeffo was different. Judah would find himself surrounded by what seemed like a peaceful calm despite the wind and rain of the planet. While there were creatures to concern himself with the, the Knight did not consider them near the threat that anything in the shadowland produced. Zeffo did not have giant spiders trying to kill him.

Green robes wrapped his body, brown boots covered his feet, and the single bladed hilt which he wielded hung at his waist. There was not much JJ needed by way of provisions, and as he approached to hear the red haired Padawan talk about the area, Judah set his eyes on a familiar face.

Kestrel Dray had not been seen since they parted ways after learning they shared a brother. She was supposed to have met him at the Life Day ball, but she had stood him up for some reason. Not that JJ blamed her, it was an awkward thing to reconcile the feelings their friendship produced along with the fact their parents had produced a child together before either of them had been born. This was not the mission to visit any of that, and at least they knew if needed they could work together. The rest of the team, JJ didn't know. He'd only seen Kaleleon Kaleleon once before, and the others beside he had never met. This was going to be interesting.

"Look what the Nexu drug in," JJ pressed into Kestrel's mind. It was simply his way of saying hello.

"Hey everyone, hope I'm not too late!"

Arrived in: The Scorched Earth

Wearing: Phyre's Armor

Armed with: Wind and Fire Wheels (Twin blue bladed lightsabers)

Syd had long sought to journey to Zeffo. Ever since she had heard about it. A strange world of long extinct Force Wielders capable of creating animated constructs to serve them and guard areas they considered precious.

This resonated with The Flame Geist, created from the torn apart remains of the pyrokinetic SithSpawn Darth Phyre, for though she was no longer that wretched, horrible beast, she was in many ways, just like those Zeffo Constructs.

She did not want to be a construct anymore. She wanted to be free. To be flesh, not living flame surrounded by a shell that resembled flesh with barely any ability to feel emotion. Perhaps studying any Zeffo Constructs she came across--working or not--would yield clues as to how to break or undo the magical enchantments permanently.

As such, she had sort of found a temporary workaround. Ironically (perhaps even horrifically) it was her Sith persona's personal body armor.

She had purified it, of course, ever since the initial discovery had accidentally transformed her temporarily back into Phyre. But because it had such an intense connection to her, purified or not, wearing it caused her to become temporarily organic.

Being human came with risks however, such as starting to gain her memories back, slowly but surely. She wasn't sure what would happen when they recovered fully. She would have to make a choice when they did.

She wasn't going to pick being Phyre again. What little she had already recovered told her Phyre had been a sociopath with a heart that thirsted only for cruelty and pain towards others, for its own sake. Phyre had been pure evil.

Syd was not certain what she was. Could one slay so many, even if it was now on the side of The Jedi Order now as opposed to before, and still be considered "good"? Was it just merely trading one type of victim for another?

Did she even deserve a chance at a normal life, or should she just keep fighting until she was inevitably slain, as before?

Syd had no answers as she stared at the white and gold chrome garment for a few seconds in her private chamber before slipping it on.

Her psychic bulged violently and rippled everywhere as living fire was replaced by internal organs, muscle, and bone and blood, before returning to normal, except her normally fiery orange shoulder length hair turned a deep, blood red.

Instantly the programming to serve the Jedi vanished. The urge to find and kill Dark Adepts ceased. Syd was effectively her own person, her emotions kicking in as she dropped to her knees. She was lucky they had given her some capacity to feel guilt when they recreated Phyre as The Geist. It was helping her deal with the walloping of it she was getting now.

Syd seized up, shaking on the floor as the memories of one of Phyre's many barbaric slaughters of Force Adepts played out. It was a camp of Jedi. Phyre had ambushed them, burning most alive, torturing and killing the rest in a ritualistic manner. It was the first time Phyre had used two lightsabers...

Darth Phyre smirked as she arranged the organs she had ripped from the corpses of her victims both old and young, live or dead, defiling them with ancient spells, the skins arranged ritualistically on the rocks around them, Most of the survivors were too wounded except for one or two, and she was saving them for when she wanted to humiliate more Jedi at the Lightsaber.

The organs writhed in the dirt of which their pentagram of blood had been created in. This ancient canyon they were in was a nexus she intended to corrupt in this one act of foul cruelty.

She was at the center of that pentagram, surrounded by kybers defiled with blood. Most had turned red. A few blues and green still held out.

Phyre smiled as she felt the two remaining Jedi slip their restraints, grabbing their lightsabers from a pile of them that she had dumped to one side with remains of their encampment. They had thought to ambush her but she had gotten the drop instead.

She reached for her weapon. A Split-Saber she had trained with for weeks before testing out here. It was a solid white hilt with two emitters. Its purple blades flashed on and she spun them as she turned to face her foes. One a muscular human with scars on his face, the other a padawan with black hair and pale skin, quaking with fury at what she had done to all his friends. This interested Phyre. Sometimes she slaughtered for slaughtering's sake and other times she corrupted. Phyre began to wonder if she could save The Padawan and purify him with the Darkness. She decided to give it a shot.

"I see one lesson was not enough..." she gloated, blinking moldy yellow eyes at their blue lightsabers. "Very well then! I'm a generous teacher."

The Padawan, predictably, gave a yell and struck first, leaping through the air for her head. Red lightning erupted from Phyre's mouth. Not strong enough to kill, but drive him over the edge with torment. The elder Jedi was on her seconds after striking at her with renewed vigor, seemingly determined to make up for the embarrassing fight he had put up the first time around. Phyre's double bladed form 2 was balletic, playful, almost, as she contemptuously dodged or parried his swipes. She had not budged, had not even moved from the center of the pentagram as he furiously attacked, increasingly sensing she was simply toying with him. He held nothing back any further, throwing all his energy and power into his Djem So. Meanwhile, the Padawan stirred.

Phyre waited until the Padawan began to rise, looking for an opening. As she fed on the growing, delicious despair within her opponent, the Dark Side guidedguided her to the right moment to snatch tragedy from the jaws of triumph.

As his attacks from over head finally became too much to withstand, Phyre acted, spitting her staff apart and perfectly deflecting his next attack with one blade, while severing his legs with the other. The Padawan shouted in anguish as the Jedi screamed, leaping in a desperate move to try and save his only surviving comrade.

Phyre caught him in mid air with a Force Choke, redirecting the blade aimed for her face into the head of the man whose legs she had just severed.

The Padawan stared in slack jawed shock as he felt the elder Jedi die by his own hand.

Phyre laughed cruelly. "He was weak. You need not be like him."

The enraged Padawan surprised Phyre with a quick spinning leap she barely escaped. Then came the vicious series of attacks from all sides, Phyre deflecting patiently as the boy's blows grew more and more furious.

"Such hatred! Yes! Only that can destroy me!" Phyre encouraged, retreating from his savage attacks. This one would make a fine acolyte.

Casually, Phyre pulled an elegant move with both her blades, recombining them into a staff, spinning out of the way of his next thrust and contemptuously destroying his blade.

"You are a failure..." she sneered. "They will never take you back now that you have tasted the darkness. I can teach you how to be strong as I am, so one day, you may be strong enough to finally slay me. There is nothing for you otherwise but a slow death." She finished, pointing one blade at him as he was on his knees.

"You must choose..." She laughed, delighting as he stared at her in pure fury, eyes going sulphur. She fed off his blossoming despair and self hatred. He would not replace her primary apprentice. This one would be something of a...side project.

"Excellent choice..." she said, helping him up.

"Now, prepare yourself. You must ritually consume the organs of your first Jedi Kill..."

Syd shot up in horror, aghast at the monstrous beast Phyre had been. This Cult she had run was filled with people as depraved as Phyre. Syd wasn't sorry to have butchered that freak's lackeys.

It was part of the consequences of wanting to be her own meant having to live with the things Phyre had done. It was one of the things that made Syd constantly question if it was worth it...

As much as moments like this were unpleasant, there were occasionally fringe benefits.

Something had returned. A fragment of knowledge.

Syd wanted to be as seperate from Phyre as possible, but that was a hopeless cause, as she had come from that monster. One monster repurposing the knowledge of another.

Syd would use the knowledge she gained to better ends this time. Or die trying. The latter looked very likely.

Syd took her blades to a work bench, working quietly in a moving meditation, trying to call on the Light as she did. When she was finished, she looked at how she had modified her blades...

(New Weapon Acquired!)

(Skill Re-Learned!)

Weapon: Wind and Fire Wheels (Split-Saber)

Double bladed saber capable of splitting into two lightsabers. A staple weapon of The Cult of The Brain Demon's Leader.

Skill: Double bladed Lightsabers

Ancient Discipline dating back to at least the War of Exar Kun, allowing wielding of staff type lightsabers. Every single Leader of the Cult Phyre founded was required to learn this discipline to ascend to the top rank.

They had been her tools, but they had never really been personalized. It was one way of reinterpreting her identity...while reminding her of her actions. The hilt was only slightly longer than an average single bladed hilt. Just enough for one hand to comfortable hold each half with two inches to spare. She snapped both ends on and previously sky blue blades shot out with a dark blue aura. She gave it an experimental spin and headed out of her ship towards the temple, shutting the blades off, and walking out of her vessel.

It was strange, feeling the rain on her face and not having it steam up. The sensations felt incredible. She controlled her emotions as she headed up to the campsite, ignoring the bizarre, unpleasant deja vu at approaching yet another camp of Jedi...their faces reflected against the skin tight suit as she floated towards them with the Force.

"The name is Celsius. Syd Celsius." She introduced herself.

(Clip of Bond Theme plays)

"So what do we need to know about this place before going in?" She asked everyone present.

Kaleleon Kaleleon , Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou , Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor , Kestrel Dray , Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo , Elise Ike Elise Ike
Stepping out into the cold, blowing wind and sideways rain of Zeffo only gave him the briefest of shudders after being sequestered in a ship in hyperspace, with its climate-controlled interior; in truth, Børre was of the frost: many generations had his kin lived betwixt the realms of forest and freeze on a world that neither welcomed them nor sought their expulsion, ancestors driven from the world they called home, from their mountainous domain, from the communion with other clans that they were uncertain still remained, under threat of extinction. Despite this centuries-long acclimatisation, this human skin afforded only so much protection from the bite of the frigid air, and so the thick cloak, a former tenant of the crook of his elbow, was swung about his shoulders over his other layers, and pulled to wrap about his broad frame, pinned in place, and his knapsack over that as he drew nearer to the gathering and the flickering light of fire, living on in spite of the weather.

He'd never heard of this place, but then there was so much he didn't know, when it came to the Jedi. When it had just been the singular concern about his own preternatural talents, he was deemed to have the fortitude and intellect to glean what he could from his clan's records about the spirit-given practices of old, and learn by trial and error, but as each of his younger brothers began to show the gift, it became more and more apparent that Børre wasn't getting far enough on his own to help them, and he petitioned to seek outside assistance. The clan, the pack, wasn't what you would call xenophobic, but rather... severely wary, particularly in the matter of humans with power... but those humans couldn't have been Jedi.

And so here he was, pursuing a strange call about a temple, for those of the light to come. He wasn't certain what he was yet, when it came to what they called the 'Force', but getting to know some of these Jedi in what was less than ideal conditions for the not-hardy, could tell him a lot that his physical senses and moderate amounts of reading would not. Upon adding himself to the group, as the supposed leader of this expedition finished speaking, Børre attempted a smile at what looked to be so many human faces, a fox girl, and a... Zeltron? He made a point of not staring. Some beings took exception to that.

He didn't get out much.

"Hello," he said, the word coming out almost like a statement, rather than a greeting; then, "I am Børre," the name rolling out of his mouth like you'd expect, "this is the Jedi expedition, yes?

His nose twitched. What it was that crawled into his nostrils and teased, he couldn't put a finger on. His brow creased; he feigned a violent sneeze.

Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
He craned his neck back. Feeling the blips of other Force Sensitives appear on his mental radar. Hands moving to the pockets of his robes. Aaran turned on his heel towards the other. Nodding his head politely to each of them as they appeared in the camp. "Master Dragonflame." Bowing once in greeting to the recognisable member of his order. "I'm glad to see another member of the Order here." He honestly was, more unfamiliar faces kept showing up. Far more than he was expecting.

A brief pang of social anxiety crept up his spine as the burly Padawan tried to retreat into the collar of his robe. Doing his best to remain unnoticed by the others until Kale mentioned supplies. At that, he placed a heavy shoulder bag that he had been carrying onto the ground. "Rope, pitons, spare rations, lights and a few cheap Holocams if anyone needs to document stuff.." He explained, leaving the bag open for a moment if anyone wished to take anything.

Turning his attention back to Kale. The Padawan asked his fellow a single question. "So. I'm not a history buff. Never did pay much attention in class. Whadda we know about the Zeffo and what can we expect in there?"
What started off as just a trio soon combination into quite the large gathering, most seemed to be orthodox Jedi, by how some members interacted a decent number of those present where from the Silver Jedi. TO be expected as they were the largest order around as of current time, it made sense they would have their fingers in almost every force related matter. The only one who didn't seem to fit was the assumed Zeltron women, clearly one unused to the extreme weather currently raging upon the world. "Has the use of Tapas fallen out of use among Jedi? or are you perhaps just ill experienced when it comes to these sort of expeditions"?

Elise would give a few moments if the women wanted to reply before her gaze returned to the group once more as the number of new comers started to slow down. The apparent leader, or caller greeting those who had come followed with a request of supplies each party brought with them, Elise rolling her eyes a little at the statement. What right minded person would come to this planet without and survival gear, no one would be that stupid.... right?

Things started off at the first of the arrivals giving a look at his stash, offering it to the others, it was simple but effective, in some regard Elise had to respect the mans forward thinking. Standing up she brought forward her own wheel container, opening it next to the Jedi's own supplies, "my items are mainly for scientific and surveying use, taking samples, safely securing artifacts, data pads, holo cams, and so forth, but I do have some medical supplies and rations". "I would prefer to handle these things myself but you are welcome to share the food if needed, I have alternative means for when I am hungry". "As for the history of this planet, I am familiar with the force sensitive natives and their crypts, their Tomb Guards from what I hear are quite the marvels, quite dangerous too I might add if records are to be accurate, best be cautious while we are here".

Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo @Borre Drage Syd Celsius Syd Celsius Judah Lesan Jr. Judah Lesan Jr. Kaleleon Kaleleon @Kestral Dray Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor
The little gathering grew quite unexpectedly, surprising the women, especially Ki. She did make her rounds in greeting enthusiastically, typically babbling on before even introducing her companion. The amount of Jedi here also surprised her somewhat, allowing her to relax in knowledge they were among friends and allies. Though not formally a Jedi herself, she had met and trained under several in her time and took a lot from their order's ways.

After making their rounds to her satisfaction, Nozomi stopped her,"Ki, as excited as I am to be here, and I can see you are as well, do you have any idea as to what and why such a gathering is taking place?" Ki answered with a shrug, before crossing her arms and looking over the gathered group,"To be honest, I do not have the slightest of clues. But it appears to be an expedition of sorts. Most of the gathered here are of the scholarly sort, and many mentioned having brought supplies fit only for such a mission." she tilted her head in the direction of Kale before continuing,"The young one there was the source of the message that brought us here, perhaps he is waiting for a sizeable group to accompany him to whatever-"

And sure enough as if to answer her own question, she was cut off by Kale himself addressed the group, asking them to prepare themselves to move to the temple complex. Ki and Nozomi shared a look before nodding and Ki piping up,"Excuse me, but would having a few extra hands help with the setup of the supplies?" she asked openly, intending to summon some of her guard for the task.

Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | @Borre Drage | Syd Celsius Syd Celsius | Judah Lesan Jr. Judah Lesan Jr. | Kaleleon Kaleleon | @Kestral Dray | Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Offering supplies, aiding hands, and more showed up. I was glad that everyone was here. I am more than thrilled to see that all have shown up. As well as some who I had met before. More over, I could see a distinct difference between all so many of these people. Different walks of life coming together. However, how it would end I was not sure. As some procured more supplies I turned to the most recent addition. A feline looking individual? I was not sure of their species. Having not seen them or their kind before. However, i welcomed it all the same.

"Yes, if you would like you may do so!"

Turning around to see others as they went about doing so, I reached to the com device on my hip. Turning it off as I felt any longer of a signal, would only attract more than just Jedi who wanted to help. Either way, this large of a group going into the Zeffo Temple might be a bit much. I had no clue how much weight this elevator would hold. Nor do I know what was at the end of it. Secondly, there were other entrances that could be explored as well. And so, i voiced it.

"Alright. Since it seems we have a bunch of people here already, lets get this started. I am thinking that splitting up and using the various entrances into this temple would be best. Mostly because I am not sure if all of them are connected to one another, or if there could be things laying in wait for us. "

Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor | Syd Celsius Syd Celsius | Judah Lesan Jr. Judah Lesan Jr. | Kestrel Dray |

Kestrel Dray

The redirection from Kale was welcomed, allowing him to guide her towards the fire that was still miraculously a-glow with leaping and dancing flames, though some of the heat seemed to be sucked into the frigid air before reaching her. She was born of desert sands; heat she could handle, but the cold made her grit her teeth. Thus, she scooted in a smidge closer, soaking in what she could, feeling the warmth already starting to spread. “I-I’ll m-manage until then,” she said, vivid cerise eyes smiling with gratitude towards Kale. “Thank y-you.”

Before the others arrived she could sense them, but there was one person in particular whose signature in the Force Kestrel recognized. Her gaze flickered in his direction, then quickly away, pushing back a coal strand of hair that stuck to her face after the wind broke it loose from her braid, proceeding to deposit the pack of supplies she’d brought along onto the ground. “I have some glow-rods, holorecorders, climbing synthrope, some commlinks, and a few bacta shots to be divied up.” she piped in, giving the bag a nudge with her foot, her voice notably evened out after having soaked up the fire’s warmth.

"Look what the Nexu drug in," Judah’s voice chimed in her head. “Glad to see you, too.” she projected in response, acknowledging him with a nod of her head and a half smile, but leaving it at that. That they were both here came as a surprise, but she wanted to avoid anything that could potentially be awkward, and awkward was a way of putting it lightly. Things were a mess with the family, and all of the other dynamics between them. Not something she wanted to dive into, especially now.

Her attention was then pulled to another, who proceeded to address her on the matter of Tapas. Kestrel just shrugged to try and roll with it, unsure what to make of the question. Was she plainly spoken, or plainly rude? “There are plenty who use it.” she said nonchalantly, “I’m just not one of them. Don’t see a need to learn something you can fix with a jacket or two… maybe three. Rather spend my time on other aspects of the Force.”

For the rest of the time she remained quiet, watching as more individuals trickled in and a sizable group began coming together. One in particular had an odd...familiarity to them, but she couldn’t quite place it, she was certain they’d never met before. It was going to bother her until she figured it out. Until her thoughts re-focused.

The who’d introduced himself as Kale, called for the expedition to get moving. “Sounds like a good plan,” Kestrel smiled, “We can certainly accomplish more that way. And like I said, I’ve got some commlinks. That should help us keep in touch. I guess the question now is, how do you want to divide the groups?”

Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor | Syd Celsius Syd Celsius | Judah Lesan Jr. Judah Lesan Jr. | Kaleleon Kaleleon | Børre Drage Børre Drage | Elise Ike Elise Ike
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"I'll scout ahead. Its not my first experience at dungeon crawling...word of warning, some times you might see symbols on the walls or floor in the really old ruins. Stay away from them. They're usually magical traps. I'll keep in contact."

With that, Syd flew to the temple entrance to look for what sort of security measures the Zeffo had in place. She came across an ancient stone door, covered in vines. Syd put a gold chrome covered hand on the door, sensing for magic. The Zeffo, however, did not seem to have any, at least at this particular entrance. Still, she sensed something...

Syd backed away, deciding to try telekinesis as an experiment. She felt its mechanism go upward as she concentrated, her flesh rippling across her whole body from the exertion as she stretched out her hand.

"Size matters not, size matters not..." Syd whispered.

Slowly, the mechanism began to move...

The door slid upward, clicking into place revealing an interior of bronze, with electric lights mounted on sconces attached to support pillars. Syd entered, hand holding her modified weapon, moving slowly and carefully. She stopped when she spotted the remains of what looked like one of the Zeffo constructs.

Curious...she had heard they were quite bulky. This one seemed skeletal, with a bronze shell covered in runes. Its core was exposed, revealing a large pink kyber stone, encased in inscribed metal bands.

A trained archeologist, Syd knew to be delicate when handling ancient machinery, and telekinesis slowly, carefully detached and unlocked its mountings, and floating the stone into her hand. She was more nervous than usual removing something so delicate, due to the suit allowing her to feel full emotion.

Her flesh, her very essence still enchanted, warped and distorted everywhere as it held the kyber stone to examine it. The stone contained great power, and it took Syd reciting an incantation to reset her flesh properly. But to actually feel her flesh react to magic for the first time was completely unsettling. She didn't mind how it squirmed on the bone, but the electric sensation through her muscles was unpleasant.

She set it aside, and examined what appeared to be its weapon, a now shattered, but long Force Pike. Syd retrieved its still intact energy cell and its still intact bronze blade.

Syd saw another door at the end of the chamber but she left it alone for now, flying out of the chamber and back to the others.

"One chamber clear. Found one of their guardian remains. It had this in its chest." Syd said, showing the strange stone.

"This was taken from what was left of its weapon..." She added showing its blade. "The chamber I opened seemed clear, but I'm not sure what destroyed the guardian..."

Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor , Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou , Elise Ike Elise Ike , Kaleleon Kaleleon , Judah Lesan Jr. Judah Lesan Jr. Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo


Name: ARC Trooper Spades
Objective: Find a Book
Location: Somewhere


Whatever it was, the sole reason why he wasn't on Bogo-Rai for the Campaign was of some asinine reason. Of course, Spades was highly experienced in field leadership but he was replaced by a good-for-nothing Clanker who took his spot. What reason of course? Oh yeah, the Autocrat felt like it. It was never his damned choice to go hooking around some buck-ass nowhere planet for some kind of dumb fetch quest. Was this Autocrat testing him? Or was she just trying to get him killed by goodie-two-shoes traitor Jedi because he picked up some dirt that happened to be a piece of sacred text. Oh no, She was sending him just to find a stupid book!

Of course, academics were never Spade's strong suit. That's what he made a great ARC Trooper so long ago. No he's a over glorified errand boy. Spades sat in the cockpit of his ARC-180 as the ship hilted through hyperspace. It was only a few seconds from where he was, until he arrived at bumfuck nowhere Zeffo of all places. He thought to himself.

"Okay, find book like good little Gundark, Bring back book, like good little Gundark."

He soon broke atmosphere of the ugly planet and gazed about the landscape as he allowed the ship to gun it into atmosphere. Boy, was this place ugly. It looked like someone just drained the life from its stupid ugly husk. Nevertheless, he soon landed upon a small rocky outcrop. Just a few hundred meters from where Kestrel Dray was standing among a group of odd looking fellows.

As Spades disembarked his ship, he had his Phase 1.5 Helmet braced his hip. Of course, he didn't choose to replace his kit with the Phase 2 helmet. Nevertheless, he placed it upon his head and lowered down the rangefinder. He'd survey the general area briefly, before catching sight with the small Campsite of Jedi were located. Of course, walking in there as if he owned the place would be suicide. All he knew about the Jedi, was that they betrayed the Republic somehow and these might be members of that traitor legion. He'd power down his ARC-180 and would leave his Astromech to sit tight. He'd soon make his way toward the outcrop's edge and would attempt to climb down it. Of course, he'd do so as fast as he could as the Darkness concealed his movements. But... could the Jedi sense his presence?

He'd make his way down the cliff face, and would walk along the brush. Making sure to not reveal himself as he approached. He came to around twenty meters from the campsite. He could see the Jedi talking and yet, he wouldn't say a word. Only reaching down to grab his DC-17 from its holster...

Syd Celsius Syd Celsius Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou Kaleleon Kaleleon Judah Lesan Jr. Judah Lesan Jr. Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
A short sigh escaped Elise's mouth as the newly arrived Syd took it upon herself to jump straight into things and scout ahead, well more running off on her own. It seemed very peculiar but who was she to judge, she may be many things by a hypocrite wasn't one of them... most of the time anyways. "Let us just hope she doesn't die while in their, or mess something up for us". With their expedition now seemingly underway Elise quickly packed her gear away for transport, slowly following the trail set by their "scout".

No sooner had she started walking did the women return blaring out a string of information quite suddenly, though it did get Elise thinking. "You found one already, and in the first room, hmm". That was either good of bad, good in that someone else may have removed some of the threat long ago, the bad, if they did alert the tomb guardians then there could still be a few rummaging around. Even still the stone presented was quite fascinating, "do you mind if I have a look at that"?

'Spades' Syd Celsius Syd Celsius Kestrel Dray Kaleleon Kaleleon Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
Syd handed Elise Ike Elise Ike the stone.

"There's a lot of magic in it, whatever it is. It reminds me of...of..."

Syd stopped. She recalled research on Synths, but it was not her who had done the research. Nor was it her who enjoyed the pain the fruits of that research had been inflicted on.

"It reminds me of research on using Synthetic lightsaber crystals to provide a power source to constructs. But that is clearly a kyber..." Syd trailed. "Its not it wasn't infused with the Dark...maybe its the occupant of the broken guardian I found?"

Syd's thoughts, however were focused on how Darth Phyre's memories seemed to bubble up out of nowhere the longer she had this suit on just to stay free of the mental programming she experienced as the Geist. She didn't want it all coming back too quickly. She needed time to adjust.

She focused on the task. "The blade looks like it was made yesterday...front chamber is in extremely good condition. We should be careful where we step and what we touch, even while looking out for threats..."

Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou

Kaleleon Kaleleon

Kestrel Dray


Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
"It looks like you didn't prepare for the turnout we have either" Josh pointed out. Not lecturing, just pointing out. Luckily he had. He had enough supplies for a full crew, and he didn't mind lending it to the group here since he could restock later, as well as re-use what he could once they were finished. So he was fine to get right to that.

Another would arrive and the Padawan would begin introductions, including of himself. Freelance Jedi? That was... Well, that was a title he wasn't sure how to comprehend. Like, he was a Jedi for Hire or something like that? Pay me credits and I'll route your darksiders for you on a grand crusade, or something like that? Typically people just introduced themselves by rank, or just as "Jedi", so the whole thing made him quirk a brow, tilt a head. But before long he just shrugged his shoulders at it. It was silly, but at this point, he just wanted to get to work. No time to dwell on these things, he supposed.

Bowing his head to the newcomer, he would begin to make his way back toward The Maekrix, doing another review of the camping and cold equipment they had here, and trying to accommodate for what they had as well as possible further turnout...

He stopped to nod his head toward Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo when acknowledged, smiling gently. "Good to see you as well" He spoke softly. As he would move to question Kale, Josh took that as opportunity to continue his trek. Before long, he had finished his calculations. He would radio his ship, and soon after a group of droids with move out and place the supplies down with Josh at the head.

With that finished, it seemed it was time for the expedition. He listened as the Padawan gave his briefing, splitting into groups to take different entrances to the temple. Another, Syd Celsius Syd Celsius wanted to scout ahead. He watched as the woman ran off, and closed his eyes as he did his best to sense her presence, quietly keeping tabs on the Knight.

It seemed she had discovered some things. He looked to Kale, then. It was best they began in earnest.

Elise Ike Elise Ike - Kaleleon Kaleleon - Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou - Kestrel Dray - 'Spades'

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