Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hiding Places

Cerys Dyn

"FIND HIM NOW!" Blasters were pulled from their holsters and small tanto like sticks held in their other hand. It caused quite the commotion in the hangar, catching wayward looks and nervous glances their way. At first you would think they lost some sort of powerful omniscient being that was going to be their ticket to a better life. "Where could he have gone?!"

"If you hadn't landed the shuttle so roughly we wouldn't be in this mess!" The trio were scrambling about as they met the people of Naboo's looks and they started to calm down, if they drew attention to themselves any more they might draw the attention of the local authorities or worse the Jedi that were stationed here.

"I'll stay near the ship, you two branch out and find him. He walks slow, he COULD NOT have gotten that far."

Nien was incredibly close by, ten to fifteen feet or so to be exact. He sat and leaned against the side of a cargo crate to catch his breath. The young creature wondered if this was going to be his day. Despite all things against him.

The young creature showed the smallest of smiles. It was a glimmer of hope that was in his small heart. While he wished no harm towards his captors, wished to escape them at all cost. Nien mustered his strength back to his small legs and peeked around the corner of the crate to see their locations. He would have no choice, he would have a make a break for it. The little one whimpered slightly as he moved back into cover as one of them turned his way.

Nien took off as fast as his little legs could carry him.

Which wasn't very fast.

If he could round that corner into the hallway, he could be free.

Cerys Dyn

Her master had sent her off on some Shiraya-forsaken assignment. There were no slaves on Naboo. The very thought of it was preposterous. Cerys did not know what Brandyn was so keen to send her on this many wild goose chases, but she guessed her job was just to do what she was told.

As she rounded the corner, there was a spike of emotions up ahead. Worry. Concern. Something lost. Cerys could feel people getting anxious enough to do something foolish. It was then that she noted the pulled blasters. "Well now...perhaps Brandyn was on to something..."

She stepped behind a nearby crate and could hear the subtle commands given by the thugs just on the other side. There was something they had lost alright. Cerys mouth smooshed up to the left as she thought about how to approach this.


Taking out the smaller of her sabers, she stepped around the corner slight and tossed the hilt across the pavement. It clattered and rattled across the concrete, drawing the attention of the thugs. "What is that thing...who is there...check it out..."

Cerys began to go around the opposite direction of the crate. She could hear one of the thugs calling out. " this a lightsaber? Show it to me..."

It was then that she snapped her fingers, and the blade ignited in the hands of the unseen thug. "ARGH! It is a lightsaber! There is a Jedi! Get them!"

Rounding the crate as some of the thugs did, Cerys encountered two that had not gone after her. They blasters were raised, and they fired. Her second blade ignited and she swatted several of their shots away. It was then she realised her mistake...she was surrounded.

Nien Nien
The sounds of blaster fire frightened the young Nien. A small hop in his step at the sound. They had caught him, his chance at freedom was gone. Then a strange sound filled the air, a high pitched noise almost. Nien could feel, someone else was there.


Someone was trying to help...

Nien whimpered slightly as he came to a slow stop just before he even made it to the hallway. He turned slowly on his tiny legs and there was a woman, she was surrounded by those that were after him. The young creatures lips trembled slightly before he moved forward a few steps.

The softest and sweetest of voices could be heard from the tiny creature.

"Wait...I am here." The saddest of expressions on his face. "Do her no harm." Nien would never forgive himself or live with himself if he ran now, not while someone was putting their life on the line for him.

"He's here!" One of the captors shouted while another moved towards Nien. The pair still had weapons drawn on Cerys Dyn

"What were you thinking?!" He shouted and he kicked Nien from behind.

The young creature fell forward, his small arms trying to break his fall but he didn't raise them in time. Nien held his cry as he glanced up to him, slowly rising to his feet.

"You have me, let her go." The soft voice speaking with a sense of desperation.

Nien then turned and locked eyes with Cerys, the rarest of smiles that the young creature could give.

"Thank you..."

Cerys Dyn

"The Jedi has seen too much. Kill her."

Cerys felt the presence of the thugs rounding the corner behind her. They fired on command and Cerys jumped, avoiding the shots and flipping back towards them. She spun slicing through one, and then the other blaster. The thugs looked at her wide eyed and decided they preferred life and limb over the credits they were being paid. They turned about and ran away as quickly as they could.

Blaster shots rung up from closer to the little green captive. One of them catching Cerys in the forearm. "Arh!" She yelled, clutching at her shoulder as her shorter blade disengaged.

"Unhand," she said, almost using her montrals to point towards the little green guy. She wasn't sure what it was exactly.

"They are under the protection of the Order of Shiraya...if you do not leave immediately...this place will be swarming with Jedi in a few moments..."

The three remaining thugs glanced at her. Their leader, and chief kicker of cute green things, sneered. "She's bluffing...kill her."

"But...boss...we can't kill a Jedi..."

"Fine...let me show you how it is done," he said as he stepped forward and pulled a vibrosword from his back. With blaster in one hand and vibrosword in the other, he charged Cerys using the blaster bolts to distract her as he closed the gap.

Swat. Swat. Swat. She batted aside shots from the blaster like they were arguments for why Jedi should get married. All the while she kept her eyes on the sword, and planted her feet so she could move either left or right in an instant.

Vibrosword clashed with lightsaber, and Cerys reignited her shoto blade to cut through the blaster. The exchange was short. With the leader of the thugs being no master with the blade. Cerys was able to bring her shoto back and slice the man's sword hand clean off. He screamed, stumbling back in panic laced with fury.

"You came for my life. I took your not push that mercy any further. I will protect this child...thing..."

Nien Nien

His dreams, hopes, bravery everything grew tenfold when she spoke. The biggest smile he could muster was directed at Cerys Dyn
She was willing to risk her life for him, a stranger. It was it this moment that he felt a bond with her form. Maybe it was the fact that he could feel the freedom and openness that he had been waiting for his entire life.

"Fine...let me show you how it is done,"

"You will not..." The young creature spoke, as he moved to Cerys's side as if he was going to grow seven more feet and defend her. Cerys was the true champion this day as she removed the captors hand and deliver to them an ultimatum.

"You came for my life. I took your not push that mercy any further. I will protect this child...thing..."

Nien had finally reached her side, standing just enough by her so he could reach out to hold the side of her leg. The young creature looked up to her and smiled again. "Thank you." He smiled his eyes full of hope and love at this moment. Nien's eyes then fell upon the captors as he spoke.

"Do not throw away your lives so rashly, leave."

"This isn't over!" The captor who lost his hand raise up his free hand the held the blaster pistol. "No!" Nien's small sweet voice cried out, instinctively his hands shot forwards as a small wave of unprecedented energy came from his hands knocking the captors back. It was then they scrambled about, getting back on their ship, just as a reinforced group of Shiraya Jedi entered the hangar. They were in their ships and they were gone.

Nien glanced as his hands before he maneuvered himself to look up to Cerys. "Incredibly brave you are. The best I have ever met." Nien reached for her hand as far as it would go and hoped she would reach for his.

"My friend, you always will be. What is your name? Nien, is mine."

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