The smells of different foods, and other strange things filled his nostrils, making them tinged by the sourness of them. Hooded so that nothing, but darkness showed on his face, and even if the hood was removed a mask came to defense.
He awaited in the darkest corners of Nar Shaddaa, here anyone could meet up, and be safe from unwanted prying eyes. Axis, or better known as Darth Inferno, had put his place contact up to his soon to be company. Why was this happening? It didn't matter.
Anything probably.
What mattered was that this went the way it should, a clean meeting, no fighting, no killing, well attempts to kill, and a partnership obtained. Darth Inferno awaited in an ally way, mainly because it was dark, and mainly because in here he could hardly be seen.
These things mattered to him a great deal. Having no real history, what mattered about Inferno was that was he a capable being of many things, and that he was a survivor.
[member="Darth Tsolan"]
He awaited in the darkest corners of Nar Shaddaa, here anyone could meet up, and be safe from unwanted prying eyes. Axis, or better known as Darth Inferno, had put his place contact up to his soon to be company. Why was this happening? It didn't matter.
Anything probably.
What mattered was that this went the way it should, a clean meeting, no fighting, no killing, well attempts to kill, and a partnership obtained. Darth Inferno awaited in an ally way, mainly because it was dark, and mainly because in here he could hardly be seen.
These things mattered to him a great deal. Having no real history, what mattered about Inferno was that was he a capable being of many things, and that he was a survivor.
[member="Darth Tsolan"]