K i n g

"SWTOR Grand Moff Kilran" @OfficialPSDS.com
Intent: To Create a uniform for the High Moff of the Bothawui Sector Image Source:
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: The Galactic EmpireModel: Dress Blacks
Affiliation: Adron Malvern
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Classification: Anti-BlasterWeight: 4Kg
Quality: 8
- Crushgaunts: The gauntlets of this uniform are modified in the same fashion as Mandalorian Crushgaunts. However, instead of being infused with smaller fibers of Beskar'gam, they were made with traces of Phrik, which was more easily supplied than the Mandalorian Iron. These Gauntlets are hard to destroy and improve the user's strength in his hands to the point where he can crush bone and even other metal.
- Mag-boots: The boots to this uniform are able to magnetize to any metallic surface.
- Data-Gauntlet: The Gauntlet worn on the right forearm, hosts a built in datapad capable of working as a mini-console, comlink, navigation system, and compartment for the Moff's code cylinder.
- Utility Belt: The belt issued with this uniform is used to host several different devices. Including, a blaster pistol, a small medpac, an independent comlink, and room for personal military equipment.
- Resistant: The Asheran Armorweave sewn into the uniform makes this Armor extremely resistant to blaster bolts and capable of surviving a few strikes from a lightsaber as well.
- Phrik Spaulder: The Spaulder that covers the top part of the wearer's shoulders is made from Phrik, keeping the shoulders and lower neck well protected from blasters as well as lightsabers.
- Augmented Gauntlets: The Crushgaunts installed with this armor grants the wearer an impressive amount of strength, capable of crushing metals and bone underneath it's pressure.
- Kinetic Damage: Because of using a weave in place of standard armor, the ability to resist kinetic damage is very low, offering nearly no protection except on the shoulders.
- Conductor: The Asheran Armor weave acts as a giant conductor, leaving the wearer very susceptible to electric charges and strikes.
- Slugs: Slugthrower projectiles can easily move through the fibers set in the Asheran weave, except for the Phrik spaulder the armor is very susceptible to projectiles.
Modeled after a uniform utilized during The Great Galactic War in the Old Republic Era, the High Moff of the Bothawui Sector was commissioned a unique Imperial Moff's uniform. Useful in the day to day duties of the Moff, as well as in the gritty world of combat, the uniform was made to protect the Moff in the harshest of situations. Made to be extremely resistant to blaster fire as well as slightly resistant to lightsabers it is ideal for a member of the Moff Council who may engage in combat. Though it offers no protection for the head it still leaves the user well defended. It was outfitted to supply the officer with the items needed to conduct his day to day duties as well.