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Highway to Hell [The Underground Mission-Feel free to hop in!]

Victor Thrash

Somewhere between Muunalist and Kalee

The Glaucus hissed, not a sound he made often, but it seemed that lately his exciting life of spice runs and gun running was a thing of the past. But a man needed to make credits somehow, right? Kicking his long legs off the dashboard of the ship, he stood up, picking up the datapad on the co-pilot's chair as he left the cockpit. Taking a long, slender finger he scrolled through the findings of his scans.

It was strange...This hyperlane was under construction, yet he had seen little to no patrols in the area for at least thirty six hours. Maybe he didn't understand how constructing a hyperlane worked. Hell, most people didn't. The Mara was the first to be created in centuries! He chalked it all up to a combination of good luck.

With the ship on autopilot, he trusted his crew of astromechs to keep the Avalon afloat. It was time for sleep. The door to his quarters slid open, he tossed the datapad on the plush bed with himself soon to follow. He didn't even bother taking off his coat or the holo navigation kit that had been plastered to his face for the last day and a half. His eyes closed, and he drifted off into a deep sleep.

Mission: Highway to Hell (time-sensitive)
Location: Part or all of the following route: Muunilinst to Kalee to Kad V to Esfandia to Sharb to Solovarna to Serpena to Dasid Anya
Objective: Reconnaissance of the under-construction hyperlane linking Mandalorian space to Fringe space through the Unknown Regions. This is a recon run, not a combat run; your priorities are getting good scans and staying ahead of the Fringe/Akure Executive Interstellar patrols, as well as the many threats of the Unknown Regions. If you play it quiet and get intel on the under-construction 'truck stops' and other waypoints along the way, that's also good.

Victor Thrash

It was a restless kind of sleep. The quiet hum of the ion engines did not quiet his fears, his uncertainties. As a smuggler Galen was used to flying known paths, whether they be known hyperlanes or known shortcuts through dangerous asteroid fields. There were few unknowns. This though? As the Avalon floated through space and made painstaking hyperspace jump after painstaking hyperspace jump, every second was a mystery.

His alarm beeped quietly, dragging the lanky being from his restless slumber. He had been dreaming of starweirds, one of the many enigmas of interstellar travel. Nobody knew why they attacked, what they were, or what they wanted, but stories traveled on the lips of "survivors", terrified and determined to never chase the stars again.

Drenched in a cold sweat he rose and made his way to the sanisteam, peeling away layers as he walked. It would clear his mind, get him ready for more long hours and another jump.
[member="Galen Arterius"]

Guwayne had to say. He picked the right ship. The only other soul on board had yet to discover him and navigating around the droids was a matter of memorizing their routines. The food wasn't as good as home, just some simple rations manufactured not to spoil and to maximize nutrients, but there were so much stored, he could take from the back of the stack without anyone noticing.

Guwayne sat in his little nook, behind a metal wall that could be removed easily. there were other nooks all over this ship, great for hiding, but some of them had things in them. He needed to make a ration run soon, as he only had half a bar left. He gathered up his worldly possessions, a pointy rock he dug from the soil back on Kuat before he snuck onto this ship, a coil of wire, and the half ration.

It's so boring out here. Let's liven things up. He thought as he carefully moved the metal panel back into place and climbed the walls. Droids seemed to have trouble looking up, so Guwayne preferred to stay as high as possible when moving about the ship.

Victor Thrash

The sanisteam had been a good choice, a grand one in fact. Air filled the two nostril slits on the Glaucus and entered his lungs. Upon exhaling all the strange feelings of fear and discomfort left him. Running a three fingered hand over his cranial crest the tall creature yawned and exited the refresher nude. It was his ship, no one else was around...Why else would he put on a towel or clothes?

His mandibles flapped in a Glaucus chuckle as he crossed the hall and into his room. Glaucus clothing was difficult to find to say the least, but they sure as Hell fit nicely on him. Pulling on his trousers and clipping his utility belt and holster on he took a walk down the halls of his ship. The Avalon. Years of hard work had made it into the ship it was today. Fastest ship in the sector he would tell employers, which was most likely true. With a .6 hyperdrive unmodified the only other thing that beat him out were the Silk freighters that used a .5 hyperdrive, but even with those ships, his sublight drives outclassed them by far if pushed to their limit. The tall man took pride in his girl.

Running a hand along the smuggler's hold along the wall he smiled a toothy smile to himself as he made his way to the mess for a snack before another long shift of scans and jumps.

[member="Guwayne Seedsow"]
Guwayne crawled along the exposed pipes, careful not to touch the ones he had memorized as too hot. He burned his hands one too many times in the months hiding on board to not have learned. The mess was down the hall and to left. If his timing were correct, he had about ten minutes before the captain did the same.

Ration bars, protien, sugar, and all the trace nutrients a boy could ask for. Tasted like chalk mixed with jerky and kerosine. The boy reached under and around the stack sitting in a cabinet to grab a couple, feeling for the block of wood he left there to make the pile look proper sized. He'd need to find another soon, turning it on it's long side just wasn't enough anymore.

Slowly, he stuffed the bars in the hem of his pants, carefully keeping the stack in perfect order. Footsteps echoed in the hall, but that was probably the android, making it's way to the engines for maintenance.

[member="Galen Arterius"]

Victor Thrash

As he neared the small mess hall a faint scratching sound whispered down the hall. A slender hand found its way down to the blaster on his waist and with a click it was set to stun. Inching slowly along the wall with his heavy blaster pistol at the ready his mind jumped back to his earlier nightmare. What could have gotten into his ship while in mid-flight?

He clenched his jaw in anticipation as the sound of something rummaging through his food stores became clearer and clearer. A shadow danced in the hallway as the light from the small mess hall distorted the truth. With a deep breath he rounded the corner, his weapon raised to fire and he scanned the room.

[member="Guwayne Seedsow"]

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