Jairus Starvald
~Kyrikal 17~
~Akure Executive Interstellar~
The Akure Executive Interstellar conglomerate was known throughout the Galaxy for a few values, and most of those values could be traced back to the ruthless nature of its original creator. In many ways Rave Merrill had been one hell of a woman, ambitious, not above getting her hands dirty when it was necessary, swift with her actions and utterly brilliant. Suffice to say that Ovrani had always been quite the fan of her and her work.
Ovmar had been a… friend of hers, even though the memories were a little bit scrambled here and there there was a clear feeling of trust, warmth and perhaps just a little bit of sorrow that came up whenever Merrill’s image flashed before his ghost eye.
Some things never changed.
They had been business associates, working together on many a thing and it all came together in the daring quest for the Orb of Passage. One of the most interesting artifacts which allowed… relativity to take control, one could say.
Irani wondered if Ovmar would have continued with the quest if he had known what Rave had been planning, erasing herself from this timeline. Not that it really mattered now, what was done had been done and there was no way back.
Carach himself was a regular in the corporation, serving as a consultant for the many alchemical projects it tried to accomplish in the wake of Rave’s disappearance.
They had others, of course. Verd, her first apprentice.
But few held the collective quantity of knowledge that he held in his mind. Velok, Je’gan, the Dark Lord and Monroe, Ordo, and so many others. So many.
Today, the Sith Lord walked into the Headquarters and was quickly approached by some assistants, signing papers here and there, projects that he worked on for Interstellar’s benefit.
There would be a long day of experimenting ahead of him.