Kami Meran
I am the sapper

Images: https://duckduckgo.com/2/c/Inner_Rim_planets?ia=list
Name: Hjarna
Region: inner rim Ossus sector
System: Hijarna ststem
Suns: 1 Hijar yellow sun
Orbital Position
Moons: 1 moon Hiji
System Features: is a single planet system
Coordinates: 13/ 11
Rotational Period:22 hours
Orbital Period: 363
Class: <Terrestrial or gas, with planets 10 times larger than Earth being giant>
Diameter: <NOT REQUIRED: Diameter at the equator. For reference, Earth is 12,756 km in diameter. Maximum allowable diameter for terrestrial planets is 20,000 km.>
Atmosphere: Type II biological contaminants in the air but it is breathable.
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: wasteland has water and can be reformed
Native Species: Unidentified Hijarna species Extinct.
Immigrated Species: Mixed
Primary Languages: Galactic Standard Basic
Government: Smuglers and Mandalorian
Population: 100+
Demonym: Mandalorian
Major Imports: Tech food water
Major Exports: Tech. Hijarna stone
Affiliation: Mandalorian Clans
Major Locations: Fortress of Hijarna
Hijarna fortress was a long lost fort that stood eons till its discovered by the Fifth alderanian expidition.
it was later used By Tallon Card as a smugglers meetup area. as yet it was lest forgotten till the Meran and Wilininea clan rediscovered it to set up operations in it.
Culture: none / Mandalorian
Technology: Both Meran and Wilimina clans are fairly sophisticated in both weaponry and vehicle construction
Hijarna was one a prosperous but technologically primitive planet until its encounter with the Infinite empire.
the natives to the planet resisted the Rakata and built the Fortress as a last lines of defense. only to be wiped out by a Biological weapon that is all but gone from the atmosphere.
currently the bioweapon has eaten it's self out and only creates a symptom akin to hay-fever if not treated it is assumed this can be reminded with atmosphere scrubbing,
the planet laid unhampered till the fifth Alderanian Expedition 100.000 years later.
ans even later Tallon Card used it as a randevuse point.
Notable PCs: Kami Meran and [member="Levy Willamina"]
Intent: To give Both Clan Wilimena And Meran a base home location and to get Hijarna on the map due to its Material being Chaos canon.
Type II (breath mask suggested due to bacterial