
NAME: Hila Varad
FACTION: The Mandalorian Enclave
RANK: Verd'ika
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 72 in./182 cm
WEIGHT: 173 lbs/78 kg
EYES: Green
SKIN: Fair Complexion
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Marksmanship: Hila is a competent marksman and can generally be relied on to land most of her shots.
Hand-to-Hand Expert: Hila, like her father, is highly skilled in close combat.
Tactlessness: Hila lacks diplomatic skills and more often than not fails to find a solution that does not involve violence of some kind.
Cynical: Hila is generally distrustful and suspicious toward non-Mandalorians.
Overconfidence: Hila gets into trouble with her belief that she is incapable of failure.
Tall, toned, and perpetually sour-faced, Hila Varad is a young Mandalorian warrior that dons purple, black, and white armor. She has freckles, and a slight crook to her nose after having had it broken several times as a child.
Hila Varad is a verd'ika of the clan Varad that has spent the past five years practicing her skills as a big game hunter across the galaxy after passing the verd'goten at the age of thirteen. Her training consisted of survival skills such as foraging and hunting, as well as crafting shelters and the maintenance of her equipment to keep things in top condition. Her mother saw to her marksmanship, while her father educated her in hand-to-hand combat, giving her a well-rounded set of skills as well as instilling traditional Mandalorian values into her.
On Corellia, Hila set herself up in the wilds to hunt down the Corellian Sand Panther as a measure of her skills in tracking and stalking. She spent two-weeks on the world becoming accustomed to the environment, searching for clues, and when the time came to strike she found the creature exactly where she had wanted it to be. One clean shot, and the beast was dropped that it would not suffer. Using her knife and cleaned and dressed the creature herself, taking car to skin the pelt off fully in tact to have a trophy crafted from the fur and hide.
Upon returning to Mandalore she regaled her family with the story of the hunt, bringing honor to herself and the clan. She presented necklace to her mother made of the beast's teeth, and a scrimshaw art piece in the skull that regarded the creature with respect as a worthy hunt to her father. Hila was proud of herself, her clan home, and her family. It was times like this she really relished and proved to be her primary choice of downtime between hunts to indulge in the closeness of family and home.
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