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Approved NPC Hildryn, The Red Lion

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  • Intent: To submit Jain's most powerful sister
  • Image Credit: X | X
  • Role: Serves as Jain's primary bodyguard, confident, and closest ally within the Giedfield family.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Jain, The Megalith | Kascalion Giedfield
  • Age: 34
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Hybrid - Human [Serennian] and Null
  • Appearance: A mountain of a woman standing 2.6 meters and weighing 195 kilograms of defined muscle, Hildryn appears more of a bull than a lion. Her hair is usually kept long and matted with dirt and blood of war, although she has been forced to sheer it short at times by her sisters. Her fingers are noticeably long, even for her size, and are frequently clenched into a fist or twirling one of her many weapons. However, perhaps her most noticeable trait is her set of piercing green eyes that almost glow in the dark and give no insight into emotion beyond the pre-existing standoffishness.
  • Name: Hildryn [Last Name Unknown]
  • Loyalties: Jain, Kascalion Giedfield
  • Wealth: While not individually wealthy, Hildryn does still fall into the "rich" category by way of the Giedfield family. Her access to the group funds, armory, library, and so on gives her a privilege of wealth many do not possess in the Galaxy. However, she often forgoes such a privilege for the sheer thrill of earning her keep and keeping her life simple, whereas her siblings are oft to choose the opposite.
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills: Trained exclusively in swordsmanship and beast handling, Hildryn is an expert in close quarters and mounted combat.
  • Personality: The Red Lion has thus far been characterized by her acute introversion that seems to only be broken by killing, and even then it is still present on an underlying degree. She will often avoid contact with anyone aside from her sisters, particularly Jain, and has reacted quite forcefully to pushed attempts of a conversation by others.
  • Weapon of Choice: Krath Blood Blade | Hands
  • Combat Function: The Red Lion serves as the primary guardian of her youngest sister, Jain, and thus is almost solely attached to her during any mission and even off-duty events. She is the first and last line of defense for the Megalith and will die on her sword before she sees her youngest kin harmed.

  • Heightened Physiology: By way of her hybrid nature and brutal training regime [and most likely genetic enhancements], the Red Lion has reached the physical peak of sentient non-Force Users around her size and can operate at full capacity for days with minimal rest. Her might and endurance has been frequently compared to that of a Mandallian Giant and has allowed her to even pull and lift vehicles with her bare hands and smash through concrete walls. Additionally, despite her weakness against armed Force Users, if drawn into a hand-to-hand bout with one, her arm and core power is great enough to control on a purely physical level and even come out victorious via a number of boxing strikes and the rare submission.
  • Sword Skills: While not skilled enough with swords to face off against a trained and lightsaber-armed Force User, Hildryn is more than capable of dealing with large groups of standard soldiers and can slay a dozen men before receiving a single wound.
  • Aggressively Anti-Social: For reasons tied to her upbringing in the Giedfield family, Hildryn is violently reserved and can barely form more than a three-word phrase in conversation. Her near-timidity is such that any save for her sisters and select members of the family attempting to communicate with her directly results in an emotional breakdown and fierce retaliation. This has proven troublesome in battles as she is oft to work alone and can never work explicitly with allied forces.
  • Stealth and Diversion: Naturally, stealth is the primary enemy of the Red Lion, which is ironically the favored mission strategy amongst her sisters due to the overall nature of the Giedfield family. This has resulted in her being forced into risky diversion roles which increases the chance of capture, maiming, or death.
Along with her three younger sisters, Hildryn's history is mired in assumptions, lock-ups, and deadly conspiracies. Very little is known due to the active blockades set in place by Kascalion Giedfield who acts as her ward and master. What is known is that the Red Lion claims to hail from Serenno along with her kin and lived in relative solitude compared to the others. Being the only hybrid in the family, she was treated by the planet's noble families with suspicion and even scorn as she was the product of unfaithfulness on her father's part, her mother being a Null wandering the stars looking to make a name for herself.

Because of this, she rarely left the family house and instead trained her martial skills, becoming terrifyingly developed for her age, and studied the history of her homeworld. That is, until the coming of the Devil who whisked her and her kin to his hidden worlds for training and his dark plans.

Available records on what occurred during the many years of training reveal that it was ruthless, extensive, and full of unethical genetic modification to produce semi-natural physiology on a peak-level. The results were all seemingly different between these four individuals, with Hildryn coming out as the strongest and most resilient, although her temperament and social skills further devolved into that of a perpetual loner with disruptive anxiety.

While it has improved in recent times, the Red Lion's reactions to communication, verbal or physical, outside of her kin, and the Devil, are now usually fearful and violent and result in grievous injuries to the involved parties. What exactly caused her to develop this trait is unknown, but is believed by her kin and those who know of the modifications to have been a specific event during those years.

Regardless, her ability in combat, which appears to alleviate the pain of her condition, is uncontestable and she has served as the guardian of her youngest sister admirably and ruthlessly.
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Hello, my name is Judah Lesan and I am here to review your submission!

For full transparency since I am still training this will require a secondary approval before this submission is finished with the review process.

SO let me say I love the concept here. Your template is on point, and your links check out! Overall this submission is very well done and ready to go!


Zak Dymo
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