Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hiram Vindictae.

Name: Hiram Vindictae

Faction: None.

Rank: None.

Species: Human.

Age: 46.

Sex: Male.

Height: 5'7.

Weight: 118 lbs.

Eyes: Blue.

Hair: Black with splotches of grey.

Skin: Caucasian.

Force sensitive: Yes.


Strengths and weaknesses:

+Duelist. He is skilled with a lightsaber.

+Agile. Quite agile.

-Bent on revenge.

-Berserker. He will throw himself into battle with little regard for safety.

Appearance: A medium sized male with a small, black goatee. Several scars can be seen across his face.

Possessions: Simple slugthrower revolver, lightsaber.

Biography: Born on Correlia, Hiram noticed his force sensitivity at an incredibly young age. Despite accepting and recognizing his ability to use the force, Hiram never pursued a life as a Jedi or Sith. Being born into a wealthy family, Hiram was capable of attending a university, studying galactic religion and the force. He managed to earn a living as a simple merchant, but soon found himself involved in activities such as bounty hunting. (WIP)


Kills: None yet.

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