Citrus Dreams
It was a Cantina, the usual sounds, smells and sights were available to taken in by any patron that dared wander inside. The sound of a band playing nearly muffled by the fact most of the aliens present were intoxicated during the twilight hours of this establishment. It smelt of cheap booze, smoke and a smoldering piece of rubble that most likely came from the scorched part of the wall that seemed to be made by a blaster bolt. It did look somewhat respectable however, or did at least once. The furniture seems to of once been nice enough, though now it appears to be showing signs of wear and tear. The bartender was some strange blue creature, tall and skinny. Behind him was the real spectacle. An exotic and equally deadly looking eel like animal in a restrictive tank, many had their attention focused on - and some even paid attention to the screens that showed recent events.Fett was present, in a corner booth he sat alone. As expected he was fully armored, head-to-toe. He sat with his back against the wall, looking towards the center of the room as his legs were resting on one of the seats alongside him. His right index finger swirled around the rim of an empty glass. One would assume that it was once his. He sat there, waiting.