Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hiring Beast Trainers

Mrrew sat in his little office, within the large freighter that served as the Headquarters of the Beast Hunter's Guild. He was dressde in a ill fitting black suit, with a matching white and black tie, and sitting uncomfortably in his overlarge chair as he watched the door. He'd been working on expanding the Guild, lately, in order to train and sell train beasts, rather then just capture them. To do that, he'd need beast tamers. He had placed ads on the holonet, and hung up posters at a few choice planets, alerting them to call the Gulid, and arrange a meeting. Now... he was meeting those who wanted the job. He didn't like his chances of finding a decent beast master. He'd met three people already, and Bob told him that many more were waiting. So far he'd met an Ashmatic Gungan who claimed to have a circus of stone mites... no. Then a human man with makeup and black nails that claimed to be a stage magician and Nexu trainer. ... No. Then, worst of all, a very, very, very, old Wookiee with a 'talking' Tach. No. The Togorian sighed, and leaned forwards on his desk, causing a tearing sound to split the quiet of the room as the back of his suit tore. He really did hope to find some decent beast trainers...
Bob, the tall EMBU battle droid, stepped into his office, droning in his robotic voice.

"Your next apointment is ready. May I kill it, sir?"

Mrrew shook his head and sighed, gesturing for the droid to bring him in. This one took the cake. A very, very, very tiny Hutt riding an Akk dog sqeezed into his office, leaving Mrrew amazed.


The Hutt yelled in a very high pitched and shrill voice. "I have come for the job!"

Mrrew just stared at the tiny Hutt with his jaw open, while the Akk dog looked around stupidly. If I live to be a thousand years old.... Mrrew slowly slid his face into his left hand, sighing loudly. "Bob.... I changed my mind."
Soon, Shrimpo was out of his office, and Bob returned, droning in his metallic voice.

"The next apointment is ready, sir. Should I send him in?"

Mrrew briefly considered jumping out a viewport, but nodded. The droid left, and a moment later three people walked in. The first of which was a fox-like sentient that carried himself with an air of minor importance, wearing a set of scruffy clothes. Behind him came a short little Ewok- he reconized the species from a training exercise he hosted on Endor- and a tall human covered in multi-colored tatoos. The bald anhd dark skinned human quickly moved to the right side of the door, and the Ewok pulled himself up onto one of the two chairs across from Mrrew, while the Fox-like being lowered himself carefully on to the other. Mrrew raised his eyebrows as the fox-like alien watched the Togorian for a moment, before speaking. "My name is Fossbon. And I've come for the job."
Mrrew glanced between the three sentients that had walked into the room, as Fossbon continued to speak.

"I am more then qualified. I bred Narglatches on Naboo, trained rancors on Dathomir, sold Tuk'atas on Korriban, the list goes on. And by the look of my 'competition'..."

The Amaran looked disdainfully back at the door.

"I doubt that... I won't be hired."

Mrrew frowned. He didn't neecisarily disagree... After a moment, the Togorian glanced over to the Ewok, then to the tall man near the door.

"And your partners? What are their qualifications?"

The tall man glanced at Mrrew and grunted, before looking to Fossbon, who responded.

"Tom worked for a cicrus on Corellia. He is a skilled beast tamer, and trainer, as well."

Fossbon smiled and turned tothe small Ewok sitting next to him. Before he even got the chance to open hi smouth, the Ewok spoke up. Well... he made noises anyway. A sound somewhere in between a cricket chirping and a bird clucking sounded from his mouth, and the Ewok nodded several times.

"Cricket... dosen't talk."

Mrre wfrowned, and blinked several times at the Ewok, before turning to Fossbon.

"But what does he do?"

In response to that, Cricket quickly pulled a datapad out of the small pack on his back, and held it up to Mrrew. Several images flipped over it, one of the Ewok riding a Boar-wolf, another of him sitting on a Gorax's head, and a third of him playing feth with a Rancor. Yes, he played fetch with a Rancor. Mrrew stared for a moment at the last picture, before looking up to Fossbon.

"You're hired."
The Amaran slowly stood from his chair, smiling, while the Ewok chirped exciteedly.

Mrrew glanced at Cricket for a moment, before looking back to Fossbon. "Obviously, the facility is not yet finished, so we aren't quite ready for your services, yet. This gives you time to get ready, get everything in order, et cetera. You will be contacted, and be invited to the facility once it's finished. Obviously, you will recieve your own office there, as well as acess to the small dormitories that'll be constructed." He glanced at the human, and Cricket, then to the Amaran again. "As will your... assistants." Tom grunted at that, but Fossbon only smiled.

"We look forward to your call."
While Fossbon and his crew made their way to the door, Bob walked back into the office.

"You have one more apointment, sir. He's demanding to see you. Should I dispose of him?"

Mrrew glanced at Cricket as he left at the tail end of the group, before looking back to Bob.

"I've already found my new employees... Go tell him he's not needed."

Bob nodded, and spun around before marhching out of the office. Mrrew smiled. Now that he'd found his new empolyees, it would be all the faster until he unveiled the new oppurtunities for the Beast Hunter's Guild. He still couldn't believe that his guild had gotten this far. It's first location, other then the Headquarter's ship, would be a major milestone in the growth of the Guild. After that, who knows what could happen? Well, he did. And he had a lot of plans. He was certainly looking forward to expanding the Guild further- so many oppurtunities would present themselves-- The Togorian was torn out of his thoughts as the door bust open, and a very tall Herglic barged in, adorned with a massive eyepatch.

The Togorian frowned while the raging Herglic stomped to his desk, and slammed both fists onto it- cracking the wooden surface.


The Herglic screamed in Mrrew's face, his eye twitching rapidly. It was fairly obvious he was on something.


Mrrew watched calmly as the Herglic continued ranting, screaming about biasness and prejudice against Herglics. Meanwhile, the Togorian slowly reac hed for the heavy blaster pistol that hung off his belt. The Herglic just kept raging.


With that, the Herglic swung a fist towards Mrrew's mouth, which he eaisly dodged. In response, the Togorian swiftly raised his blaster pistol, firing at point blank to the Herglic's shoulder. It hit. The whale-like alien screamed at the top of his lungs and stumbled back, cursing with every word in the dictionary of Basic.


The raging whale was cut off as Bob knocked him upside the back of his head with one of the chairs outside Mrrew's office. The drugged out Herglic fell to the ground rapidly afterwards. Mrrew sighed, and slowly dropped his pistol back into his belt.

"Don't they have prisons for people like that?"
After the Herglic was gone, Mrrew pulled out his datapad. He'd best check up on his new empolyees- make sure he wasn't doing anything he'd regret.... he wouldn't want to accidently hire somebody like the one he'd just expirienced. First, he searched 'Fossbon'.

Results came quickly.

He was slightly suprised to see that the Amaran's credentials checked out completely. Records from all over the galaxy poured in. An awartd won on Genosis for taming a vicious Acklay that was harming the Genosonians, which he later sold. Esteemed work on training and breeding Rancors... he even ran a small shop on Correllia in dealing exotic pets, for awhile. That was something the Guild could expand into... After a few more minutes of searching, The Togorian closed down the search.

Now, to search for this Tom Mott. After a bit more searching then he had to do for the Amaran, he found some information. A rancor tamer in a Circus basedx on Correllia... He was able to teach a Rancor how to roll over, play dead, and sing. Interesting. After a few more mintues of reading, Mrrew set down the datapad. He didnt plan on looking for Cricket, he doubted there woudl be any records. Besides, he was sure that this group was legitimate. He wondered how the construction was going...

As if on queue, his comlink rang.
He set the comlink on the table, and pressed a button, summoning a hologram into life. A green skinned Rodian appeared in view, smililng wide.

"Construction is going great!"

The Hologram's view wideneed somehwat, to show the landscape behind the Rodian. A forest clearing with the occasional massive pine tree growing out from the tall grasses showed. In the clearing, were dozens upon dozens of worker droids. Mrrew smiled. The droids he'd bought from Cestus Cybernetics were split into three groups. The smallest of the groups were working on cutting down and hauling away the huge trees that stood in the clearing, and near it's edges. The second group were working on ferrying large amounts of supplies from a series of freighters towards the third and largest group; which were building the facility Mrrew had planned. One of the foundations had already been set, a huge slab of duracrete that spread across the clearing. The Togorian smiled.

Not long ago, he'd met with an old human man that he'd met back during his time on Kashyyyk. In fact, he was the man that owned the hunting outpost Mrrew had lived and worked at before leaving the Wookiee planet. He had heard that the man had aquired some land on the Wookiee moon of Alaris prime, and was fast to arrange a meeting with him. He wans't much interested in keeping the land, and it wasn't hard for Mrrew to aquire it. And that's how this project begun.

Since then, he'd hired a Rodian contracter, named Plebz, to begin construction... He was extremely happy to see that all was going well, and the small army of droids he'd purchased to build were running well.

"Contact me when you have more to report." Mrrew nodded with a smile, before the Rodian replied.

"Yes sir!"

And the hologram winked out.
Mrrew stashed the comlink bakc onto one fo the many pockets of his belt, and stood, quickly shedding the cheesy black suit he wore. Once construction was done of the facility, the first major expansion of the Beast Hunter's Guild would begin... As far as he knew, no other galaxy-spanning company sold trained animals. Which meant no competition. Which meant he was sure to make millions upon millions of credits. He knew force users could tame animals- but so few of them were actually willing to sell the trained animals. Or train them for the variety of tasks Mrrew had in mind. Wh owouldn't wnat a rancor as a war mount, or a Aak dog as a guard animal?

A lot of money was to be made.

The Togorian smiled as he stepped out of his little office. A lot of work was to be done, though, as well.
He was just about to head into the office but came to a sudden halt once [member="Mrrew"] had exited. He stopped adjusting his current uniform...which in reality was just a trench coat over a ripped-up shirt with a filthy tie on it. "Uh-excuse me?" He took a quick glance at Mrrew before gripping onto the cigar that rested on his lips and inhaling the smoke. "The name is Blu, you put up a few adds?" He asked, his words slurred due to the cigar. "You see, I ain't exactly a...trainer but I can work with something. I mean, I'm an exterminator, I've stopped Coruscani Ogers, Hawk-Bat infestations, whatever. The real question is, how much will I be paid and when?".
Mrrew's eyes slowly lowered to the Devronian. He could have sworn he told Bob to kick the rest of them out... The Togorian sighed. The man obviously wasn't qualified... But hey, if you can take out a Coruscanti Ogre then why not? He was sure Fossbon and his crew could use some bait for the animals, or something... and if [member="Basark Blu"] turned out to be good he could always use him as a hunter. He really didn't have enough energy left in him after interviewing a tiny hutt and a giant herglic to resist.

The Togorian waved an arm dismissively.

"Sure, sure, you'e got the job..."
"......Really? Sure and you see, the real strength...comes in good 'ol Betty right 'ere", With that, Basark reached into his trench coat and removed a rather over-sized slugthrower revolver. "It certainly comes in handy". He quickly holstered the weapon once more before blowing out another ring of smoke. He let out a cough, staring at @Mrrew. "Now tell me, what do I need to ki-....I mean...whatever I'll be doing".

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