Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hishamori Hashama

Name: Hishamori Hashama
Faction: New Republic
Rank: Staff SGT
Species: Human
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 200 pounds
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Dark golden brown
Skin: Pale
Force Sensitive: No
Strength: Hishamori despite how she looks has great strength, and it's proven from her easily being able to lug around heavy equipment/weapons and not show any real sign of strain from it. This also makes her able to overwhelm opponents in spars and or in close quarters combat, able to overpower them and force them into a defensive posture.
Training: Hishamori has trained extensively and is quite skilled with heavy weapons and normal blasters, and has some command training though Hish has very little experience in actually commanding a real squad.
Combat experience: Rather extensive in some areas, completely lacking in others. She's good at being what she is, a soldier who will follow commands and do her best to blow the enemy to kingdom come;however, her ability to properly lead is lacking, mainly due to lack of proper experience and the fact she is as blunt as a hammer. In other words while she can probably motivate her troops to take the objective no problem, they'll probably curse a storm while they do it.
Wanted to be an Engineer: This is quite an issue that is both sympathetic and rather frustrating at the same time. Hish had originally set out to become a full fledged engineer doing who knows what somewhere in this vast galaxy. Sadly circumstances and personal tragedies saw that dream go up in flames. Now she is a great engineer no question, could have even built star ships had it not been for the horrible crap that happened to her, but it's these very experiences that make her a pretty good soldier and also the reason she's such a hard ass. Sometimes i wonder what the "could have been" for this woman, and it's safe to say that I wish the times were different.
Is utter crap at being social: Do i even need to go into this? ugh okay. So to put it simply, she is as blunt as a hammer. Not even kidding, she will says what's on her mind more often then not and does not really seem to care if she comes off as an a****** or not. She has her moments sure, but more often then not she's almost in some ways a robot in how she deals with people, and honestly it's hard to tell if that's a good thing or a really bad sign.
Mentally Scared: I don't think i need to explain this too much, basically this woman has seen the utter deeps of hell, somehow survived by sheer dumb luck, and now can barely sleep at night without some night terrors rearing their bloody ugly heads on this poor woman. Truthfully if you want the whole story of what happened you're better off asking her.
Shy's away from being in command: This one of most frustrating aspects of this woman, honestly, she's so intelligible, a keen tactical mind, a decent strategist, can even motivate some scared out of his bloody mind rookie into doing something worthy of respect. Yet she hates it, or not say hates it as more just avoids it like the plague. She really does not enjoy being the person making the hard choices, nor the one actually motivating the troop, or being the one who has command of their own squad. I swear if it wasn't for this crippling issue she has being responsible for other soldiers this woman would be a full on LT right now, instead of a sergeant. But she chooses this instead to not take the initiative, and reach her full potential.... It's saddening to say the least.

Appearance: Hishamori is... Attractive to say the least... honestly she's extremely attractive, like it's really hard to put into words just how this woman is, busty as hell, it's amazing she can actually fit into her uniform or armor at times.. ah right shouldn't be making those comments. Well she's tall, standing at i believe 6 ft, weighing roughly 200 pounds, aged 25, rather young but she has this look of age to her as well. It's hard to explain she looks youthful but at the same time old, kind of like how some of our vets look coming back from some missions. The way they just age before your eyes is how she sometimes looks. Moving on from that she wears the standard armor and uniform, has no real personal objects except for what's issued and that's it. and oh right brown hair and brown eyes. Not too important but might as well cover all the bases eh?
Biography: .....Not really sure how I should write this, truth be told Hishamori has not been very forthcoming to just what her story is overall. Sure we know she was born on the old capital of the republic, before you know everything going up in flames basically. Was rather wealthy rather interestingly, her family were mainly merchants and some career soldiers ended up quite well off due to their success and proper managing of money. One of the reasons she wanted to get into engineering really, ships fascinated her, same as robots, speeders, tanks, etc etc.

Basically she wanted to make a career out of it. Her parents supported her completely, same with the rest of her family. She went to some academy on coruscant to become one, got pretty high grades, hell even got her full masters degree at the tender age of 20. Pretty impressive though like i said her family was pretty well off, so they could afford some of the more expensive classes, that "helped" with her getting that degree a bit more quickly than normal. However just as it looked like this would be pretty good life for her, the war happened. And just like many other things that went up in flames during the war, so did Hishamori's dreams and family. I've tried to get the story of what happen to her family, and truthfully the most i got out of her was "Some died as heroes, the rest were just slaughtered like cattle" pretty gruesome if you tell me, i can only assume her family members that were dedicated career soldiers all died in the war in someway somewhere, and the rest.... well what i was able to dig up is that her family was out in the outer colonies at the time, seeing about getting some trade deals renewed and maybe even forge new ones, she was with them as she had just finished the academy, so could join them on the trip as a kind of bonding time and celebrate her graduating. Well while they celebrated they got attacked by pirates, due to the war pirates got bolder and more willing to attack merchant ships for profit. Well sadly her family's ship just so happen to be the prize for that day. To make a long story short, they got boarded, they fought back, lost and were going to be sold as slaves.

Hish got the worst of it i believe, she clamps up every time i try to talk to her about it, either guilt of living or... well worse really. maybe even both. What i do know is Hish somehow escaped and ended up blowing up the pirate ship, and everyone on board. Her family was already dead from what she told me, truthfully... She probably only says that to help justify blowing up the ship and killing everyone on board. Now i can't for say for sure what happened as she just refuses to talk about it, or at the very least says as little as possible. What i do know is that whatever happened made her into the person she is now. A solider for the New republic, nothing more, nothing less. And truthfully that's probably the only really important factor here, she wants to fight, and honestly i doubt anyone can stop her. As for why she wanted to join us, well some sentimental value really, the galactic republic is what she grew up with, so that's what she wants to fight for. The hope that the republic will one day come back.

To be continued...
Ship: Has her families ships still, a YT1400 not the most fancy of models, but it gets the job done and Hish loves that ship. The fact it's been heavily modified to be used in military ops has probably something to do with it.
Kills: None
Bounties collected: None
Role Plays: None yet.

Hello everyone, I joined this site quite a few years ago and was pumping to diving into this sites lore and rps. Sadly life decided to rear it's head and i honestly forgot about this site which is considering quite sad since i'd have had a lot of fun. Well i'm back now and hope to have tons of fun with you guys.

Also i hope you like with i did with this character, I changed her quite a bit to what she used to be and i think she's more.... real? I'm not entirely sure to be honest, you guys can judge for yourself, let me know if you think anything is off or need more explaining.

Side note: i am trying to be quite vague in some parts, as i think the best way to fully develop and realize this character to leave her mainly blank. While she does have some characteristics, that make her well her, it's not so much that i can't develop her even further. Like listed in her weaknesses she's got some real issues, so it will hopefully be interesting in resolving them through stories made her on the site.
Hello to anyone who sees this, As stated in my post i was here then i wasn't here, and i'd like to possibly get probably into this site like i had originally planned. So this post purpose is to bring this old thread back to the front and allow people to see this. I hope you enjoy and if you have any comments be sure to leave them here or pm me. whatever works.
Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
Welcome back, and thanks for sharing a well thought-out, deeply troubled character. I hope you get back into the swing of things, ASAP. Don't let life get you down, and don't fall into corruption out there, no matter what.

Morality Through Escapism, Imagination Through Worldbuilding, fellow Nerd.
Thanks :D


I'll do my best and i looked forward to any rps we do!

[member=Harley Fenstermacher]

Thank you as well, and you right she is old, been updated and improved but indeed a very old character. Look forward to rping with ya. :)

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