Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character HIT² - Twice the Pain, Double the Heartbreak

Vengeful Martial Artist


[Image Credit: Hatsumi Sen]

Height182 cm
Weight80 kg
Force SensitiveTrue


Hit is an imposing and rugged man. His hair is dark, long and frayed at the ends, with hints of silver produced from the stress of constant combat. He is generally seen in brown rags or a large poncho. His arms and legs are covered in scars, and his ears are swollen from damage.


"A man only needs the clothes on his back and a dream."


Hit is relaxed and brandishes a quick wit. While he is devoted to his pilgrimage of combat, he appreciates the little things about life along the way. Sometimes his actions portray him as dim-witted or clumsy at times, but this is only a mask for the wealth of wisdom hidden in his mind.


1: Hit is a master of hand-to-hand combat, having developed his own brand of empty handed lightsaber combat called "Zero Hand". This fighting style was adapted from the basics of Form I lightsaber combat.

The philosophy behind "Zero Hand" is inspired by the basics of Form I lightsaber combat - in which the style uses simple techniques at maximum efficiency. The arms are held straight up across the head to parry and anticipate attacks while the lower body concentrates on mobile footwork to adapt to distance changes. The style focuses on hand-centric forms of attack and versatile techniques, such as stand-up grappling throws and whip-like strikes aiming for the neck, head and other vulnerable locations. Real-world influences are a combination of Boxing, Greco-Roman Wrestling, Judo and Sanda.

2: Hit uses his specific force talents to enhance his spatial awareness and perception in the midst of combat. He can move fluidly while fighting, segueing into combinations and parries as easily as breathing. He uses the force to increase the longevity of his flow state, making him unrelenting and laser focused in a fight.


1: Hit is a homeless bum. Despite his inherited good looks, nothing can dispel the fact that he wears shredded brown rags for clothing and neglects proper hygiene. He is poor, and generally relies on underground fighting gigs to buy his bread. He is prone to burning bridges, and doesn't keep many people close to him.

2: Due to an oath made in his past, Hit is only able to use his fists in combat and neglects the use of a lightsaber. He relies on dodging and quick footwork to evade lethal attacks.


Hit (known as Hit "Squared" in underworld fighting rings) is a former Jedi who taught a small school of Padawans the art of lightsaber combat. His allegiance once belonged to a Jedi Master named "Ruth Da'gur". All of them inhabited a human colony among the Outer Rim Territories living in relative peace.

Hit eventually discovered a terrifying truth about his home and his master. The community he lived in was in reality a "ritual commune" - a place created by The Collective to create the perfect soldiers through process of elimination. With the discovery being made, the commune was due to be "cleansed". After a violent duel between Hit and Ruth following a massacre of the colony, Ruth was left without his hands, and he absconded from the planet. This left Hit with an insatiable desire to find Ruth Da'gur, and to destroy everything The Collective stood for.

Hit put down his lightsaber, vowing to never brandish a weapon inherited from evil ideals. He now roams the universe looking for Ruth and The Collective in its entirety.
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