Runi Verin
Two pounds shy of a bomb.
Corusca Sector; Coruscant
The Slippery Nerf Cantina
Level 1216
[member="Azula Yeshevsky"]
Coruscant. It was easy to see why the sprawling ecumenopolis was once the shining jewel in the crown of the Republic and the core worlds. Not even the presence of the Sith empire could rob it of its former glory, readily apparent by the gleaming duracrete spires that stretched out as far as the eye could see. Truly a testament to both the architectural prowess and the unrivalled affluence that the former galactic centre once, and perhaps to a degree still did, possessed. Of course, the veneer began to chip once you dropped below the first hundred or so levels, revealing the twisted and misshapen core that was the planet’s true form.
Down here, amongst the perpetual twilight created by the shadows of those same gleaming spires, life was a very much different game of sabacc. A game where the buy in was cheap, but the stakes infinitely high in comparison to the meagre pot you came away with. If you came away at all. Even before the Sith broke the back of the Republic, countless sentients had ventured to the galactic centre each year looking for their fortune, only to instead find themselves sinking further and further into its seemingly bottomless depths. The strong managed to survive living off the scraps that filtered down from above, etching out a meagre existence well beyond the protection of the world’s security forces, while the weak found themselves gradually disappearing, falling victim to the incessant dangers that lurked in the shadows of the Undercity. Like its twisted parody, Nar Shaddaa, crime was the only thing that seemed to truly flourish at this level.
Fortunately, however, unlike the Smuggler’s moon, the Coruscanti underworld had no real dominant power since the empire had rolled into town, making it an opportunist paradise for the more independent minded criminals and factions. That single saving grace of a fact was one of the few things that could tempt Runi to venture this far from the Outer-Rim territories that she usually worked. Although, as she sat across from the scarred face Devaronian that Dasooga had sent her to meet, she was seriously starting to rethink that choice.
The thing leered, its greasy lips curling back to reveal the sea of broken and stained teeth of a pyrepenol addict. “Twenty thousand,” He spat, jabbing a clawed finger her way. “And not a single credit more. Even then I am cutting my own throat, yes? You take.”
“Twenty?” Ru repeated flatly, her face doing little to discard the disbelief that colored her words in the face of the man’s attempt to rob her blind. Either born out of simple greed or the pyrepenol finally rotting what little brain cells the Devaronian had left, the salvager-cum-smuggler honestly couldn’t tell any more. “The agreed price was thirty, Dakko. I didn’t haul it through Sith and Republic lines for twenty thousand. You know Dasooga won’t take any less than that.”
“This my problem, cheeka?” The creature now identified as Dakko let fly a laugh at his own joke, one that broke the realms of both shrill and piercing with equal measure. "I deal with kajidics long before Sith crawl out of shadows. Before your mother deem it prudent to uncross her legs and grozit you out. I think I be doing so long after you have faded from memory. Take twenty and be glad of generosity. I will not offer it aga―”
Before Ru knew it, her cybernetic fist had slammed down on the table with a hefty crunch of splintered wood, causing Dakko to flinch and the men behind him to reach for their weapons. She paid them no heed, eyes squarely boring into the horned hut’uun before her, anger singing a war song through her veins. “Ne shab’rud’ni, Dakko” She ground out between clenched teeth, her native accent shining through. “If you don’t want to trade, fine. I’m sure your brother would be more welcoming. I hear he at least puts on a meal before trying to feth you over. Give me the thirty thou or I walk.”
There was a pregnant pause as her words sunk in, Dakko watching her intently for several long heart beats before he let loose another laugh, one just as grating as the first. “Ahh, such fire, little girl. If I was not married, eh?” He slapped the table again appreciatively, the bells on his horns jangling softly as he shook his head. Not even once did that sick smile fade from his face, not even when he waved his men forward with a flick of his wrist. “A counter proposal, yes? I take the cargo, free of charge. You? You we dump in the undercity, let Cthons eat flesh and gnaw bones. Tell Dasooga you double cross, steal his shipment and escape. All round better plan, yes?”
‘No, not really,’ Ru thought absently to herself, her hand already straying towards the blaster on her hip, a futile gesture in the grand scheme of things. The men behind Dakko were at least a second or two ahead of her in that regard, already moving to draw bead on her before her hand had even touched the weathered butt of her pistol. That was about the time the world promptly went to hell.