
Image Source: Deviantart
Name: Hitodama-class Grenade
Intent: Creation of a standard-issue grenade for the Inari Shogunate, as well as develop another production staple for the Izanami Ironworks.
Development Thread: Bang Bang.
Manufacturer: Izanami Ironworks
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Inari Shogunate
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
- External Alusteel Plating
- Thermite and Axidite Inner Shell
- Highly Pressurized, Solid Tibanna Core
- Electronic Magnets
Size: Handheld
Length: 9.0 cm
Weight: 0.6 kg
Effective Range:
- Throwing Range: 30 m
- Blast Radius: 12 m
- Electronic Magnets: Can be attached magnetically to metallic objects
+ Ignites into extremely hot flames when reaching the atmosphere, high anti-personnel capacity
+ Capable of melting the heavy armors
- Less effective in anaerobic (6 m blast radius) or low-oxygen conditions (9 m blast radius)
Quality: 2
Production Cost: 125 credits
- Material Cost: 50 credits
- Manufacturing Cost: 50 credits
- Labor Cost: 10 credits
- Assembly Cost: 15 credits
Created and manufactured solely by Izanami Ironworks, the Hitodama-class Grenade is an extremely brutal anti-personnel grenade created for the Inari Shogunate, utilized to completely decimate ground forces with a simple toss.
The Hitodama-class Grenade is essentially a plasma grenade, with the additional elements of a thermal detonator by incorporating a precise blend of thermite and axidite in the inner shell, which exponentially increase the blast radius and intensity of the explosion of baradium in traditional thermal detonators, essentially serving as the explosive's propellant. However, in the Hitodama-class Grenade, the highly pressurized tibanna gas core of the grenade is exponentially expanded, increasing the lethality and blast radius of the grenade. Unlike traditional plasma grenades which produce a reddish flame, the flames of the Hitodama-class Grenade have much greater energy and emit an ominous blue flame that engulfs opponents and land alike.
The Hitodama-class Grenade's further capabilities also allow for the plasma grenade to be even more effective against armored targets. Not only does the superheated, ionized gas add additional ion energy damage to both sentient beings and droids, but also, allows for the plasma grenade to essentially melt through the heavy armors common to infantry of the Era of Chaos.
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