Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: Draelvasier | Rakvul
Type: Communication
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: N/A
Size: N/A





  • Unlike most Mind Stones, the Hive Shard is created through a similar process that creates the much larger Hive Stones comprising the entire Hivemind network that all stones use. The control that a hive stone exerts over others in the network extends to the individual shards. It gives owners a degree of control, increased precision, and greater clarity. It gives wielders the ability to suppress individual stones from the network, single out individual stones for private communication.
  • Hive Shards deepen the security & complexity of the communication network all Draelvasier utilize. It allows the wielder to detect unwanted intrusions, by picking up on unique telepathic signatures. In effect, to a Hive Shard non-Draelvasier users stand out. The wielder can effectively suppress or lock them out of the network.
  • When combined with Telecrystalline, the power of the shards magnifies immensely. It vastly increases the range, effectiveness, as well as allowing these stones to act as independent networks. If a hive stone were to be destroyed, the wielders of shards would effectively create their own limited network, ensuring communication isn't disrupted on the battlefield among all forces. The more shards there are, the stronger the network becomes.
  • The abilities of a Hive Shard vary greatly depending on the individual rank of the Draelvasier. In effect, a higher ranked Draelvasier has greater control over those beneath him, but not those above him.

  • Increased Control, Precision, Clarity & Effectiveness
  • Expands Security & Monitoring Ability of the Network
  • Act as Mobile, Independent Networks.
  • Variable Control Depends on Status

  • Still Accessible by Strong Enough Telepaths
  • Drael Error. Reliability and Use Depend on User

The communications network used by the Draelvasier was truly unique, unlike anything ever seen.

Through the development of Mind Stones, it created a telepathic network unifying all forces. It ensured as the Bryn'adul Empire rapidly expanded, drowning entire worlds in fire that they remained connected. Hive Stones would create the network known as a Hivemind, that connected all Mind Stones. This gave the Draelvasier the ability to communicate in a way that most species couldn't intrude upon, or even comprehend. In many ways it offered them greater clarity to directly transmit thoughts, feelings, and more to one another. For a time, this proved extremely effective.
Until the war turned swiftly against them pulling the Empire down from all sides. A weakness rapidly revealed itself when worlds fell, ships burned that saw Hive Stones destroyed. What resulted was a crippling disruption of the entire communications network. This left all forces greatly disorganized, disoriented by the devastating loss and in many cases this breakdown of order often resulted in lost battles. For Rakvul the Darkener, Warlord of the Bryn'adul Empire this was a weakness they could no longer afford. The Warlord actively searched for some way, any way to remedy such a glaring weakness.
The answer would come when the Bryn'adul swept over the Sith Empire in a tide of savagery. They shattered the nation, breaking it apart and leaving worlds once controlled to the mercy of their new alien masters. Through this great victory, the Warlord came into possession of a special crystal material utilized by the Sith known as Telecrystalline. The crystal had great telepathic properties that could not be ignored. When he had the material tested in labs, the results were far greater than expected. Through exhaustive efforts of Rakvul and various scientists, and warlocks, they were able to reverse engineer the alchemical process that forged it.
That was when the true work began.
In order to improve the network, a new form of stone needed to be created. Rakvul forged a new mind stone out of the same process utilized to create a Hive Stone, albeit in a much smaller size it wouldn't normally have been effective given how small the stone was. It was during this process that he infused the stone with telecrystalline. Due to the unique makeup of telecrystalline, the two perfectly bonded. The resulting stone was unlike anything ever seen before, with abilities far greater than he'd anticipated. But there was so much they didn't understand about this new process, the ratio of mind stone to telecrystalline.
So, the new stone underwent an exhaustive testing process. They carefully analyzed the ratio and determined that the power of each stone expanded depending on how much telecrystalline was introduced. In addition, the telecrystalline allowed each stone to act as its own independent network, albeit not as large as the original. After numerous tests it revealed that when a Hive Stone was destroyed, the disruption to communications were minimal. The more of this new creation there was they actually bonded together to increase the strength of the network. The benefits a wielder had over the network far outpaced even the greatest users of simple mind stones. It was quickly clear to the Warlord that these would be perfect in the hands of those in positions of leadership. After all the tests proved successful, Rakvul christened the new stones Hive Shards.
Unfortunately, they would never see widespread use. The Bryn'adul Empire fell, collapsing under the combined efforts of galactic nations. Now finding himself under control of his own fiefdom the Bryn'adul Remnant, Rakvul continued to develop the Hive Shards approving them for use across the entirety of all Remnant forces. It wouldn't be until his reunion with Tathra Khaeus, and his introduction to the Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate that he would share this new creation with all.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new form of Mind Stone for ranking Draelvasier PC's and NPCs.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Model: Hive Shard
Modular: No
Material: Mind Stone Telecrystalline
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