Orion Darkstar
The Rising Star
Greetings and Salutations! I am new to this site, although I've been on other boards in the past. To break the ice, I'm just going to say that Sith are without a doubt the greatest galactic threat ever created. So go George! On that note, I look forward to advancing my character and potentially my writing. I am open to great criticism from other great writers, seriously IT HELPS! Huge fan of Darth Plagueis, The Wise. Jedi are cool, I guess, Haha. Love the Kotor 1 & 2 games, in my opinion it was last great Star Wars game to come out. Other than that, I hope you all enjoy my company.
Remember Han Shot first!
Wishing You All the best,
~Kevros Kovani~
Remember Han Shot first!
Wishing You All the best,
~Kevros Kovani~