Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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HK - 5543

HK - 5543

HK-Series Droid
NAME: HK - 5543

FACTION: Not affiliated

RANK: Assassin Droid

SPECIES: Droid (HK - 50 model)

AGE: Unknown; over several thousands of years.

SEX: None (Masculine Programming)

HEIGHT: 5'9" or 1.8 meters

WEIGHT: Unknown

EYES: Yellow-Gold

HAIR: Droid

SKIN: A rusted, formerly silver chassis.



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Sharpshooter: HK - 5543 was programmed for one purpose, firing a blaster. It can do that without fail, few targets can avoid it, and few more can beat it.
Programmed Pilot: HK - 5543 was programmed to work independently of its controller, and is therefore capable of flying most one-man space craft, and combat other vessels.
Physically Daunting: HK - 5543 is a droid, and is programmed to be efficient in nearly all forms of combat, that includes hand-to-hand.

​Sociopathic Tendencies: Due to its aged programming, HK - 5543 savors in the action of killing, be it senseless slaughter, or calculated assassinations.
Droid: As a droid, EMP or electricity based weapons can and will severely damage it.
Violence first; talk never: HK - 5543 was programmed to kill, not debate and talk. If you wish for there to be survivors, don't send it off on its own.

HK - 5543 has a silver chassis, at least, that may have been what it once was. Time had left the droid rusted and in tatters, but no less dangerous.

HK - 5543 was built shortly after the Jedi Civil War, but for what purpose it does not know, as that memory had been wiped after that assignment. The last assignment it had was hunting down what was believed to be the last of the Jedi, but their own assassin droid got the better of it. HK - 5543 was abandoned, and believed destroyed, for thousands of years before uncovered by scavengers and reactivated. With no master, and no direction, it awaits the day it can finally do what it was programmed for again, murder... No, murder is too pedestrian a word, wanton slaughter.





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