Name: HK-99
Species: HK Series Assassin Droid
Gender: Male Personality
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 160 Ibs
Age: 200 Years Old
Color: Gold & Grey
Force Sensitive: No
Homeworld: Lotho Minor
HK-99 was a HK Series Assassin Droid repaired by the Junker Species on Lotho Minor. Intended to serve as a Bodyguard for the Junkers while they salvaged across the landscape. While traveling across Lotho Minor, HK-99 would become more self aware due to his advanced programming and begin to develop a single minded mission that droids should be given their own nation separated from humanoids due to being treated as second-class citizens. HK-99 would begin installing sentient programming into other junk droids and droids stranded on the planet and creating his own "Droid Empire" which soon spread across the landscape. This rather rapid expansion was a cause for concern to the Junkers who repaired him.
HK-99 would declare himself "Emperor of Lotho Minor" and launch a deadly war against the Junkers for control over the world. The Junkers turned towards the Galactic Alliance for assistance against this new droid uprising. Sending a small task force of jedi from the New Jedi Order to infiltrate the droid's fortress and end him once and for all. The Jedi Strike Team accomplished their goal after a pitched battle which saw him almost destroyed.
The New Jedi Order would leave the broken droid to the Junker Species until a Cirme Lord called Juggo purchased the droid to serve as his Majordomo and Palace Spokesman. Being repaired and given new functions which made him far superior to his old form. HK-99 would serve faithfully as the Majordomo for Juggo until his old programming resurfaced and he ended his master once and for all. He sought vengeance against those who had overthrown him on Lotho Minor.
Eventually landing himself a job as an Enforcer within the Hutt Space Consortium
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