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Approved Tech HK-Series 379

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  • Manufacturer: Angel Arms
  • Affiliation: Angel Arms
  • Market Status: Open Market
  • Model: HK-Series
  • Modularity: Yes, it can carry and used unusually sized weapons if programmed. Axes, blaster cannons, ect.
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Suprasteel
  • Personality Matrix, along with processors all around, allows them to have unique personalities. Reflecting on the Metal Lords of the Voids philosophy of free will amongst all droids while having the ability to furfill programming.
  • Coded with the Cowboy Bucker AI Virus, making any attempt to hack into it an annoyance as it can try to infect the person attempting to already infect it as a backup measure.
  • Has a bit of HK-Series coding still in use, its personality being a bit jarring while having its common phrases still intact.
  • Adaptable with most technology and adaptable to using its environment to destroy the nearest object.
  • Its feet also double as two thrusters, allowing it to jump in short hops over some obstacles and with some charge up, can go up a three story building.
  • COME HERE BUG!: It has a lot of weapons to say the least and that is without adapting. It could rip apart a tree to use as a hammer if it sees it needs a different kind of firepower. With a variety of firepower, it can easily overcome most obstacles in its path.
  • Defiant Statement: You Cannot Harm Me!: It is hard to dent and blasters seem to bounce off of it. With its ion shielding done rather well, it can take a beating unlike most droids of its kind.
  • I Believe I Can STOMP!: It can actually jump with thrusters, making it difficult to get away from.
  • Argumentive: Why is it always Lightsabers?!: Safe to say, it can be cut through within a few strikes rather easily. While it can fight Force Users, it is not generally designed to keep fighting them.
  • I Am, the Craw!: It cannot pick up normal objects easily, having no general fingers, it generally has to pick up large sticks to whack people with or use a very large weapon designed for it.
  • Statement: You are an Annoyance!: Safe to say, it is not a people person and will rub people the wrong way.
No one knew how these started nor began, but Angelus Hafey decided one day to kickstart an old project of the Metal Lords of the Void. Enter the HK-379, a strange set of droids that were not even heard of until the last few years. Designed as a prototype run, it was pushed out rather rapidly as a new "species" of droid so to speak, having factories create their own kind that is considerably easy to maintain. While some can lay claim to them, a majority seem to almost be a free roaming set of droids, given directives and spread around the Galaxy. While they carry the mantle and knowledge of an HK-Series model, it is rather more bulky than ones before it.
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