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The Basic Info
Name: Hlim'izun'sittur (goes by Izun)
Name: Hlim'izun'sittur (goes by Izun)
Species: Chiss
Age: Not dead
Gender: Male
Force Sensitive: Nope
Faction: Kur's Dozen
Occupation/Specialty: Assassination/Sniper/Close Combat
Close Combat: Years of training and not dying in the field have led Izun to have an extensive mastery in the field of close combat. He can expertly use most weapons or items on hand in a fight, preferring to improvise on the job.
Infiltration/Slicing: Izun had a talent for disappearing when he wants to. He can hide in plain sight if the need suits him, or near perfectly don a disguise and join the enemy. He also has a knack for getting through most locked doors, physically or technologically trying yo deny him entry.
Strategist: From his years in the military, Izun has developed a strong grasp of tactics and strategy. All his plans have contingencies and secondary options, and almost every possible action his target can try and use to escape has been prepared for.
Age: Not dead
Gender: Male
Force Sensitive: Nope
Faction: Kur's Dozen
Occupation/Specialty: Assassination/Sniper/Close Combat
Close Combat: Years of training and not dying in the field have led Izun to have an extensive mastery in the field of close combat. He can expertly use most weapons or items on hand in a fight, preferring to improvise on the job.
Infiltration/Slicing: Izun had a talent for disappearing when he wants to. He can hide in plain sight if the need suits him, or near perfectly don a disguise and join the enemy. He also has a knack for getting through most locked doors, physically or technologically trying yo deny him entry.
Strategist: From his years in the military, Izun has developed a strong grasp of tactics and strategy. All his plans have contingencies and secondary options, and almost every possible action his target can try and use to escape has been prepared for.
Paranoid: With his past, and the fear of being constantly hunted down by his own people, Izun has become slightly paranoid. He does not trust others, and tends to work alone. Given his current affiliation, this is a very dangerous thing. He lays plans within plans in case something goes wrong, often over complicating matters.
Perfectionist: Izun has everything lain out in a perfect plan long before he is even on the same planet as his target. Everything is perfectly timed, coordinated, and put into action. The moment something deviates from its assigned tasks or goals, Izun begins to become erratic. He will lash out to try his best to complete his objectives with whats left of his plan, but does not do well in on the fly decisions. The body count when things like this happen is extremely high.
Izun was born to a low-level family within the Chiss Ascendancy. He joined the military as soon as he could, wanting to get away from his past. He became a heavy weapon and long range weaponry within the Fleet, rising through the ranks for many years until eventually being recruited by Chiss Spec-Ops. From them, he learned infiltration, disguise, strategy, and assassination techniques. His career was cut short when he took it upon himself to eradicate an entire Chiss bloodline who were known traitors, but their political power prevented action against them.
On the run, Izun put his training and expertise to become a small-time assassin in the outer rim. He wracked up a long list of confirmed kills, with a history of avoiding unnecessary casualties. One day, while killing a corrupt planetary governor, Izun came across a message left for him. While strangling the Rodian, he quickly read through the message. It was an invitation to join a small mercenary group. He completed the mission at hand, and with authorities still struggling to catch him, fled the system to join this group.
2x Light Shield Gauntlets