Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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News HNN News - Stories Wanted!

Holly Starstorm is a reporter for HNN. Here are some of her previous works: 1 , 2 , 3

I am open to posting more news articles for anybody who wants HNN to report!

  • You must type up the news story so I can copy and paste it as Holly. Respond to this thread with your summaries, paragraphs, or whatever. I will not write them for you.
  • I will format them into Holly's template
  • Remember HNN is an unbiased news source. We report the facts as they happen. We do not publish war propoganda or faction slander.
  • HNN can report news on any faction or character
  • Holly reserves the right to refuse a report if she feels it is not in her best career interest
  • Holly reserves the right to edit stories submitted (without changing facts) so they fit the HNN business model.

I look forward to reporting your stories in this galaxy far far away!
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In Umbris Potestas Est
Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm

Ord Mantell has been transformed from a planetary scrapheap and wasteland to a paradise planet ripe for tourism, courtesy of the Dark Empire. Aggressive terraforming efforts were put into play after the planet's conquest by its new ruler, perennial Sith Lord and corporate titan Vanessa Vantai, transforming the boneyards of dead starships, smog, and acid lakes into viable land filled with crops, factory space, tourist attractions, and gambling of all types. Infrastructure development worth trillions of credits throughout the Bright Jewel system has resulted in quadrillions of credits yet gained through exports of foodstuffs, power cells, alloys and minerals, and even more exotic goods in question. Vantai, when asked to give a statement, said, "I'm glad the planet's better for everyone living here, but I genuinely don't understand why the Alliance controlled this world for literal decades and never took the time to try and actually make it a better place for their so-called citizenry. At least the people here know that their taxes actually went towards making the world better for all of them - and as the Empire acquires more worlds, I intend very much to repeat this process on more decaying and underdeveloped worlds so they may be wonderful places to live, visit, and do business in."

Vantai had previously done such as a member of the Brotherhood of the Maw, curiously restoring the worlds of Kinoss and Ool to their former states prior to their devastation while she was a part of the galactic power as a warlord.
Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm

The Atrisian Commonwealth has reached a large scale development in their terraforming efforts with the creation of their Advanced Terraforming microdroids. ABle to form and shape the worlds to be welcoming golden worlds to the people. The planets of the Atrisi System as well as the moons have been terraformed with refugees welcomed from across the galaxy. Through their Living Module as well as technologies like the Vatta for planetary reactors the size of a grain of rice. The Junjita for flora and fauna population and sustainability. Their continued efforts to improve the Commonwealth itself and the worlds connected to it with large advances in technological prowess.

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