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Approved Starship Hofund-Class Fast Cruiser

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Manufacturer: Empire of the Lost Naval Corp of Engineering, Karl Von Strauss (Design Only)
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Very Large
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector






  • Can we get Bifrost? No, we have Bifrost at home. Bifrost at home: The Hofund has a class 0.1 hyperdrive and a backup class 1.0 to ensure that this ship gets where it needs to go in the event of any imminent threats. It is meant to be a first responder to any hostilities within its reach. They also have their own power unit, given the massive power requirements for a hyperdrive this advanced.
  • Unique Bridge: The ellipsoid-shaped bridge is mounted ventrally between the main hull and the engines. This means it's protected from behind and front by the main mass of the ship's hull. This allows for easy navigation in the atmosphere and cannot render the command crew blind unless the bridge itself is hit. It also has a secondary Imyndaða hologram system allowing for a full 360-degree view of the battlefield inside the bridge allowing for unparalleled battlefield awareness.
  • Well Neutralizer: The Hofund is equipped with a well neutralizer system to reduce the effectiveness of interdiction fields.
  • Sword and Missile: The Hofund is equipped with a grand total of one-hundred and six missile tubes, seventy-two of which are in the main pods on either side of the main hull. Additionally, it has a good array of other ship-to-ship based weaponry for charging into the fray or staying in the back with its command vessel.
  • Fast Cruiser: Meant to be a first responder, the Hofund, like the Heimdall, is exceptionally fast and maneuverable. Potentially outmatching vessels in its weight class or above.

  • Twice the Power, Twice the Explosion: Because this ship is equipped with two HAPUs if there were to be an 'explosive malfunction' the result would be the end of the ship. "Gone, reduced to atoms." -Thanos
  • Reload: The main 36-barreled missile pods have a slower reload than the rest of the tubes. Meaning that the main pods can fire every-other barrage. (106-34-106-34-etc.)
  • EMP/Ion: The Hofund has many systems that are a boon to its crew and overall function. However, with all electronically advanced anything, EMP/Ion-based weaponry can rid this vessel of those boons, with enough damage.
  • Low Squadron Count: Like its larger cousin, the Hofund has little to no starfighter support.
The Hofund was designed as a supporting ship to the Heimdall, and like it, is designed with defense at the forefront. It is meant to be able to respond in the same way that the Heimdall can, fast and first. Differently to the Heimdall, the Hofund is a much more up close and personal ship, with very little long-range armament. The idea for the Hofund is to get in close and release a volumous barrage of missiles that hopefully can make it to their target before being intercepted by active or passive-ECM.

For all intents and purposes, the Hofund is a smaller, less heavily armed version of the Heimdall. But what it lacks in guns it makes up for in missiles. It has the same hyperdrive systems, and upgraded point defense and light turbolasers. Its defensive shield suite might be missing an advanced molecular shield, but on a ship of this size, the engineers thought it didn't need one. Unfortunately due to the costs added in obtaining a HIMS system, the Hofund does not come equipped with one, but does come equipped with a Null-Series Gravity Well Neutralizer. While this doesn't act directly like a HIMS, it still reduces the effectiveness of gravity wells by attack the wells themselves rather than the technology they're deployed with. While it is a good replacement for a true HIMS it requires more than one neutralizer at this size to effectively withdraw from larger ships gravity wells. It is the perfect pairing to the Heimdall and its first responder, defense forward message. But it could also prove to be a good ship on its own without supporting the big guys.

"Quality. Perfection. Order."

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a 'fast' cruiser for the EoTL
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost
Model: Hofund-Class Fast Cruiser
Starship Class: Cruiser (500-1000m)
Starship Role: Ordinance
Modular: No
Material: See Above
Armaments: High
Defense Rating: High
Speed Rating: High
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 1100
Optimal Crew: 2400
Passenger Capacity: 650
Cargo Capacity: Average
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Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector

Thank you. I removed the HIMS system altogether, but replaced with the Null-series neutralizer. I hope this is an effective fix as the neutralizer, while doing the same job as a HIMS, it has a range and it cannot punch above its weight class.
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