Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hola peeps

As is customary I have logged back into Chaos. I wonder how long will I last this time before disappearing into the abyss.

Anyway, nice to see this place still growing fast. How's it going for you fine folks of Chaos?
[member="Kiber Dorn"] Dude!!! I'm doing good, Working as a full time comic book writer and I've opened an Ice Cream store with some of my college buddies so life is good. Only gripe I have is the lack of free time. Come visit some time.

Good to see you still kicking about, I'll definitely stalk you in an RP or two. :D

[member="Darth Mudrac"] Thankee

[member="Gherron Vael"] Yeah man, RL just kinda sweeps you away some times.
[member="Archon Kaan"]

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