Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Silara Varis

I'm with the Republic but it's starting to get mighty boring over there. Restructuring is taking way longer than it needs to.

Do you guys have any active threads or some skirmishes coming up? I don't want to switch factions if it's super boring here too.

Silara Varis


Yea I tried to RP two characters there for a month and the people are so uptight. For instance in one thread I was pm'ed and told that a pilot couldn't shoot as good as I did and I had to edit.

With my other character I tried to do the fleeting thing and get a senate vote passed to make a company loyal to just them and they struck it down. Now they're coming out with weird battle group structures and all kinds of weird stuff.

It's just super boring I’m tired of my character having nothing to do.

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