Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I've been thinking of getting back into something like this but the old place I used to reside wasn't really an option anymore, but it seems a lot of faces from here are ones I've seen before so look forward to getting back into the swing of things...

So uh....yeah, hola and such
[member="Jirano Okkasi"] Welcome to Chaos!

If you have any questions, or need any help, please don't hesitate to ask!

There's a lot of faces here from a couple of different boards. And some old writers who are wearing new faces! Glad to see (whichever you were from) you made it here!
[member="Jirano Okkasi"] "Best" is a loaded term. It all depends on your style of play.

Obviously creating your character is the first port of call.

Then the question- Are you really self motivated, or do you do better as part of a group?

If the first, post it up in the LFG forum, or drop lines on interesting bios, or PM people who look like they might be cool to RP with and see what happens! If the second, I'd recommend finding a faction (we have an awful lot) that fits the character. It's a good way to start with an instant pool of like minded characters, and most factions will have at least one (and often more) faction thread going that makes it easy for a new person to hop in on :)

Zagara Vao

Writer account. Check my characters out!
[member="Jirano Okkasi"]

Good luck and happy hunting! :)

If you're ever interested, this Mandalorian Twi'lek or my alt character [member="Nabrina Vao"] , a Twi'lek Sith, are always happy to welcome you aboard the nerd train!
If you come up blank, feel free to drop me a PM - I have a couple characters who might be able to get you involved.

Also, so you know, you can put your bio linked to there under your name, in your "Settings", which will make it easier for folks to pop over to your bio!
Ah All the learning, thanks! I honestly did consider going Mandalorian as at my old board I helped start up a Mandalorian faction and was Alor of clan Ordo and then Fett but thought I'd go more towards a Jedi or sith side of things :)

Connor Harrison

[member="Jirano Okkasi"] Welcome to the Chaos - have fun, and shout if you need help at all. :)

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