Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Holidays & Moving

So, i'll be gone at least until Monday with any consistency. Possibly until sometime after New Years. I have to move from Michigan to Kentucky in some meh weather. And then this weekend is Christmas. I have some sorting of job stuff, and then starting the new job, and spending New Years at home for the first time in a decade. I will still be replying to the Korriban Academy thread with [member="Calina Ovmar"] on Alaric, as well as the Corellia Pub Night on this face([member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Kira Vaal"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Miriya Cailis"]) @... And the Ossus Skirmish w/ Ijaat ([member="Darth Carnifex"], [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]).

But for the next week to two the speed of those replies will slow and nothing new IC will be done. If you need to reach me, Skype/PM/Discord. Be safe all!

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