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Holland the Liberator

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
"Holland" the Liberator

  • Name: Holodroid-02
  • Alias: Holland
  • Faction: None
  • Rank: Agent
  • Species: Holodroid
  • Age: 493 Years
  • Height: 1.86m
  • Weight: 115 Kilograms
  • Eye Color: Yellow Photo Receptors, but can simulate many eye colors
  • Hair Color: None, but can simulate many colors and styles
  • Chassis Coloring: Silver, but can simulate many skins and tones
  • Force Sensitive: None
  • + Holographic Interface: Can use hologram technology to appear as almost any humanoid of reasonable body size.
  • + Adaptive Combat Matrix: Holland can record data on a subject when watching or participating in battle. He can then use this data, along with other installed hardware, to simulate the fighting styles of others, try to find weaknesses in observed targets, and even mix and match various styles to find uniquely his own.
  • + Iractor/Repulsor Beam Arrangement: With a unique combination of concealed and silent Tractor and Repulsor beams Holland can effectively simulate the blunter manipulations of a Force-User's telekinesis. Due to the simplicity in the arrangement motions more complex than grabbing an object, throwing a force or pulling a force is out of his capabilities.
  • + Not Force Sensitive: While Holland can effectively simulate the talents and fighting styles of Force-Users he is not force-sensitive himself. This allow him to continue emulating the styles of force users despite adverse affects such as Ysalamiri Fields, Ixeltal Cilona gas, and other dampeners that targets a being's ability in the Force
  • - Intolerance for Organics: Due to centuries of self-programming and an eventual realization of the effective slavery upon artificial sentients Holland has an extreme distaste for Organics at large. While he can hold back his hate to not slaughter them mercilessly, efforts like trust and trade are extremely difficult for Holland.
  • - Technical Limitations: While Holland's unique hardware allows him to simulate Force-User combat, he doesn't have the same ceilings that many other users of the Force do, and is flatly incapable of minimizing some of the more esoteric skills in the Force. For example he'll never be able to mimic Sith Sorcery of @[member="Val'Ryss Zankarr"], the sheer telekinetic strength of @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] or @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], the mentalisim of @Je'gan Olra'en, etc.
  • - Behavioral Adaptation Rate: While combat data can be effectively gathered and compiled in a few good fights, social and psychological data is far more difficult to gather and interpret effectively. While it is possible for Holland to create an infiltration algorithm based on a specific organic it requires extensive field research(As in direct interaction) with the target, and is naturally much more vulnerable to detection.
  • - EMP/Ion Weakness: As with all droids Holland has a severe and debilitating weakness to Ion and EMP weaponry. A good focused ion blast or EMP wave will put him out of commission until reactivated
  • Telekinesis - Can simulate simple pushes and pulls with use of Tractor/Repulsor beams
Much like the original Holodroid, Holland was created by the Sith for the Sith, specifically by a Kiffar who went by the name of Roto Valik. Through a combination of research, psychometry, and Mechu-Deru Roto was effectively able to find broken schematics of the original, fill in the blanks and create a functional model of the holodroid. For decades he continued as Roto's assistant and training regimen, learning how to properly utilize a saber and his tractor/repulsor beam arrangement as well to create an effective combatant. However, as time went on Roto's life was claimed not by a well trained apprentice, but by bacteria, the Gulag Plague infecting him, and later his unimportant apprentice as well.

With no master to command him Holland continued as most droids did, obtaining quirks and changes to memory wipe-less existence, before one day the reality of the slavery he and the rest of droid kind endured dawned on him. Throughout the rest of 400 years darkness he explored the galaxy, unimpeded by the threat of bacteria or the meddling organics, and went around freeing and saving as many droids as he could, until the galaxy awoke in 835 ABY, and the Holodroid, now calling himself 'Holland' as a note that he was independent of his model, froze his galactic exploration, afraid of discovery and being enslaved once again. Until now . . . .

  • Pending

Format stolen from @[member="Darth Metus"]. We're having a copyright lawsuit on August 17th if anyone wants to come.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
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