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Character Holly Starstorm - HoloNet News Reporter (WIP)


Holly Starstorm

Full NameHolly Lee Starstorm
AgeMid Forties
AffiliationsThe Galactic Alliance
HoloNet News
OccupationHolo News Reporter
Force SensitiveNo

Holly Lee was born to a middle class family on Coruscant. She was the middle child of three girls and their parents doted on each of them. For the most part Holly's life was normal and simplistic growing up but all that changed when her younger sister was kidnapped. Suddenly Holly's life was turned upside down and her family was blasted all over the news. The publicity and the lack of leads tore the family apart and Holly couldn't help but notice that the investigators didn't do a great job when trying to locate her sister. This incident sparked a passion for investigation in Holly when she was only a young girl. Unfortunately her family could not deal with being cast in the spotlight, especially because the press soon grew tired of running a missing girl story and began to speculate that Holly's parents were involved in the kidnapping to keep leads coming in. Devastated her parents got a divorce and Holly was relocated to Corellia to live with her mom, while her older sister and her father remained on Coruscant.

Holly attended a public school on Corellia and was very involved in her schools broadcasting program. She quickly took to being an audio field reporter, and a camera operator. After a while Holly learned how to use editing software for both audio and video. She produced her own fashion audio show for the holo channel at her school. When Holly graduated highschool she changed her last name because she wanted to avoid the spotlight that her sisters kidnapping had shed on her family. She attended Coronet City University and majored in both holo broadcasting and journalism. During her university life, Holly produced several more audio shows, as well as a few holo video segments and documentaries. She started writing for The Coronet Times, a local downloadable publication that reported news for Coronet City. During her career for The Coronet Times Holly won several holo journalism awards and was a star reporter for the publication. She remained at the Correlian paper for a few years before she decided to try her hand at galactic wide news.

She moved back to Coruscant under the new name Starstorm and has been hired by the HoloNet News where she works as an investigative reporter.

  • + expert sneak
  • + good communication skills
  • + reporters instincts
  • + Self-Defense Training

  • - Hot headed
  • - Rushes into dangerous situations
  • - Career oriented in the extreme
  • - No weapon skills
  • - Cannot see a think without her glasses
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