Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Holocron Hunt - Looking for Members!

Currently my character is somewhat on a pilgrimage. With the One Sith war machine looming ever nearer to the Republic, he feels a dire need to find a way to stop them. The Sith have their pets, and he is looking for the Jedi's answer. He began by searching an old abandoned spice mine on Kessel, the likes of which he has not visited for forty years. It is a development thread to uncover a force artefact.

Apart from this, I am also looking for someone to come along on a journey with me to uncover something else that will tie in with my other development thread, and the object I am searching for is a holocron. I was curious if anyone would like to come with Ekul Selah on this journey? I don't mind how many people sign up.
[member="Lira Dajenn"]

I guess it will just be you and I, homie and homette on the long lonely road

As a twenty year old adult, I would like to announce this is my sixty-ninth post. Please give a moment of your time to share in your childhood. lol 69
I'd like to go.


[member="The Dark Man"]
[member="Nefertari Sovint"]

If rumours are to be believed (and I suspect they are), the Dark Man died a short while ago. But if anyone wants to go hunt some holocrons, let me know. To be entirely transparent, we'd put it in the Open Forum in case anyone else wants to go for whatever holocron we decide is up for grabs. A similar thing is being done by the One Sith here.
[member="Corvus Raaf"] - [member="Steve"] - [member="Jack Rand"] - [member="Kana Truden"] - [member="Avalore Eden"] - [member="Ayden Quell"] - [member="Nefertari Sovint"] - [member="Kian Karr"]

As Corvus has accurately mentioned, The Dark Man is deceased. Feel free to talk among yourselves and organise such an endeavour, it would be nice to read. Some of you may have just seen my very recent submission for my own Holocron, unfortunately this can't be found by scrounging around ancient temples - or rather, finding the site of my execution. The Dark Man will have gifted the holocron to a worthy padawan, someone among you.

Feel free to recover Ekul's lightsaber if you like. Electrum detail, made of Wintrium (near-invincible) with a focusing crystal that procures a small thin blade. Dates back to the New Sith Wars. With a development thread of 20,000 words. If you want to know how to go about getting this lightsaber, feel free to message me. It'll be quite the complicated and difficult mission, seeing as it is well in the Unknown Regions, in Primeval territory.

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