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Approved Tech Holy Crusader Armor

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Intent: To provide the Zhornee Holy Crusaders with a standard armor.
Development Thread: If necessary.
Manufacturer: Zhornee Imperial Industries.
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Zhornee Imperial Holy Crusaders
Modularity: None.
Production: Minor.
Material: Durasteel, Animal Fur, Armorweave.
Classification: Front Line Combat
Weight: 20 kg.
Quality: 6
Special Features: The armor is made to deflect bullets and melee weapons, but blasters can pierce it. Each suit is custom-made for it's wearer, and is almost like a second skin.
Description: For as long as the Holy Crusaders have existed, they have donned this iconic armor. As well as providing protection, this armor strikes fear into the hearts of all Zhornee. It's plates are as symbolic of the order of warrior-priests as their preaching and oppression. The armor is etched with symbols of a forgotten dialect of Zhornai, professing the Crusader's devotion to the Goddess, and her resolve to fight heresy wherever it may be found. It is forged to protect from bullets and melee weapons, and while it does that job well, blasters can pierce it fairly easy. Each suit is custom-forged for it's wearer, and is like a second skin to them.

Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review

Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review

Pending initial review

Pending Initial review

Pending Inital review
[member="Empress Mar'Dikan"]
The only glaring issue I see is its production. Unique means 1 or 2 suits. Limited normally means around 100ish (Individual NPC's, maybe a small unit, and PC's) Minor is probably what you want based on its Intent as it appears to be meant to be the standard armor for your planet's warriors.

Its heavy but it looks like that was intentional. The only other thing I can see is it needs more of a description. About a Paragraph is the norm, if you could beef it up to that.

In the end its medieval-style Durasteel armor much like this set
[member="Empress Mar'Dikan"]
Alright I am gonna ask for three more changes based on the link I found of similar armor. Yours is a nice simple sub, but I don't think these changes will effect it greatly, just make it a little less midieval if that's alright.
I want you to exchange leather or add in Armorweave, I want you to bump the quality to 6, and I want you to reduce the weight (I looked it up, its like 75 pounds) to something in the 20ish range.
Thine armor is approved by my hand, m'lady. But, fret not for Czar [member="Tefka"] is known to be swift and merciful, and shall descend upon thine submission like a thunderbolt from a clear sky, and he doth bring with him righteous judgment in his right, and fearsome mystical powers in his left. In Thine Tef we trust our submissions...

Approved Pending Secondary.
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