The Wolf
Silver Rest, Silver Jedi Space
So, this is where he ended up. The hill overlooking the temple made for a great photographic opportunity, something that Preliat could simply not pass up. It was beautiful here. Serene. Tranquil. It calmed him, soothed him. It felt the same as if he was being gently held, or around the comfort of old friends. But the familiar sensation of loneliness washed over him and brought him back to reality. He was alone again. Like so many times before, things changed and he was left alone, partly due to his own volition. But he felt as if he needed to see more, understand things for the first time in his life.
He had left Mandalore, and the Mandalorians, all the war and anguish and heartache that was there- stayed with him, however. To those touched by the force, Preliat was a festering wound, a sickness that needed healing. Rage, heartache, and the ever-present notion of the dark side followed him. His leg, the Dark Harvest, the Netherworld- Preliat was a channel, a radiant source of the dark side and all it's wicked ways. He was however, blissfully unaware of it. It would've driven him mad a long time ago if he had a strong connection to the force.
He sat on the cliffside and took a sip of his canteen, before lining up the perfect shot with his camera. It snipped, and he smiled in triumph. Preliat had a nice picture of the temple, something to show everyone of his travels. Now, he wanted to get inside. Get inside and see what was what, what made the Silver Jedi the Silver Jedi. Gain some understanding that he never had. The Army of Light was a long time ago- perhaps there were some veterans of that war. Perhaps there were none. Perhaps they would try and kill him on site. He was unarmed, wearing nothing but a plain red leather coat and black trousers. The only weapon he had on him was a Verpine pistol under his arm.
But he knew that would do exactly jack squat against a Jedi, a fully trained one at that. He knew the Silver Jedi to be capable warriors. Besides, he was not here to cause trouble, or even a fight. He sought what many Mandalorians were lacking: perspective. Preliat took the sights in for a while longer, before beginning his descent to the temple's entrance. Perhaps he would be turned away.
Perhaps they would simply talk to him outside. Either way, he would get something out of the trip.