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Home Ain't Never Home (Silver Jedi)

Silver Rest, Silver Jedi Space​
So, this is where he ended up. The hill overlooking the temple made for a great photographic opportunity, something that Preliat could simply not pass up. It was beautiful here. Serene. Tranquil. It calmed him, soothed him. It felt the same as if he was being gently held, or around the comfort of old friends.

But the familiar sensation of loneliness washed over him and brought him back to reality. He was alone again. Like so many times before, things changed and he was left alone, partly due to his own volition. But he felt as if he needed to see more, understand things for the first time in his life.

He had left Mandalore, and the Mandalorians, all the war and anguish and heartache that was there- stayed with him, however. To those touched by the force, Preliat was a festering wound, a sickness that needed healing. Rage, heartache, and the ever-present notion of the dark side followed him. His leg, the Dark Harvest, the Netherworld- Preliat was a channel, a radiant source of the dark side and all it's wicked ways. He was however, blissfully unaware of it. It would've driven him mad a long time ago if he had a strong connection to the force.

He sat on the cliffside and took a sip of his canteen, before lining up the perfect shot with his camera. It snipped, and he smiled in triumph. Preliat had a nice picture of the temple, something to show everyone of his travels. Now, he wanted to get inside. Get inside and see what was what, what made the Silver Jedi the Silver Jedi. Gain some understanding that he never had. The Army of Light was a long time ago- perhaps there were some veterans of that war. Perhaps there were none. Perhaps they would try and kill him on site. He was unarmed, wearing nothing but a plain red leather coat and black trousers. The only weapon he had on him was a Verpine pistol under his arm.

But he knew that would do exactly jack squat against a Jedi, a fully trained one at that. He knew the Silver Jedi to be capable warriors. Besides, he was not here to cause trouble, or even a fight. He sought what many Mandalorians were lacking: perspective. Preliat took the sights in for a while longer, before beginning his descent to the temple's entrance. Perhaps he would be turned away.

Perhaps they would simply talk to him outside. Either way, he would get something out of the trip.
So, after so many years, [member="Preliat Mantis"] returned to Kashyyyk with no apparent hostile intentions. In fact, perhaps there is room for forgiveness. But what she knew about Mandos was that spirituality was often an area for Force-users. Was he suspecting Force-sensitivity? I myself discovered Force-sensitivity rather late in life, but what spiritual need would he otherwise have that a Jedi Temple could provide for, if he wasn't suspecting Force-sensitivity? Maybe that Mando shrink might have been of use to him if she was any good, she thought, while preparing to meet with the Mando just outside Silver Rest. Whereas the padawan manning the lobby was a little hasty trying to dispatch calls to various Jedi in an attempt to get one to answer the walk-in call, Jessica simply walked up to the lobby, where Preliat stood, roughly the same height as she herself was, dressed the same as she was going into the luxury hotel on Trandosha for her last mission. It was time to face the music, and she thus walked up to the lobby, where Preliat stood, looking in his face, while greeting him to Silver Rest and, hopefully, getting his needs addressed.

"Welcome to Silver Rest. What can I do for you?"
If there was one thing Asaraa had to say she loved the most about Kashyyk it was the sheer vitality of life that surrounded Silver’s Rest. Just walk two minute out of the temple and you were already in the middle of the dense jungle with the flora and fauna all around you. Anyone who knew the Togruta knew that she would happily sneak out of the temple to spend hours just sitting in a tree, watching the world around her with both her natural sense and with the force. There was a joy, a kind of delight in feeling pure nature surrounding you, a oneness with the force you couldn’t experience anywhere else. At least that she hadn’t experienced anywhere else.

Only, as much as she wished, Asaraa couldn’t actually spend the entire day hiding away in the forest communing with nature. She’d tried that once before, sneaking out in the morning and returning after dark. Sadly her master hadn’t been too impressed with her excuse of spending her time meditating. Still, that didn’t stop the Padawan for claiming a few hours for herself, just not the whole day. Still, if there was one other advantage of her short getaways it meant that she could travel up and down the road leading to Silver’s Rest, it gave her the chance to meet any new visitors before anyone else did, to test out her skills as a huntress, and this was one of those times. She felt the visitor before she saw him, seemingly just ambling along unhurriedly towards the temple, stopping to take a photo. It hardly looked like he was a harbinger of doom or bad news she reasoned to herself, dropping out of the trees she’d been perched in, grabbing the force to slow her descent as she padded out behind him, nodding at master Med-Beq. “It’s quite a view isn’t it? Gets me everytime I see it.”

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Inside her office, Valae swiveled her chair to face the windows. She extended her arms into a wide stretch, and gazed out into the Kashyyyk landscape. Even from her window it was a lovely view. Breathing a content sigh, the Grandmaster turned back towards her desk once more. Her hands lifted a datapad, but her eyes were reluctant to find the screen, and she found her eyes shifting over her shoulder. It was such a nice day; perhaps it was time for a quick break. After all, she would be meeting [member="Jyoti Nooran"] soon.

Rising from her seat, she gathered her brown robe and walked out into the corridors of Silver Rest.

Sweeping out into the main hall, she smiled at the sight of so many Jedi here inside the temple. This area was a meeting place, a study hall, and a quiet place to simply relax. There was an aura of peace, just like there had been at the temple on Voss. As she continued on towards the door, she peered outside to see [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] approaching an unfamiliar figure. And then they were soon joined by Padawan [member="Asaraa Vaashe"].

She couldn’t recall there being any guests on the schedule today. However, unexpected guests were not unheard of, they would welcome them here all the same. Smiling, she pushed open the door and approached the trio.

“Greetings,” She said with a polite nod of her head.

[member="Preliat Mantis"]
Normally, Preliat would've felt cornered and nervous. There was a predatory way in which he viewed each Jedi that approached him. Preliat was a dangerous man, and he did terrible things. Jedi often were at the opposite end of that. He had recently fought against one, and watched another kill his friend. Yet, he did not intend to inflict any of them harm. It was an odd feeling, to be near ones that would be so closely considered to be enemies, or at the very least not on friendly terms.

Preliat was not sure to bow, but part of him remembered that Jedi and Sith bow to each other. So, as the three Jedi convened, he bowed to the three of them, respectfully.

He knew one- [member="Valae Kitra"]. The Grandmaster. He was not particularly fond of following the galaxy's events, but he knew well enough the woman who was in control of the Silver Jedi. The other two he did not know, or, could not remember if they had met. Though Jessica looked particularly familiar.

"I have seen many views in my life, but not many of them pleasant." The gathered Jedi could sense him. Almost taste his negativity. It stemmed from him in waves, souring the very ground in which he stood. And it emanated from his leg, the foul contraption in which he was still-unaware. He placed his fingers around the camera, out of nervous habit, truthfully. He used to have a rifle or a blade to hold onto. Wasn't exactly the polite thing to have upon first meeting.

"My name is Preliat Mantis."

Ramanar. The Wolf of Manda'yaim. Many names for a man who had done many things. But none of them particularly pleasant, or fruitful. He just wanted to be Preliat for a while.

"I came here to...learn, I suppose. Learn and understand."

[member="Valae Kitra"] l [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] l [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
"Learning, you say, Preliat? You seem to have something on your mind; what's on your mind? Any specific questions you might have? We'll try our best to answer your questions, especially if it's Force-related or spiritual questions"

[member="Preliat Mantis"] was a tortured soul all right, and not just because of his battlefield involvement on Kashyyyk. However, back then, she was still some untrained Force-user, firing the particle rifle equivalent of a .50. She forgave Sko'saht for this, so surely she could forgive Preliat... and, of course, there were [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] and [member="Valae Kitra"] near Jessica as well. For the time being, she trusted him, and, if she screws up, it will be a while until she can be forgiven. That Mando knew me from before the Rogue One Sith; the Omega Crisis changed me and made me a very different person, Jedi even, she thought, while realizing just how long it has been since she last met him, and on very different terms, too. She was internally surprised that she was able to remember that information at that distance, and, even though she knew her memory wasn't perfect, she would never imagine it would be that good. But she knew it must not encroach into therapy territory. That could lead her into trouble, especially since she had no right whatsoever to assume that Wookiees ran therapy the way Mandos did.
He remembered her now. [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] and himself once fought on opposite sides. Then again, that was a long time ago. A very long time ago. Preliat sighed deeply, fixing his hair before speaking again to the trio. He turned and snapped a few photos of the interior of the temple. Something to remember his trip by. But hopefully he would leave with more than photos.

"Many things on my mind, Jedi. Enough to fill volumes. But I came to gain a better understanding of the Jedi, and who they are. And what it all means. The Force. It's twisted my people, sent them raving into an insanity, intent on purging it. But I found myself lacking an actual understanding of the force and what it truly is. To most Mandalorians, it is a power that they do not understand."

He sighed deeply.

"And in all my years of living, I have rarely seen the Force been used to help. I have only suffered under it's mystique, along with those I love. So I came here, trying to see what it all means."

Preliat realized how much he had said. He hadn't spoken this openly- or this much, to an outsider, in almost a decade.

Times truly were, changing.

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"] l [member="Valae Kitra"] l [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
"Most Jedi - and Sith, for that matter - view the Force as a mystic energy field, whose ability to use it depend on one's emotional states of mind. The light side is thus commonly associated with positive emotions, the dark side is more about negative emotions. For this reason, there is also Dark Jedi and Light Sith, but Light Sith are much less common than Dark Jedi. Also, Jedi tend to use the Force for more altruistic purposes, and Sith are more about selfish uses, or power as an end in itself. But yes, titles and denominations can be misleading at times, especially since the Codes are more about how people should conduct themselves, without any explicit reference to a Force-alignment. And yet, I feel that, with the proper knowledge, one can even use the Force with no emotional input whatsoever, as I do"

She knows from the onset that, to ensure that her forgiveness will actually last, she had to do her best to actually answer the questions [member="Preliat Mantis"] was asking about the Force, so that he actually left the planet with more than just photos of the premises or the people answering his questions. Yes, she heard about the Mandos' willingness to purge the Force, and the resulting actions on Dathomir. But as Preliat suspected, Dathomir might have happened because of a lack of understanding of the Force. Perhaps Dathomir spurred him to understand the Force better, she thought. In addition, she knew that only a handful of Jedi she met would actually understand the mathematics behind the Force as a collection of Hermitian quantum operators. Sefain was probably someone with only an intuitive understanding of matrix algebra, Taygeta and Cathul both knew quantum mechanics, Paige was a question mark, but she would probably think Paige could understand it with some effort. As for using the Force with no emotional input whatsoever, she needed only to be reminded of Electric Judgment or pyro/cryokinesis. Or even of Detoxify Poison, Force-healing. But she knew both [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] and [member="Valae Kitra"] were more spiritual than she herself was.

"If you want to learn more about how some people, including but not limited to Jedi, use the Force without emotional inputs, and what makes that possible, just ask me about it; Asaraa or Valae would probably have a different approach that is more spiritual in nature"
What she spoke of Preliat already knew to a degree, but it was refreshing to see what little he knew be confirmed by someone within those societies. She spoke of it in a quantifying manner.... That was something he could not get behind. Sure, he understood what she was saying, and the logic behind it- but it seemed so....simplified. There had to be more to the Force than mechanics and logic. There existed a force in the galaxy- something that moved the very fabric of time itself before his eyes. And he did not understand it. But part of him felt he needed to.

"Thank you. But I am in need of a spiritual answer as well, Jedi."

He nodded appreciatively at [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]. He turned to the other Jedi, eager to hear what they had to say on the Force.
“Welcome to Kashyyyk, Preliat.” Valae had responded after the man’s introduction. “I am Valae Kitra, Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi.” She added with a warm smile.

Mantis. It was a Mandalorian name, if she recalled correctly. Valae might have had small interactions with the clans-people here and there, but nothing significant. It seemed that this man had come on a personal mission of sots, a bit of soul searching. But perhaps this meeting would serve an even greater purpose as well. It was a hope that Valae would keep hold of, but she would tuck it away for now.

Listening as Preliat elaborated about his wish to learn about the force, she felt a hint of sadness to hear that he had rarely seen the Force used in a helpful manner. Well, now… that was a perception she would certainly look to change today. She remained quiet and respectful as Master Med-Beq provided her own explanations about how she saw the Force. Valae supposed that it was different for everyone; she could only truly explain what she felt herself.

“Most Jedi believe that the Force is present in all living things. Me, you, all of the trees…” She paused, letting her eyes roam the courtyard for a moment. “It’s there – and it is the energy that binds the galaxy.”

A most simple explanation, if ever there was one.

“It is rather odd to think that the same energy can be used in so many different ways, am I right?” She lofted her brows thoughtfully. “And you are right, Preliat – it is not always used for good. However, there are many ways we can use the force to help others, that’s what we focus on here. As a healer, that’s my specialty.” She said with a good-natured chuckle.

[member="Preliat Mantis"], [member="Jessica Med-Beq"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
The Padawan had waited for the Master's to speak, to set out their opinions before she piped up, setting out her own view on the topic. "To me it's the same as Grandmaster Kirta, it's the energy all around us, but not just the energy it's like it's alive." She fell silent for a moment, her sharp teeth worrying at her lower lip, "The force is like the heartbeat of the universe, it swirls around us, never still, never static. It's what pushes and pulls us, leads us along our paths. I don't believe that our lives are set out before us, that every decision that can be made has already been decided, but I've seen visions of the future. It's like life, like energy, it's the connection you feel all around you if you just close your eyes and breath."

There was an almost sad look in the young woman's eyes as she continued, "And we use it for war, to fight. Out of everyone here," one hand gestured around at the to Jedi Masters, "I'm probably the worst offender, but it's more than that. It's that feeling, that little whisper that draws you on, that makes sure you're there at the right time to save a baby from falling down a flight of stairs. I don't know if it's inherently light or dark, good or evil but I think its uses can be." She gestured to the side of the road, a small fallen branch floating out into her hand, "It's cliche I know, but the force just is, like this branch. It can be used to build a house, or fashioned into a spear to hunt for food, which is all good. Or it can be made into a weapon of war, and that's bad, but by itself, it just is until one of us chooses to act on it, to shape it. There are people all over the galaxy who lack the...sensititiviy that Jedi and Sith do, but still find themselves swept along by the pulse of the universe, each person making small decisions that can change how it flows, how it ripples outwards to affect others."

She glanced around sheepishly, one hand rising up to rub at the back of her montral, "Umm..does that make sense?"

[member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
The Grandmaster. He had not only met Jedi peacefully for the first time in his life, but the Grandmaster of their Order. As he understood, there were several orders, though he wasn't sure how powerful each of them was. She offered what he sought, in a way. A spiritual answer, one that quantified the mystique of the force. And although it helped him understand it slightly more, Valae's words were all the more confusing. While they opened the door, the door lead to many more doors, each with a confusing path beyond it.

He listened intently as the padawan spoke, putting a finger under his chin.

"You speak of the force as if it were alive- or water, and we are in the ocean... Do you mean to tell me that the Force is what caused so many cataclysms? So much...death. And it was controlled by the Force? Or was it the will of it? Or do the Jedi and Dar'Jetii control it?"

Preliat had a slight accent, one of a man who had rarely spoken basic in the past six years. The word 'Sith' was still foreign to him, a foreign word in which he did not understand. That was another topic. Preliat walked away from them, observing the splendor of the temple. To the gathered Jedi, he would've been a ripple in the still water. Footprints in the snow. A gash on a tree.

He was a disturbance. A walking, living one.

He ran his hand over a nearby column, feeling it's intricate inlaid beauty through the touch of his fingertips.

"I used to worship the old Gods, as many of people once did. I did not understand them, but it made sense to me, as a warrior. As a soldier." He looked at the ceiling, an odd serenity washing over him...Perhaps it was the building itself.

He turned back to the Jedi.

"If it is present in all things, is it alive? Is it conscious? Or is it beyond mortal understanding?"

[member="Valae Kitra"] l [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
“It’s a lot to take in, I know.” Valae responded, offering a kind smile. Indeed she remembered her first days studying the mysteries of the force; she had been overwhelmed to say the least. Such an ever-present force was puzzling, it took time to truly understand – and even she had a feeling that there was still much to learn.

“The force truly is bigger than all of us,” She nodded, “There are two aspects. The living force is present in all things; it’s what we sense most easily. And the unifying or cosmic force is an extremely vast power that holds all things in the galaxy together. When we think of the terrible things that happen, it is difficult to understand how the force could have influenced it. There are a lot of moving parts and other influences to factor in.”

She took a breath, hoping that her explanation hadn’t muddied the waters even more. Indeed she could feel the stark contrast between Preliat and those around him here at the temple. But he was not the first to come with doubts, and she was sure that he would not be the last. Watching as the man moved towards the temple, Valae listened as he spoke again.

“It is hard to know,” She wrinkled her nose as she thought. “The force certainly does have a will, but the breadth of that power might be beyond us – or beyond me, at least.” Valae offered a soft laugh to hopefully lighten the mood.

Glancing towards the temple, she motioned for the group to move inside. Valae held the door open for Preliat to enter the main hall. Perhaps it would be a good time for him to see the Silver Jedi himself.

“Come inside; is there anything you’d like to see while you’re here?”

[member="Preliat Mantis"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
He walked for a little while, taking in what Valae was saying. She spoke wisely. He looked over at her. She was perhaps just a few years younger than he, and yet she spoke eloquently, more passionately and wiser than any person he had met. He had always imagined Jedis to be idealists, fools and do-gooders without a sense of reality.

Now, he was the fool and facing reality. He was the idealist, truthfully. He thought the Mandalorians were the end-all-be-all of galactic societies, the one that made the ultimate sense out of the fractured, brutal nature of the galaxy. Perpetual war, honor in war. If war existed, why not make the best of it? Why not profit off of it? Why not thrive from it?

Preliat stood as a monument to their sins, to their false hopes, to their failed ideas and failed campaigns. He suffered the pain of losing a limb, a wife, a family- and now, he suffered the loss of becoming disheartened, disillusioned with his own people.

He walked in silence for a while, contemplating on the Grandmaster's words. He looked over at her, and realized they were only on a name basis. She knew little about him.

"I was not always a Mandalorian. I was born of a farming family. I sought to better myself after my Null-hockey days were over. I was a young man. I survived the Dark Harvest, and I lead my people in several battles. I was there to crush the Sith at Dromund Kaas, and I watched my world burn many times- I have seen and done terrible things in the name of the Mandalorians. And I have nothing to show for it but titles, and scars. I have created nothing, but destroyed everything."

Brown eyes stared blankly ahead, before he looked over at the Grandmaster. Her beauty lay in her elegance, her poise and her speech. He admired her knowledge and wisdom more than her beauty. She had wisdom beyond her years. Preliat had only pain in his life. What wisdom did he have to share to the younger Mandalorians? He was simply a reminder, a painful reality.

War begets war, and violence begets violence.

The only thing Preliat had was rage. An unending, swirling sea of rage inside him. It festered in him like a cancer. The dark side of the Force dwell within him, though he could manipulate it like the Jedi could. It stemmed from the alchemized metal in his leg, the loss of his wife, the pain of losing his daughter- and the toll that the wars took on him. The guilt of a thousand dead souls on his conscience. The horrors, the suffering, the- the everything. He ran a hand through his hair, composing himself. Although Jedi could not read his mind, Jedi were natural empaths- for a moment, Preliat was in an emotional turmoil. Trying to make sense of it all. And he was failing, flailing around in the darkness, in the void he himself had created.

He spoke after a moment.

"I have heard tale that the Jedi have a great volume of knowledge stored here....and I consider myself lacking in many areas of subject on the galactic scale. I do not wish to overstep, but would it be possible for me to...perhaps peruse it?"

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"] l [member="Valae Kitra"]
Valae listened with interest as the Mandalorian offered her some insight into his history. She canted her head to the side slightly, trying to imagine the man walking next to her as a farmer. A part of his life long past, she mused. Indeed looks were deceiving; she knew that few would ever guess that she used to be a simple salvager.

If she learned anything about Preliat by his words just now, it was that he easily admitted to wrongdoings in the name of the Mandalorians. There were few willing to face such dark images of themselves; this showed her that there was a definite aura of honesty about him --and perhaps a wish for some kind of atonement as well. It was quite admirable, she had to say.

As they walked, Valae could feel the waves of emotions crashing against her.

Glancing sidelong at Preliat, she watched as he attempted to gather himself. The Grandmaster remained quiet, but she had glimpsed quite a strong glimpse into his inner conflict, ever briefly. Though there were nothing more than emotional impressions, she had the feeling that this man had seen his share of hard times and horrors – things that left scars, the kind that couldn’t readily be seen.

A smile appeared on her face as he mentioned the archives, and she gave a small nod.

“Yes, that can be easily arranged.” She said, “If you’d like, we can set up a guest quarters for you – you’re most welcome to stay as long as you’d like.”

Valae crossed her arms casually, pausing next to the windows that looked out onto their training grounds. There were wide open spaces outside, and many Jedi and younglings to take advantage of the nice weather. Some were quiet in peaceful meditation, and others were in motion as they practiced honing their saber skills.

“You know,” Valae started, her gaze still watching those outside. “I think you’re the first Mandalorian I’ve ever had the chance to really speak with.” She said, still trying to search her memories. “I’ve been to Mandalore just once,” Valae noted aloud, “I was there with the Order of the Sacred Lotus, when it was still active.”

[member="Preliat Mantis"]
Waves crashed, the clouds rolled.

Preliat's sea of rage calmed for a moment. He stopped when the Grandmaster did, observing the Jedi practicing in the open space. It was...tranquil. He had been to peaceful places. But they were noisy, or he was there for the wrong reasons. Or perhaps he was just a young, angry man at the time. Preliat was coming up on 40 in a few years- he couldn't forever be the man that he was. He knew eventually, that time would come.

He regretted that it took so much for him to realize that fact. There was a darkness in Preliat that stirred, when he thought of what he did in the Civil War- and how he came to be where he was. He looked down at his hands, and for a moment, he saw the caked blood of Jasper Ordo, and then a flashback to the black oil-like substance that turned good men evil from the Dark Harvest. The girl. The girl, she couldn't have been sixteen. She couldn't have been sixteen, and the shriek she made when she was consumed. He was only three years older than her at the time. It seemed so long ago, seemed so distant, and yet it was there, the lingering, residual pain.

He blinked and it was gone, his hands remained at his side, uncovered and clean.

He watched the Jedi below out the window. Mandalorians moved like wolves, low and with sharp, jagged movements. Jedi were fluid and graceful, in both poise and in movement. He watched them for a while before smiling at the woman- as much as he could.

"Thank you, Master Jedi. I think it would be good for me to understand the Jedi more than I have before." He tapped his foot on the ground and crossed his hands over the other behind his back, before facing the Jedi again.

"That seemed so long ago. That the Mandalorian and Jedi were on friendly terms. I cannot imagine what would happen if Jedi were on Mandalore now- even outsiders that were once welcome are either outcast or treated very poorly....humorously in a society known for it's welcoming, all-inclusive nature." He stopped for a while, amber eyes watching the scenery through the window.

"This war changed much, Master Jedi. It changed me, my people- the planet itself. And I think it has set the Mandalorians down a path in which it will be difficult to recover."

[member="Valae Kitra"]

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