Keepin Corellia Weird
Location: Nar Shada Slum - Alleyway
"Stumbling" on a stone and pretending to fall, Aitis spun around in the alleyway. At some point he had taken a wrong turn leaving the Cantina. After accepting the tutelage of Coryth, he had taken a short sabbatical back to Nar Shadda to collect the memories and things he had left behind in his rush to go join the Jedi. A rush he now keenly regretted, as it had turned out all the Jedi could teach were how to be pompous hypocrites. There were some good ones, true, but they worried far too much about their Code and the letter of it to ever stop and question the spirit and meaning of it, and what it actually meant to do that which they did.
The problems hadn't come in coming to Nar Shada, though. Not really. The problems had come when he had ran into his old landlord. The scum had seen the finer cut clothes, still vaguely indicative of the Order, and demanded he make good on his back rent, or he'd burn the goods in the holding vault that belonged to Aitis. Aitis had refused, as the man was plain and simple scum, and had told him he would pay the true amount and no interest or late fees. The slum lord had sent thugs after him, and they had found him in the Cantina.
But Aitis was more than even just the budding assassin he had once been employed as here. As the thugs had came at him, he was ready. His time in the order had honed his senses such that he felt them coming. His precognitive abilities showed them firing the blaster bolts before they even raised the guns, and he was upon them before a second shot could be fire from either of the two. The blindman cane he bore slid open to reveal his old durasteel cane-sword, and each was dispatched in a flurry of blows purely derived from Makashi, quick, efficient.
Thrusts to tendons in the wrist to deaden their hands, dropping the blasters. One managed to run as a Aitis dropped to his knee and sliced the tendons in the back of the knee, dropping the man to his knees as he tried to claw away. The thug screamed that Jara would see to him, Jedi or no. And Aitis merely smiled as the cane sword traced across the mans throat, and then hurled, thrown with expertise into the back of the other mere handful of meters from the exit to the alleyway, stopping him from spilling to the dim light of the street and revealing it.
Aitis walked to the body slowly. He felt no emotion, not rage, not sadness, not joy, or even remorse. The blade withdrew from the body with a clean pull, and he merely wiped it on the dead thugs body, stripping it of credits and the blaster and belt from him, strapping it to himself. Jara was the Hutt who had lured his mother here. And his sister. And sold them to slavery. There would be no tears or second guessing the death of these two. If his former landlord was under the sway of the Hutt now, he knew where his work began. Not even thinking, he turned to walk deeper into the shadows, intent on retrieving the goods from the other body.