Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Home Sweet Home


News They Don't Want Heard
"Have you selected a world yet?"

Janira looked up from all of the papers on her desk, figuratively speaking, and focused on Javin, who stood inside the door to her office on Eshan. The older man watched her casually, though he was most certainly focused on the task at hand. She knew the way he looked at her was more than simply business-like, but she was not interested, and she was not the woman that he had grown fond of before.

"I have."

She sat back in her seat as he walked across the room and sat in the chair on the other side of the desk. He continued to watch her the same way that he had been this whole time. Though she considered telling him to stop, she refrained from doing so. The man deserved to have at least something small in his life to remember her DNA donor.

A finger pointed at a holo map on the wall, and he followed her direction to look.

"Helska IV? That's a risky move, isn't it?"

"No less risky than anywhere else. The worlds uninhabited and near in climate to Eshan. It will be familiar enough. A fully enclosed and self-sustaining facility should do the trick."

"It will need to be thermally insulated to avoid melting the planets surface."

"It will be."

Javin scratched his chin.

"When do we get started?"

"We already have."


News They Don't Want Heard
A few days after that clandestine meeting, several ArcShel's exited hyperspace above the vacated planet of Helska IV. Of the five of them, two were actually defense frigates and three were carrying materials, goods, and personnel. The three transports would proceed down to the surface of the planet, where they would perform scans of the world in search of an area with the greatest stability and ice density. Only then would they settle down, with the two frigates remaining in orbit.

Once settled, the Echani within would begin pouring out and making for the designated area. A single foreman would begin the process of arranging the parts and measurements as needed for the facility. Meanwhile, EMBU Mk. II's would spread out and form a perimeter around the area in case hostile forces managed to land elsewhere and assault the job site. In the world of business, anything was a possibility.

In hyperspace, en route to the world, Janira was getting a constant stream of information in regards to the efforts. So far there was little trouble, and she didn't anticipate any. This was just a necessary step in securing the future of the company against outside influence. A step that had been long in the planning. Niamh Raste had planned to do it before her untimely death. It had fallen to Janira to ensure the future of Eshan Industrial Corporation, and she aimed to do so because its future was closely tied to the future of the Echani people.

She would not fail either.


News They Don't Want Heard
The ship exited hyperspace and made for the build site on the ice plains. Janira took a perusal scan using the vessels exterior cameras, but she didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Rising, she made her way to the exit lift and grabbed one of the grab bars near the door to steady herself while the ship breached atmosphere. As it descended, she glanced back to see that several others were preparing to disembark as well. Not unexpected. These were the technicians that were going to be manning the facility, after all.

As the ship landed with a jolt, she kept her position, and then disembarked into the frosty tundra. Not so different from home, though perhaps colder. Parts of the world had been damaged many years in the past as a result of the initial Yuuzhan Vong invasion, but as with most living entities, it had repaired itself. Still, her instructions had been implicit about determining the proper site. She approached Ardis, the man she'd placed in charge of the construction of the facility. He was directing several work crews and their droids. Already the facility was making strides. Some of the walls were even up.

"I'm impressed with the work done so far, Ardis," she said, nodding her head. "Are we on schedule."

"Currently ahead of it. Provided we see no interference from outside sources it should remain that way."


She took a long look around.

"What of the yards?"

"Javin is overseeing their transfer using the ganker limpets we obtained from our contacts with the Mandalorians."

"Sometimes it pays to work with those tubs."


"Well, we'll be ready when they get here. You can resume ship construction almost as soon as the yards are in place."


News They Don't Want Heard
Janira spent a couple of days pouring over paperwork on her ship while they worked on finishing the construction of the facility and awaited the arrival of the Drive Yards. It was boring and menial work, but under the circumstances it was fully necessary for the preservation of the company, as well as the safety of her people. If Eshan came under attack and they lost their yards, they would have no way of counter attacking, or mounting a second defense. With the yards stationed over an inhospitable planet, there was less likelihood of anyone finding it, or wanting to invade the world.

A knock sounded at the door to her chambers and she buzzed it open.

"Javin? Are the yards here?"

"We've been trying to reach you for over an hour. Your comm must be off. Most figured you were sleeping so left you be."

He sat down in the seat across from her.

"No rest for the wicked, as they say. Too much paperwork to be done."

"That is wicked stuff," the older man agreed. "The facility is done, too."

"I figured it would be."

"We can begin manufacturing immediately."

"Please do so."

The man huffed and stood again. He clearly wanted more out of her, but he wasn't going to get it. Janira was married to her work and her people. She had no time or desire to have anything to do with anyone.

"I'll leave you to it then."


She nodded and he showed himself out. Lots of paperwork for her.

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