Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Home Wasn't Ever Farr

in the footsteps of a stranger

The Force flitted like a string of yarn unravelling quickly as a Loth-cat ran away from its skein. Efret did not try to keep up with it, but did trace its movements through the Temple's hallways and foot traffic at a distance. Nirrah, the sandy convor soaring near the tops of the high ceilings, imprinted on the near-human's mind a bird eye's image of her immediate surrounding, including herself. She had gotten used to navigating the physical word from a third-person point of view at least half of the time.

Finally, the pair entered into the hallway where Master Noble was waiting. The translucent blue thread wove around a handful of individuals, searching them for a clairvoyant match, and then settled in a circle around Valery's feet.

A smile broke across Efret's face. Even given the circumstances, it was good to be home after a long archeological tour away. It was better yet to perceive a familiar face.

Val was facing away from the direction Efret was approaching, so the latter rose her hand and sent a gentle puff of air into Val's shoulder to get her attention. In the meantime, Nirrah alighted on Efret's shoulder. As the Lorrdian opened her eyes, part of the world came into view and even less came into focus. Still, she could make out the left side of the grandmaster's body as as finished her own approach.

<Long time no see, Val!> she signed with fast, excited fingers. Though she did not know the other woman well, Efret had assumed that one of Val's station ought have a sign name: a bunny ear hand shape with the thumb folded into the middle dragged down the eye. <How you?>


Valery Noble Valery Noble
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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

A sudden puff of air against her shoulder drew Valery's gaze up from her datapad. She had been reading through reports from the battles on Tython and Empress Teta, and found herself oblivious to what was happening around her. The nudge had pulled her away, though, and when she turned around to find the Padawan playing pranks on her, she instead noticed a pleasantly familiar face. It had been some time since she last saw Efret Farr Efret Farr , but Valery hadn't forgotten her.

Nor had she forgotten her rather excited demeanor.

A warm presence like hers was soothing in these difficult times, so despite the grim nature of the reports she had been reading, Valery looked at her with a genuine smile, <Too long,> Valery signed back with a chuckle, though not nearly as fast. She had learned sign language many years ago, but she didn't have to use it very often, so she wasn't quite as quick.

<I've been good, and I'm glad you're back. How has your trip been?> she asked, curious to hear more about it. She wasn't sure if Efret knew, but Valery had actually been a Lorekeeper for a short time while she was recovering from battle injuries. It helped her develop a strong appreciation for both librarians and those working out in the field.

It also meant she was very eager to hear more about Efret's findings.

in the footsteps of a stranger

She watched patiently, her head facing Val but angled off-center as to see the grandmaster's hands in her own limited field of vision. Efret was always very happy when someone communicated with her in her preferred manner, and that happiness eclipsed any possibility for impatience at signing speed.

Her smile grew impossibly when she stepped back on one foot, made an 'aw well' gesture, and replied, <Moment dull never.>

Then the shadows rolled across her face. <End especially. Not here, sorry. I fight not well but could past heal or protect.> Not that Val knew this about Efret either, but the single master was in fact a competent duelist—but only when she let herself be. Vision loss and profound deafness themselves were not barriers; her lack of battle confidence, however, was. It was difficult, definitely, to only theoretically balance the allowances needed to navigate and communicate in a hectic environment. To think of its actuality was one of the few things that could push Master Farr's sense of calm toward panic. For that reason, we felt more comfortable as a supportive act, or even as a solo one, which was how she spent much of her time.

<Planet loss all-of-us mourn. You and Council decide right.> She gave a reassuring smile. Nirrah bowed her head, agreeing.

<I stay future how long you need. Want help Coruscant protect now. Tell me what-do.>

Valery Noble Valery Noble
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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

<You don't have to apologize,> Valery signed to the best of her abilities while she offered a reassuring smile at the same time. The attack had come as a surprise, and many Jedi had been out elsewhere in the Galaxy. Some had perhaps been able to return, if they were close enough and not caught up in other matters they couldn't abandon. But many hadn't been able to return in time to help protect the targeted planets.

There was no shame in that.

<I'm just glad you're safe. We lost too much already> Especially the battle for Empress Teta had been quite costly in terms of lives lost. The planet had an immensely dense population, after all, and this Dark Empire was not afraid to cause massive amounts of collateral damage.

At the reassurance from Efret, Valery could only smile. She was doing her best to coordinate war efforts and protect her fellow Jedi, but after losing several planets, it was easy to feel like she wasn't doing enough.

<We can use the help. I'm summoning the Jedi for a meeting soon. Be there?> she asked with a hopeful look in her eyes. <We need Jedi like you to help the young.>

in the footsteps of a stranger

<Definitely.> The sign was coincided with an enthusiastic nod. She hadn't gotten many opportunities to teach younglings or even padawans for one obvious reason, her nomadic lifestyle, but she had plenty of experience teaching others, from planetary locals to museum curators to dig assistants. This would be little different, surely, and she already had ideas. <I learn a-lot, last tour. Much Jedi history. I imagine past often, through Force trance. Some places must past beautiful. I can share this, yes?>

She looked to Val expectantly again, hope in her own eyes now.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

<It'd be lovely if you shared what you learned.> Even younglings often had an appreciation for history, as long as it was covered in ways they could understand. But there weren't just younglings and very young Padawans at the Temple — she imagined even Knights and Masters were interesting to listen to Efret's teachings.

The life of a Jedi was that of an eternal student.

<They will also need support. Many are scared.> That was the unfortunate truth of war. Some Jedi chose not to be at the front lines, and the young Jedi especially were actively kept from being in battles. But sometimes there was no choice, and an evil like the Dark Empire was not afraid to go after the young, the old or those unable to defend themselves.

The Padawans of this generation were going to need experienced Jedi to confide in.

<For now, join me? I was going to the gardens. Maybe you can share more about your tour?>

in the footsteps of a stranger

Efret made a motion inviting Val to lead the way. She'd follow after, quickly coming to her side.

<Here come-from #Jiroch-Reslia,> she began as they walked toward the nearest garden entrance. <I hunt four months with #Tunroth commune. Learned their native language. Difficult because no word. Only grunt. Can't lipread but can notice larynx. Different movement, different sound.>

There was a pause as Efret broke line of sight to descend a short set of stairs behind Val, as a group of padawans came up one side. Efret's smile at their presence was downcast as she watched her feet until she had stepped off the stairs onto the garden path below. She retook her place at Val's side. <They write pictograms. Very visual. I learn that fast.>

Three hunter accept me into Guild. Past go-to Predator Hall. Interesting place. Hunt spiritual for them. That lifestyle.>

Her smile, infectious with passion for her field and the people it allowed her to meet, grew sheepish. <I already nineteen level hunter. I say: this too-early. One hunter, #Yyarokl, say: don't worry, you really good hunter. I say: I Jedi, I have advantage, not fair.> She pouted dramatically, shoulders hanging in mock defeat. <He laugh and walk-away.>

Valery Noble Valery Noble
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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

There was something greatly infectious about Efret's smile and the palpable joy she felt for her work. Most Jedi were quite passionate about what they did — helping people and serving the will of the Force were core parts of their lives. But there was something more to it for Efret. She didn't simply do her work and then move on to the next assignment. Each experience truly became an important part of her.

Something she'd never forget, and something she'd cherish.

<That sounds amazing, Efret,> Valery signed with a chuckle, as they descended some stairs and crossed into the next hallway. The Gardens were right up ahead and Valery could already smell the fresh air. The flowers were producing a scent that just drew her in, and made her want to host every meeting there, rather than up in the tower.

If only she could.

Meanwhile, Valery continued to listen and couldn't stop another smile from spreading when she saw the adorable pout on the other woman's face, <It seems they were not convinced it was just the Force.> Valery winked and held up her hand to a small bench by one of the large trees inside the garden.

<You have the right spirit for it, and that matters most.>

in the footsteps of a stranger

Efret shrugged as she sat on the bench. <Maybe but I worry...> She paused to think over her choice of words, waving her fingers as she did. <Don't-know, explain difficult. I feel archeologist get special attention sometimes.> The other master seemed a bit sad now. <True for Jedi in-general maybe. Us-all should not want that.> Efret took another, albeit much briefer pause. During it, she remembered to whom she was speaking. <Me opinion.>

Valery Noble Valery Noble
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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

<I agree,> Valery signed after she sat down and crossed one leg over the other. With the Jedi and their abilities, it wasn't uncommon for people to look at them differently or give them special attention. It was generally meant well, but Valery felt Jedi were at their best when they were held to the same standards as others, and not looked upon too differently.

It always came with risks.

<This new war will bring a lot of attention to us already. Good and bad.> With new generations being exposed to it, she could only imagine what kind of effect it would have on them. It'd be on Jedi such as herself and Efret to help guide them through it.

<I plan to go to New Cov,> Valery then added. <To prepare the Temple for the future. Do you wish to come?>



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

<Hunting?> Valery raised a brow curisouly and smiled. <I learned how to hunt on New Cov. In the Jungle. It's a good skill to have.> Especially with what she was planning to announce soon. If Jedi were going to be moving to different Temples and staying in places away from the ease and comfort of Coruscant, it would be useful for them to learn all sorts of survival skills. From farming, to hunting, gathering and so much more.

They were going to need good instructors.

<Let's head there now and we can discuss options.> Valery stood up and blinked, realizing they had literally just gotten here. But... the excitement of showing New Cov to Efret was just too overwhelming.

<The New Cov Temple is from my own time. Thousands of years old and rebuilt with a lot of original material.> For someone with an interest in history, it was a treasure inside the jungle.

in the footsteps of a stranger

It was a plan. After the conference of Jedi, they would travel to New Cov together.

In the meantime before it was to begin, Efret excused herself from Val's company and navigated to her temporary dorm room in the visitors' hall. She poked her head in just long enough to grab her adventuring gear; including her notepad, translation unit, and lightsaber.

When the meeting was adjourned, she stayed in the large rotunda until the grandmaster was also ready to depart. Efret did take the time to approach and thank each of the interpreters, however, before she and Val went on their way to one of the Temple hangars. Efret felt the heaviness of the circumstances addressed head-on in the chamber getting further behind them as they walked down the hallway following at least her.

Whichever decision regarding the Order's move had been collectively reached—whether her preference had been selected or not—she was worried as to if the right choice had been made. As Padawan Vuto had posited,

“. . . We’ll live with the consequences of our actions here and now likely for the rest of our lives.”

She forced the future out of her mind for the time being. <Yours or mine, which?> she asked, curious as to whose starship they'd be taking.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's entire aura had changed. Going into the meeting, she knew what she was going to say and she had her expectations about what input others would offer. But despite that, it truly felt like the meeting itself had changed something. That it made her realize just what future they were all moving into, and so much about it was uncertain. Even the most carefully picked decision could end up being the wrong one.

But she couldn't allow herself to lose hope like that.

<Can we take yours? If you don't mind,> Valery signed with an almost pleading smile. She was struggling to admit it, but she wouldn't mind just tagging along for the ride, rather than be focused on flying herself.

Perhaps it'd give her time to clear her mind, so she could make the New Cov experience one to remember. She was, after all, growing quite fond of Efret and she hoped to make her curious about the Jungle planet.

About her first home.

in the footsteps of a stranger

Efret smiled, turned on her heel as they entered the bay and took her next few strides backwards. <You-ask-me, I say yes,> she replied before turning again and leading the way towards her fighter. As she did, she attached a little, grey pin to the neckline of her tunic.

Her astromech droid, a salmon-colored and boxy unit called 2E-B7, was already in his seat nestled in the hull. "Wake up, Tewy," the feminine voice programmed into her translator unit interpreted. She hit the siding with her open palm before pressing a nearby button to open the dual-seated cockpit canopy. As soon as she could, she climbed the ladder embedded into the hull. "Please plot a course for New Cov."

Tewy made a series of beeps, his head swirling backwards to look at Efret as she strapped herself in.

She laughed out loud. "Funny. You're flying." Her physical vision was not getting any better, after all.

They made record time, both to the system and then down through atmosphere. On the flight into the Mid Rim, Efret and Valery would have been able to continue to converse though their backs were to each other's. Nirrah sat on the gunner's dashboard in front of Val, allowing Efret to see though the animal's eyes.

As they approached an open landing pad, she commented, "Woah. How have I never been here? That jungle's like a stereotypical adventure waiting to happen."

Valery Noble Valery Noble
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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

<You're much too kind.> Valery offered Efret a grateful smile and followed her to the Hangar. Her fighter and other shuttles and ships that Jedi could use for missions were there. But Efret opted for her own starfighter instead. Valery listened to the exchange between her and her droid with a smile and climbed up the ladder to get settled. With a little bit of help from Nirrah, Valery had been able to communicate along the way.

It wasn't a long flight, luckily.

Soon enough, Efret's fighter broke out of Hyperspace and passed through the planet's atmosphere. New Cov was a jungle planet largely untouched by civilization, with only a few domed cities rising above the trees. "It's arguably the most lethal Jungle in the Galaxy as well. The fauna and flora are so dangerous that the only settlements are these domed cities." But that also made it more exciting, and there was a lot of potential for adventure.

"The Temple is quite something, too. It was built so long ago, and now it has been restored. I'm sure you'll find it interesting." Up on a hill within the New Cov jungles, they'd soon see the Temple. It was decently well hidden, mostly to avoid strangers or enemies from finding it, but if you knew it was there, it was impossible to miss.

in the footsteps of a stranger

"I do too," agreed Efret, "though I am easily interested..." The tone of the lapel unit's voice changed as it relayed the latter part of her response. While a true statement, Efret was mostly teasing the grandmaster.

They landed soon after. Efret stayed in the cockpit a few moments longer than Val did to mess with a display on the pilot's dashboard. After she finished what she had to do with it, she joined Val out on the landing pad. "I'm sorry, but I don't think it wise for me to stay long. I just received word from the curator of my collection of artifact holoscans on Taris. He and the rest of the staff are concerned that the Dark Empire's borders won't hold for much longer." Taris was much closer to Mandalorian Protectorate territory than it was to the Dark Empire's, but the system was still sandwiched between, and, while there was some safety to their location, there was also need for concern.

"I do want to debrief with you, but after we're done here, I have some work cut out for me elsewhere." Efret smiled solemnly, remembering the words another Jedi from the meeting. "I'll take Master Jade's advice and find a willing companion to accompany me once we return to Coruscant."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

After stepping out of the fighter, Valery stretched her limbs and waited for Efret to catch up. She had likely received a message of some kind, judging by the way she had been tapping away at her monitor. Valery's suspicions were confirmed when she climbed her way out a moment later. "I understand — that's a legitimate concern. Do they wish to move the artifacts elsewhere or is it just a discussion about what to do?" Valery asked.

If they wanted to relocate some of the artifacts, Valery could offer some insight. She was very aware of available Temples and assets the Jedi had for such things.

First, it was time for a debrief.

"Good idea. Even if the Dark Empire isn't on Taris yet, it doesn't hurt to bring a buddy when you're anywhere near their territory." Which even included Coruscant now, as sad as that was. But there were many other planets that weren't as safe as they had once been. Onderon, Coruscant, Taris — there were too many too list.

"So, about the meeting..." Valery began as they walked up towards the grand entrance of the Temple.

in the footsteps of a stranger

"They wish to relocate the artifacts and themselves," Efret replied. "There's one master and padawan pair whom I suspect would be interested in going into hiding."

Once Efret began walking with the other woman, Nirrah took flight likewise towards the Temple. Shame washed over her; her behavior halfway though the meeting—her silence—seemed to be the best option at the time, but in hindsight she thought it childish. "I take it you noticed." She was an exceptionally expressive signer to the point that facial expressions often came even if she wasn't signing. In that way, she always wore her heart on her sleeve. It made her a good Jedi but a bad card player.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"I see," Valery said with a thoughtful frown, "If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know." Whether it was making arrangements or personally going there, Valery would always help. Especially in these trying times, with so many Jedi worried about the future. As a leader, it was her task now to keep people together and to spark realistic hope by creating a united front against this Dark Empire.

Together, they would overcome.

"I noticed but I wanted to give you space," Valery said with a dip of her head. "Those meetings can be tense, frustrating, or simply just overwhelming. Having everybody together and allowing everyone to speak isn't a very effective way to get something done. But given the circumstances, it was important to let any Jedi say what's on their mind."

"It can be a little too much."
Valery looked at Efret and smiled. She wasn't going to assume what troubled the woman's mind, but it was more than likely the result of how chaotic it had been.


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