King of Shawken
The home to one of the most ancient civilizations in the entire galaxy. Home of the Shawken spur trade route, an ancient branch of the Hydian Way connecting Coruscant and Shawken.
The beeping sound of the controls hummed in the cockpit while the pale blue swirls of hyperspace could be viewed out the view port. With a slow almost skeletal movement, the hand stretched out and pressed the rhythmically glowing button on the control board. With an almost whimsical attitude the ship crashed into real space and soon floated to a stand still. Before the two beings in the cockpit was the splendid view of Shawken and it's four moons.
With an almost groggy or raspy voice grasped out of his slumber up till this point Erebos spoke. "There it is, it's been a long time since I saw it last." He said as a small smile curled upon his lips and he moved his hand back from the control board and up to the back of his Togrutan lover, [member="Saki lin"]. With a gentle kiss upon her brow he rose slightly from the large cockpit seat the two had slept in during the long trip to the planet. A small series of cracks emanated from his neck as he moved it in a circular motion and then moved his other hand up to rub the back of his neck.
The pale light cast from the planet was the only source of light in the cockpit and it cast their silhouettes with an almost ethereal manner around the cockpit and the edges of their forms seemed to glow palely as well.
The home to one of the most ancient civilizations in the entire galaxy. Home of the Shawken spur trade route, an ancient branch of the Hydian Way connecting Coruscant and Shawken.
The beeping sound of the controls hummed in the cockpit while the pale blue swirls of hyperspace could be viewed out the view port. With a slow almost skeletal movement, the hand stretched out and pressed the rhythmically glowing button on the control board. With an almost whimsical attitude the ship crashed into real space and soon floated to a stand still. Before the two beings in the cockpit was the splendid view of Shawken and it's four moons.
With an almost groggy or raspy voice grasped out of his slumber up till this point Erebos spoke. "There it is, it's been a long time since I saw it last." He said as a small smile curled upon his lips and he moved his hand back from the control board and up to the back of his Togrutan lover, [member="Saki lin"]. With a gentle kiss upon her brow he rose slightly from the large cockpit seat the two had slept in during the long trip to the planet. A small series of cracks emanated from his neck as he moved it in a circular motion and then moved his other hand up to rub the back of his neck.
The pale light cast from the planet was the only source of light in the cockpit and it cast their silhouettes with an almost ethereal manner around the cockpit and the edges of their forms seemed to glow palely as well.