Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aryn Teth

Carrion Plateau, Eriadu, Seswenna Sector, The Outer Rim Territories.
Interacting With: [member='Eliza Teth']
Sighing as he looked out over the golden, rolling fields of the Carrion, Aryn adjusted the collar of the undershirt he was wearing, his half-unzipped flight suit left to lazily hang behind him from around his waist. He took a deep breath of the warm air, the clouded skies which betrayed a coming storm still doing little to quell the heat which was almost constant along the Carrion Plateau. Much of Aryn's young life had been spent on these fields, hunting with his parents or flying above it in a T-16, and it had been nearly ten years to the day since he had left it behind.

Aryn had never exactly planned to return to Eriadu. He figured it was likely, but he had never made any particular effort or goal to return to his homeworld once he had left. In the time he had been gone, enough had happened that he'd always been kept busy and away. Between being trapped on Raxus Prime, thieving on Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa, flying fighters for the Rebellion and finally - gaining revelations at the Jedi Temple on Tython, there had been no real time to think of home. However, it was anything but nostalgia that had brought him home, hunters on his tail and a wanted listing trailing him across Imperial and First Order Space meant that he was in need of a place to rest and lay low. For now at least, that was back home.

Eliza Teth

Teth Residence, Eriadu, Seswenna Sector, Outer Rim Territories.
Interacting with: Aryn Teth

She sat beneath the wing of a battered T-16 Skyhopper, sheltering herself from the harsh sunlight that poured through the clouded sky above. An oppressive heat surrounded her like a wall of stone; not necessarily an uncommon thing to witness on an average day on Eriadu, though it wasn't exactly something Eliza had grown accustomed to. As she finished the final repairs on the once damaged left wing of the ship, she reached half sluggishly for her canteen, taking a large gulp of water from it before standing to her feet. Eliza wandered from out of the shade and into the sunlight, wiping the sweat beading against her brow away with a damp rag.

It'd been awhile since Eliza had taken her brother's old airspeeder out for a ride. Having accidentally grazed it on a flight home from Phelar a few months back and with work in the city keeping her busy, she'd had little time to repair the thing. Eliza clambered up onto the wing of the ship, treading lightly over it, before unlatching the lock on the cockpit door and swinging it open with a sharp creak, crawling her way inside. She waved a hand in front of her face as she entered the stuffy compartment, and took her seat as she went about starting up the engine. With a brief sputter, the Skyhopper slowly came to life, it's engine humming as Eliza brought the airspeeder to lift up off the ground and off into the savannah.
Aryn Teth

Carrion Plateau, Eriadu, Seswenna Sector, The Outer Rim Territories.
Interacting With: [member='Eliza Teth']
Leaving his ship under the surprisingly-capable watch of BB-3, Aryn took a few steps up and onto the nearby hills which looked over most of the plateau, and onto the Carrion Spike itself which sat in the middle of the savannah, the defining landmark across the entire plateau. Aryn had only been down to the Spike once, it was where the Teth family crypts were, somewhere the family visited only rarely, and usually only when necessary. He had been to this hill though, and the area around it, many times throughout his young life though - it was his usual starting point for many of his races and flights in his old T-16, and indeed it had been where he first taught his sister to fly.

Moving back down toward his X-Wing after he sucked in another deep breath, Aryn carefully lifted BB-3 out of his socket atop the fighter, lowering it down to the ground while the droid beeped indignantly all the while. "Yes, yes, I get it, you hate it here, you hate it everywhere." He grumbled down to the ball as it rolled into him aggressively, Aryn forcing himself not to show the pain he felt from the droid's impact against him, shaking his head as he climbed up the ladder again to fish around in the cockpit of his X-Wing, oblivious to the ever-encroaching sound of the approaching T-16.
Eliza Teth

Carrion Plateau, Eriadu, Seswenna Sector, Outer Rim Territories.
Interacting with: Aryn Teth

So far so good; Eliza hadn't the slightest trouble maneuvering or controlling the Skyhopper, yet she maintained a vigilant watch on all system and her surroundings regardless. The span of the wings had always made her somewhat nervous, despite having used it for years now. Approaching the base of the Carrion Plateau, she carefully brought the control column of the speeder towards her, the Skyhopper slowly beginning to make it's ascent. As Eliza crested over the raised flatland, she couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. She'd spent much of her childhood here, hunting and learning to fly, or even just wandering about. She smiled to herself as she remembered her father taking herself and Aryn up this same plateau when they were younger, waiting until the very last moment to bring their speeder upwards and shooting over the top- a maneuver which never failed to send Eliza into a panic.

Just then, a large blur met her line of sight, snapping her out of her daydream as she quickly pulled up and out of the way of the obstacle. "Oh, hell," Eliza sighed as she sped past it, slowing up and maneuvering around to look back on... whatever she'd just passed over. In the distance, an X-Wing sat parked on the plateau, though from where Eliza was it was difficult to make out if anyone was standing near it. Slowly gliding towards the starfighter, she lowered the Skyhopper onto the ground, bringing the landing gear down and raising the Skyhopper's wings just slightly upwards as she touched down onto the plateau. It wasn't common for Eliza to approach a stranger- especially not out in the middle of nowhere- though something told her she should at least investigate the craft to make sure everything was alright. Or at the very least, make sure she hadn't hit anything.
Aryn Teth

Carrion Plateau, Eriadu, Seswenna Sector, The Outer Rim Territories.
Interacting With: [member='Eliza Teth']
Dragging the macro-binoculars out from the small compartment he had under the seat of his X-Wing, Aryn moved to stand up straight again right as the T-16 flew straight over his head. He raised an eyebrow as he looked up at it, seeing Skyhoppers out here wasn't too uncommon, at least as far as he had remembered. It was fairly common that a few kids from Phelar would come out to the Carrion to fly around, much to the displeasure of Aryn's father, who regularly suggested that they were trespassing on the land. Aryn had never cared too much, they made for good competition back in the day, though it was uncommon to find one T-16 out here alone. He watched the airspeeder as it drew nearer, climbing down to the bottom of the ladder as he got a closer look at it while it got nearer, freezing as he looked over it. He recognized the Skyhopper, he'd flown it enough in his day, and he knew there was only one person who could likely be in the pilot's seat.

Raising his macro-binoculars to get a closer look, Aryn peered through the transparisteel into the cockpit, and found himself hit by a pang of guilt as he set his eyes on Eliza within. "Oh, hell." It had occurred to Aryn fairly often that he had not actually contacted Eliza at all, often he'd settled with himself the lie that he was usually too busy, or that communications that weren't essential were too dangerous whenever he was working with the Alliance. He had considered this was likely when he returned to Eriadu, in reality he had planned to visit his family at one point, he just hadn't expected it to be so soon, or so impromptu. Sighing, and resisting the urge to get in his X-Wing and run away, Aryn moved to hang the Macro-binoculars back on his belt as Eliza landed, reaching up to wave in her direction as she did approach.
Eliza Teth

Carrion Plateau, Eriadu, Seswenna Sector, Outer Rim Territories.
Interacting with: Aryn Teth

With a loud creak, Eliza swung the T-16's cockpit hatch open, stepping out into the sunlight and back onto the right hand wing. Sliding off the edge, she landed feet first on the ground, kicking up a light puff of dust around her. The harsh sun beat down on her, making her squint as she gazed upon the figure waving to her in the distance. He looked friendly enough, she thought, as she made her way across the plateau with a hand over her brows.

"Um... sorry to bother you!" she called out as she grew closer. "I was just making sure I didn't-"

Eliza stopped, less than a yard from him, as she looked him over. She knew those eyes from anywhere- they hadn't changed much over the years. Silence filled the space between them as she stood there dumbstruck, her jaw dropped.

"... hit... anything," Eliza finished. The silence threatened to creep back in as she continued to stare, the hand shielding her eyes dropping to her side.
Aryn Teth

Carrion Plateau, Eriadu, Seswenna Sector, The Outer Rim Territories.
Interacting With: [member='Eliza Teth']
Aryn cleared his throat awkwardly as he watched Eliza, a dumb, nervous grin sitting on his face as she approached and spoke up. He was surprised at the time it seemed to take her to recognize him, looking over her - she'd hardly changed at all, even in the long years that they had been separated. He figured it was rather different for himself, of course. He'd spent a great deal of time at war, flying between battleships in space, and even engaged on the ground, the galaxy so far had not been kind to Aryn, and he suspected that indeed his face probably showed it, at least to someone who knew him as well as Eliza did.

As the silence continued, and Aryn found his sister staring blankly in his direction, he figured he was being compelled to say something, knowing she wouldn't, and would likely either attack him or run away in a few moments if the silence went on. Though, he figured she was liable to do either anyway, considering the situation. "Uh, hey there, El... Been a while." Trying to ignore just how much of an nerf herder he sounded like for his words, he kept his awkward smile on his face as he watched her, waiting for the inevitable retribution of his essential exile from Eriadu.


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett

Carrion Plateau, Seswenna Sector, The Outer Rim Territories​
Interacting With: [member="Aryn Teth"] [member="Eliza Teth"]​
Above Eriadu was the Concord Spear, a Firesrpray-31 Attack and Patrol Craft, and despite the vessels stock weapons and capabilities the pilot further added to them which turned it into a menacing machine of death. Not many escaped it's clutches, and despite it's combative abilities, it was full of technology that would create an expert tracking vessel. That was why it was at Eriadu, tracking an X-Wing but more importantly it's pilot. Teth was a known member of the Rebel Alliance, creating trouble that the Empire had become sick of. As such Fett was contracted, and anyone who knew the ship would know of the pilot. An emerald green armored Mandalorian Bounty Hunter who earned his name tracking targets otherwise thought impossible. Though now? He was a Rebel Hunter for the time being.​
The Firespray soared down into atmosphere as Fett watched a holographic image of the X-Wing and Aryn Teth. Soon enough the whirring engines of the starship were audible above the family reunion. Cutting it short as it's high powered cannons cut through the air, it's shots impacting in the ground in between the two and the X-Wing, steering them away from it as it came from above in a strafing run. If he could get a hold of that X-Wing then it'd have the coordinates for Alliance bases, that'd be a nice bonus to his pay now wouldn't it. That old Air-Speeder was the only viable option at this point. Unfortunately for the Sister she'd been dragged into this, he wasn't here for her but if she got in the way he wouldn't think twice about putting her down.​
Eliza Teth

Carrion Plateau, Eriadu, Seswenna Sector, Outer Rim Territories.
Interacting with: [member=Aryn Teth] [member=Koda Fett]

"What are you doing out here?" she started. "Where-"

Eliza's would-be lecture was brought to a halt, as the distinct sound of an incoming Firespray caught her ears, watching the craft fly into view from behind Aryn. She cursed to herself as cannon fire rained down in front of them, yanking her brother away from the impact as it kicked up dust and bits of rock. Having ducked low as the Firespray flew over them, Eliza turned back to Aryn with questioning eyes, clearly concerned by the sudden attack.

"Friend of yours?" she asked with a nervous laugh.
Aryn Teth

Carrion Plateau, Eriadu, Seswenna Sector, The Outer Rim Territories.
Interacting With: [member='Eliza Teth'], [member='Koda Fett']​
Aryn began to brace himself for his sister's lecture, though as he felt that nagging feeling in the back of his mind, the thought of danger, he found himself bracing for something else entirely. He caught the sound of the engine just after his sister, but he was grateful for that odd feeling he'd gotten, so akin to the one he got in the cockpit of his starfighter from time to time, warning him of danger. Taking a step forward, he grabbed Eliza at the same time she grabbed him, ducking low as the lasers impacted on either side of them, heading over as the Firespray passed by, BB-3 bursting to life with a series of beeps and whistles.

Aryn hardly even heard his sister's words, jumping to action as a plan came quickly to his mind. "BB, get off-world, if he follows you, head to Tython, otherwise, get to Phelar." Reaching out, and not even waiting for a question from the droid, Aryn grabbed his sister's arm, pulling her up off the ground as he started to run towards the T-16. He knew full well that the airspeeder would likely not be able to escape the Firespray, regardless of how well he could fly it, but Aryn hoped at the very least he could get to more covered ground before they were downed. Though, in honesty he hoped the Firespray wouldn't even notice his retreat into the airspeeder, that whoever was after him would chase down the X-wing instead.

Climbing into the cockpit of the T-16, he essentially dragged Eliza into it with him, speeding through the system startup and not even bothering with the vertical take-off, setting full power to the airspeeder's thrusters as it flew dangerously only a few feet off the ground for a moment before enough power game to it to tilt upward and into the sky. Lowering the wings, he spun the airspeeder in a barrel roll as he turned, making towards the carrion spike, and Phelar on the other side of it.


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett

Carrion Plateau, Seswenna Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Interacting With: Aryn Teth Eliza Teth

The Bounty Hunter veered to the left, spinning his Firespray in that direction after gaining a respectable distance that'd allow him to perform a complete turn around and then continue his strafing run. Although, that's when he was faced with an option. Either the X-Wing, Teth could've made his way in there and taken off, or he's taking the Skyhopper. Nobody moves that fast. He determined, reverting his gaze from the X-Wing and onto the Skyhopper. The guns of the Concord Spear began adjusting, aiming down and just before he did a skilful display happened before him. The Skyhopper turned around and went underneath him at a dangerously low height. That's the Pilot. Not a doubt in his mind that this wasn't Teth, whoever the woman was didn't matter.

A hard right and a pullback. The Firespray, slowed, turning almost on the spot before accelerating after it. The Skyhopper had the size advantage, able to weave in and out and get to places the Concord Spear otherwise could not. But the Firespray had the speed and weapons. The Bounty Hunter wasn't here to kill him, if he was it would've certainly been over in the first strafing run. So when it came to blasting the Skyhopper, he took to the left wing, the very tip. He didn't fire bursts or anything in full-auto, a ship like that would be ripped apart by the Spear's guns. Instead he fired single shots in an attempt to clip the wing.

From the inside of the cockpit he sat silently, almost emotionless. His entire attention focused on the scenario in front of him. He was going to get his quarry and there was nothing Teth could do to stop him. There was a reason he was trusted to perform such a job, he got the results the Empire wanted. He wasn't going to let that go to waste. This was nothing more than a simple chase that would end as quickly as it began.
Eliza Teth

Carrion Plateau, Eriadu, Seswenna Sector, Outer Rim Territories.
Interacting with: [member=Aryn Teth] [member=Koda Fett]

She raced behind him, lost in a daze as the Firespray roared above them. It was clear to her that whoever was firing at them had some sort of beef with one of them... and from experience, Eliza would've wagered that it was Aryn. While it wasn't a complete shock that her twin had someone gotten himself into trouble, she wouldn't have expected him to be the target of a fly-by. Eliza briefly stumbled as the Firespray fired off another round of cannonfire, instinctively covering her head from the bits of rock and debris that pelted the two. She found it odd that their assailant hadn't fired very near them at all, even when they'd been standing still when they were first attacked. Did the pilot not want the two of them dead?

Her thoughts were interrupted when Eliza was suddenly tugged onto the Skyhopper, clambering inside as the cockpit door closed behind her. She barely had time to sit down before Aryn brought the T-16 to life, lurching back into her seat as they jetted off, her view obscured by Aryn in front of the cockpit windows. Eliza fastened herself in as Aryn maneuvered the airspeeder every which way, her fingers digging into the seat as the two tried to escape.

"A-are we losing him? Can we even outrun him?" Eliza finally asked, clearly panicked.
Aryn Teth

Carrion Plateau, Eriadu, Seswenna Sector, The Outer Rim Territories.
Interacting With: [member='Eliza Teth'], [member='Koda Fett']​
Aryn was tunnel-visioned in that moment. He saw clearly through the viewports of the T-16 as the X-Wing took off and made its way as far away as possible, guided by his BB droid. Glancing to his sister briefly as she spoke up, he shrugged, sighing. "Well, not many people have outrun him, if it's who I think it is, but hey, there's always a first." It was at that moment he got the nagging precognition once more, seeing in the display of his rear-view camera that the blaster cannons of the Firespray were heating up to fire. Just as they did, he lurched the skyhopper to the left, turning it 90 degrees as he flew it sideways, letting the shots aimed for the wing instead fly between and off into the air.

He didn't figure his chances of escaping in the skyhopper were likely, at most he figured he could make the bounty hunter more and more stressed as they grew closer to the Spike. The carrion was open field except for the spike, if they were in a more mountainous or forested region, he figured he had a chance out-running or duping the Firespray on their rear, however, out here? All he could really buy was time.


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett

Carrion Plateau, Seswenna Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Interacting With: Aryn Teth Eliza Teth

The firespray kept hot on their heels, never seeming to let up as precise shots were fired. Though it seemed he wasn't in any luck with such a talented pilot, though he knew time was his ally. Teth couldn't avoid such shots all day, eventually he'd go down. Then he'd have him. Though Fett became agitated has it prolonged, he wasn't use to such a drawn out conflict. Rebel Pilots that got a name for themselves were often skilled, but not of this caliber. It was all over by now, but not this time. All he could do was keep up the fire in the hope he would soon go down in a fiery crash and blaze. Though he needed him alive, his hateful desires would have to wait.

He was calm under such pressure, bred for war and bred to ignore combat stress - no chance it was something he'd face. If Teth escaped into the area in which the Concord Spear would find it more difficult to enter, he'd have to wait, he'd prefer not to but eventually Teth would resurface and he could catch him. He knew of Teth as much as Teth knew of him, someone with enough skill to earn a price was always someone you needed to watch out for. Though to Fett this was another job, one that just seemed to be more of a burden for the most part.
Eliza Teth

Carrion Plateau, Eriadu, Seswenna Sector, Outer Rim Territories.
Interacting with: [member=Aryn Teth] [member=Koda Fett]

Eliza sank back into her seat. "Oh. Well, that's... not great," she laughed nervously once more. There was no doubt in her mind that Aryn was a skilled pilot; he had the trophies from years of racing to prove it, after all, and she'd been around for their fair share of janky maneuvers and close calls in the same airspeeder they were currently riding in. But of course, this was clearly a very different situation. As they neared the Carrion Spike, Eliza lifted her head to look over Aryn's, lifting up off her seat just slightly to look out the cockpit window.

"Please just be careful- I really don't want to have to spend another weekend fixing this thing." Eliza paused, "... Or die. Definitely don't want that to happen either."

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