Aryn Teth

Aryn Teth
Carrion Plateau, Eriadu, Seswenna Sector, The Outer Rim Territories.
Interacting With: [member='Eliza Teth']
Sighing as he looked out over the golden, rolling fields of the Carrion, Aryn adjusted the collar of the undershirt he was wearing, his half-unzipped flight suit left to lazily hang behind him from around his waist. He took a deep breath of the warm air, the clouded skies which betrayed a coming storm still doing little to quell the heat which was almost constant along the Carrion Plateau. Much of Aryn's young life had been spent on these fields, hunting with his parents or flying above it in a T-16, and it had been nearly ten years to the day since he had left it behind.Aryn had never exactly planned to return to Eriadu. He figured it was likely, but he had never made any particular effort or goal to return to his homeworld once he had left. In the time he had been gone, enough had happened that he'd always been kept busy and away. Between being trapped on Raxus Prime, thieving on Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa, flying fighters for the Rebellion and finally - gaining revelations at the Jedi Temple on Tython, there had been no real time to think of home. However, it was anything but nostalgia that had brought him home, hunters on his tail and a wanted listing trailing him across Imperial and First Order Space meant that he was in need of a place to rest and lay low. For now at least, that was back home.