There was nothing quite like coming home.
For the last three months, Dresden had been neck deep in the swamps of a miserable little world somewhere in the Mid Rim. There was nothing there worth fighting for, but that had never stopped anyone from trying, and the planetary government had been able to raise the funds to hire a few mercenary advisers to train their fledgling army. It wasn't a combat job. Dresden had simply been there to advise on the creation of an elite training program. That, unfortunately, had meant purposefully seeking out the roughest, most inhospitable parts of the world and seeing which would be best suited for putting recruits through hell. For three months, he had trekked through some of the worst terrain possible, and now that the contract was over, he was never going back to that wretched place again.
Now though, that was someone else's problem.
The mercenary arrived in system around lunchtime. By the time he was cleared through ATC, it was a little after 1500 local time. The traffic here was a nightmare, but [member="Dru"] liked to be close to where the action was, and Dresden didn't mind dealing with people who couldn't fly to save their lives so long as he had a ship with some serious firepower.
You know, just in case.
His heavily modified Skipray 24r Blastboat had that in spades. The thing violated so many local ordinances that he suspected the only reason the government of Empress Teta allowed him to keep the thing was that they were afraid to try to take it.
He piloted his pocket warship down to the small estate that he and Dru shared. It wasn't huge by the standards of some planets, but on a world that was almost entirely covered in a sprawling metropolis that rivaled Coruscant for sheer scale, it was massive. He landed the Skipray in the small hangar over by the edge of the property. Dru's ship, a Nubian J-type barge, was also present, but that didn't necessarily mean she was home, just that she was on the planet somewhere. She knew he was supposed to be home sometime today, but he hadn't been able to say exactly when. She might be out handling some last minute business or something.
Dresden considered trying to comm her, but decided against it at the last minute. If she was off on business, he didn't want to jog her elbow.
In the unlikely event that she was entertaining guests, he hiked around to the back of the manor. Though he had showered and put on clean clothes when he got into the system, he was still wearing his gear, since it was far easier to wear it than carry it separately. What with the plate carrier vest, complete with ammo pouches, grenades, and other assorted ordinance, the large rifle that dangled by his side, and the pack full of explosives, it was a safe bet that he'd spook any guests.
There was a reason the walkway to the house from the hangar was fully enclosed, after all.
He made his way to the backdoor and punched his access code into the keypad. He made sure to use the one that would send a ping to Dru if she was in the area, just so she wouldn't be surprised.
The door slid open, revealing a large mud room that also doubled as a weapons check. He cleared the rifle and put it in the appropriate spot. It would be taken to the armory so he could clean it later. The explosives went into a different receptacle, and there was yet another for the tactical equipment. Once everything was put up, he headed inside the house proper. There was a private lounge with a wet bar, and after a long trip, he sure could use a drink.
For the last three months, Dresden had been neck deep in the swamps of a miserable little world somewhere in the Mid Rim. There was nothing there worth fighting for, but that had never stopped anyone from trying, and the planetary government had been able to raise the funds to hire a few mercenary advisers to train their fledgling army. It wasn't a combat job. Dresden had simply been there to advise on the creation of an elite training program. That, unfortunately, had meant purposefully seeking out the roughest, most inhospitable parts of the world and seeing which would be best suited for putting recruits through hell. For three months, he had trekked through some of the worst terrain possible, and now that the contract was over, he was never going back to that wretched place again.
Now though, that was someone else's problem.
The mercenary arrived in system around lunchtime. By the time he was cleared through ATC, it was a little after 1500 local time. The traffic here was a nightmare, but [member="Dru"] liked to be close to where the action was, and Dresden didn't mind dealing with people who couldn't fly to save their lives so long as he had a ship with some serious firepower.
You know, just in case.
His heavily modified Skipray 24r Blastboat had that in spades. The thing violated so many local ordinances that he suspected the only reason the government of Empress Teta allowed him to keep the thing was that they were afraid to try to take it.
He piloted his pocket warship down to the small estate that he and Dru shared. It wasn't huge by the standards of some planets, but on a world that was almost entirely covered in a sprawling metropolis that rivaled Coruscant for sheer scale, it was massive. He landed the Skipray in the small hangar over by the edge of the property. Dru's ship, a Nubian J-type barge, was also present, but that didn't necessarily mean she was home, just that she was on the planet somewhere. She knew he was supposed to be home sometime today, but he hadn't been able to say exactly when. She might be out handling some last minute business or something.
Dresden considered trying to comm her, but decided against it at the last minute. If she was off on business, he didn't want to jog her elbow.
In the unlikely event that she was entertaining guests, he hiked around to the back of the manor. Though he had showered and put on clean clothes when he got into the system, he was still wearing his gear, since it was far easier to wear it than carry it separately. What with the plate carrier vest, complete with ammo pouches, grenades, and other assorted ordinance, the large rifle that dangled by his side, and the pack full of explosives, it was a safe bet that he'd spook any guests.
There was a reason the walkway to the house from the hangar was fully enclosed, after all.
He made his way to the backdoor and punched his access code into the keypad. He made sure to use the one that would send a ping to Dru if she was in the area, just so she wouldn't be surprised.
The door slid open, revealing a large mud room that also doubled as a weapons check. He cleared the rifle and put it in the appropriate spot. It would be taken to the armory so he could clean it later. The explosives went into a different receptacle, and there was yet another for the tactical equipment. Once everything was put up, he headed inside the house proper. There was a private lounge with a wet bar, and after a long trip, he sure could use a drink.