Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Honor among Criminals (The Family)

The Tsukasa Gokudō was growing, so too was it's reputation spreading among the streets of the Underworld districts of the Metropolis Planet drifting within the heart of the Galaxy. Coruscant, a world where a person could get lost within the endless horizon of skyscrapers and polluted mists that seperated the lower levels, the lower economy from those above.

Kyūshū Tsukasa had come into his own stature here beneath the polluted clouds and the glistening buildings towering above, they whom depicted organizations of such greater wealth and influence not only over Coruscant but across the Galaxy. Ever since the Force Storm conjured up by those supposedly heroic people who could control such unrelenting powers, Kyūshū had been forced into the life of a refugee and traveling between place to place slowly making connections within their own people, he had managed to pay off an authoritative figure, both earning his peoples freedom from the government but so too learning that everyone had a price, anything could be bought should you have what they desired and the intelligence to exploit them.

Walking the streets out in the open, Akio Takara followed alongside Kyūshū's right. Behind them, a small following of the Gokudō walked in tow, ever keeping eyes upon their surroundings and ensuring the Oyabun remained under constant watch and protection. To these younger men, Kyūshū Tsukasa was a father figure, the head of the Organization that had become their new Family and all before it had been renounced. Each and every soldier, every one of them were loyal to him. The Tsukasa Gokudō demanded honor among their own, failure came with a price that could be paid in blood, though forgiveness was only on offer for those willing to sacrifice to obtain it within their organization. For everyone outside of their family however...Well, for their guests today, that remained to be seen.

Word had been sent fourth that an Associate of The Family was inbound with the intention of sitting down with Kyūshū Tsukasa, to discuss what the future held for both of their Organizations. The Atrisian's curiosity had been piqued, although he was not familiar with this other Criminal front, he had agreed to meet with them and sent forward the location of one of the Gokudō's known establishments; The Red Lantern, as it was spoken in basic. They would be, naturally, meeting Kyūshū on his own ground and as such would be put at a disadvantage were things to turn hostile; yet as a show of faith in their business proposal, Kyūshū was willing to offer these foreigners the benefit of the doubt and hear what they had to say, unlike the response most in their position were offered.

In today's society, honor among criminals was simply too rare to pass up.

[member="Ivory Stroud"] | Others


Returning home to Coruscant was always a cherished moment; Ivory Stroud even possessed a little ritual to mark each occasion. Recently, she was spending far more of her time away from the Capital of the Galaxy; whether traveling to the furthest outer rim or flying deep into the core, it seemed as-if the place of her birth could not be shaken. She was doomed to forever return... just as any who took possession of Coruscant were doomed to lose it.

As the great city-planet grew in the ship's viewport, Ivory excused herself and slipped into the rear section of the small cruiser she presently occupied as she pursued The Family's interests throughout the Galaxy. The small number of crew left her alone and she could easily come and go as she pleased; just how she liked it. Alone, Ivory drew out with a stylus onto a piece of parchment a single word; "Sacrulos", which meant Sacrilage in the Underdark. She then bloodied herself, sacrificing some of her blood to stain the parchment before carrying the sanguine offering to an airlock, lighting it aflame, then ejecting the ashes into the cold blackness of space.

And this is what she did, before she arrived for her meeting with the Kumicho of the Tsukasa Gokudo.

Finding safe transport within the City-Planet wasn't so difficult, even for someone with Ivory's reputation; she was wanted (badly) by the CSB (Coruscant Security Bureau), and was considered by "Coruscant First" to be a threat to Planetary Security. Someone, in the depths of the CSB, would likely find her photo familiar and her name and biometric data, if acquired, would be flagged immediately for location and apprehension. However, Ivory was incredibly resourceful, and could come and go from the planet with ease. Checkpoints & Identification Sweeps were handled through the use of falsified papers (among the most professionally-crafted in the Galaxy) as well as high levels of tactical planning and surgical execution. Ivory was used to operating alone, or in small groups...

With the Family's assistance, she was becoming a force to be reckoned with, indeed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Ivory arrived at the Red Lantern early for her meeting with the Crime Lord known as Kyushu Tsukasa. As her airspeeder descending, taking a few short turns around gargantuan towers of durasteel & glass, her violet eyes peered through the windows as the city sped past; the area where the Red Lantern had been established was well-monitored by the Tsukasa Gokudo, and she expected no trouble from the CSB or anyone else for that matter.

"Still..." She muttered. "Better safe than sorry."

Ivory stepped from her land-speeder onto the duracrete platform; the area was known for its' Altrisian restaurants and atmosphere, and the area had a certain hum all its' own... She was familiar with this particular district only by reputation, knowing it to be under the watchful eye of the powerful Yakuza Clan, whom she'd never had dealings with before her rise to Interstellar Criminal. Today, it would seem, would be the day that would change.

Ivory entered the Red Lantern, announcing when asked that the Emissary from The Family had arrived. She would wait, admiring the décor of the Establishment as it was something she'd never experienced before.

She was dressed in a skin-tight dress which hugged her curves beautifully, but was stylishly conservative. The coat & boots she were wore expensive and quite beautiful, and her hair had been styled into a unique cut. Violet eyes were bright & clear, seeing everything... The woman gave off a powerful air of confidence & direction, tempered by a lifetime of business. She expected, from what she'd seen so far, that the sit-down Head of the Tsukasa Gokudo would be well-worth the trip.


[member="Ahtemis"] @Kyūshū Tsukasa
Kyūshū Tsukasa hadn't heard a great deal from this off-world organization, though to his understanding they were a well organized Criminal Syndicate similar to his own, outside of the traditions and culture that separated them, of course. La Cosa Nostra, Mafia, The Family...Among the many Criminal Empires within the Galaxy, Kyūshū had heard rumors of his soon to be guests, eager to hear what they had to say for the underworld of Coruscant.

The Hutts also had interests within the Core World however, [member="Queen Popara"] had thus far not interrupted any of Tsukasa's operations nor stepped foot within his territory and due to this present disinterest, the same could be said for the interest of the Hutt Cartel, that none of Kyūshū Tsukasa would do business on rival turf until they were provoked. Coming to Coruscant on business such as this, it was considered likely that [member="Ivory Stroud"] might be intent on meeting with the Cartel too.

Seated upon a cushion at the head of the table just shy off of the ground, Kyūshū listened to his Shategashira discussing among themselves within their Atrisian tongue, whilst he remained silent and drew upon the back of a Cigarro. Each and every one of them earned their keep whilst paying respect and tribute to their Oyabun, he of whom had in the very first days arisen from the hard awful life of a refugee to now be considered a man of true repute among the streets of the Coruscant Underworld.

As of yet, he had not been crossed by the 'Coruscant First' initiative that seemed to be presiding over the World's imminent domain and future prosperity. Governments today did not seem to last long; silence was treated like a weakness and the loudest voices always called upon themselves the greatest attention. Situated within the Heart of the Core, it was expected that they would one day need to sit down with this initiative, or perhaps it's replacement should that time ever come to pass. Politics were a Criminal Business all of it's own leage, and yet Kyūshū Tsukasa did not plan to keep his interests purely set upon Coruscant.

To his left, Akio Takara leaned down to his ear speaking of their Guests arrival. Looking up to his subordinates, they were soon dismissed with a gentle wave of his left hand and only after their absence would he respond to his Saiko-Komon. "Invite Miss Stroud to join me here" he gestured to the opposite end of the table, "Remain outside".


Ivory Stroud had been seated for only a short time at one of the small tables near the entrance before a man approached her...

He was different from the rest of the beings which she'd seen up until now; a few thugs appearing normal in the haze - a crafty illusion to what lay beyond. This Atrisian carried himself with strength & self-confidence and approached her from a distance. She watched him peacefully, until the moment he arrived at her table, and she stood, knowing immediately that the time had come. "Good Evening, Ms. Stroud." He said, in Basic. His accent was present, but not too strong - he was a man of the world, this one. And furthermore was the scar.

"My name is Akio Takara… I am Advisor to the Kyushu, the Saiko-Komon. The Kumicho will see you now."

The Atrisian carried a nasty, long-healed jagged cicatrix across one side of his face, and the wound had done damage to his eye. It gave him a thuggish, mysterious, and violent air... But Ivory suspected that to be an illusion, as well. Interesting - It seemed the two of them were similar.

Ivory nodded her head, her voice level with a sweet touch to it; strong, yet yielding: "It is my pleasure, Mr. Takara. Lead on."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ivory was led by the Saiko-Komon further into the Red Lantern restaurant and showed her to a door. Ivory followed, moving like molten quicksilver. Violet eyes seemed to pay attention to every corner, as-if she were calculating angles... crafting a picture in her mind of the place, for later reference. The building seemed remarkably peaceful and carried a meditative vibe... it seemed perfectly suited toward quiet deals done In secret behind closed doors.

The scar-faced Atrisian Advisor opened the door, sliding the two halves apart and directing the raven-haired vixen through. Sensing a defining moment, she entered, palms clasped in-front of her and her eyes up. She would be standing just inside the entrance to their meeting place, and would meet his eyes.
Kyūshū Tsukasa rose to stand upon [member="Ivory Stroud"]'s entrance into the private dining suite, @Akio Takara soon sliding the door closed behind her that the pair of them might be able to discuss business and all else astray from the knowledge and notice of others. As was his instruction, she had not been checked for weapons, though it was likely she had been carrying some, the prospect of her possible treachery did not seem likely to the Oyabun, given that there was nothing to be gained in his demise from La Cosa Nostra, as of yet. There was also the matter of respect during such conduct and as this was their first meeting, the benefit of the doubt was on offer, least he discover a future need to raise questions in her Organizations possible business relationship.

"Welcome, Miss Stroud" Kyūshū lowered his head in a bow of formal greeting, though not nearly so low as to lose eye contact with the woman. Evidently their customs and traditions differed, for Women did not hold a prominent position within the Atrisian Syndicate, least they were attached to a figure of importance within his hierarchy by wedlock; such things were of course extremely rare and only opened his men up to possible exploitation and weakness. "Join me, please" his right hand motioned to the cushion at the opposite end of the Table head, the Oyabun seating himself once again.

Spread out across the table they shared were a number of bottles with Atrisian decor, a variety of malt and rice liquor on offer to his Guest should she wish to partake. The room itself carried the smell of rich tobacco and aroma's carried from the burning of incense to either side of the table. Kyūshū himself enjoying a fine cigarro, soon leaning forward to stub it out within the ashtray sat before him, exchanging the smoke for a glass of the liquor and taking a humbled sip while he studied the Woman a moment.

"It is not often I am met with Off-Worlders these days...-Tell me, what interests you?".
Factory Judge
The Donna wanted to make sure this deal went through. She was quite the woman who wanted to have growth within this family of hers. One that I was tasked with carrying out. Yes, the member of our family known as Miss Stroud was quite new to the family comparably to myself, and I was to oversee this situation. Yet, I was not to be the one leading this. No. She wanted me to assess the lass in her skills of creating these connections. I, for one, was not on the best terms with politics and wine with fine dining. However, Ahtemis who had entrusted much to me, knew my level head, and skills would be more than welcome at the table that the Atrisian had to offer.

While I had left separate from Miss Ivory, I knew I would be a little late. The reason? I had to make sure that the trail that Ivory left was covered. Should this deal go south, I had been well prepared for a full on fight with the entire Gokudo. Yes, I had been dressed as it were. Carrying my main hand, and the weapon I was known well for within the family. My title while different, was for one singular purpose. As the Gardener of the Donna's, I was the right hand man of her wishes. She needed something done under silence and without doubt, I would be called. My name to her? Auberon, and that is all either of the two meeting here would know of me.

The Donna had done her own job for me. Wiping my record clean and having the alias of Auberon created for me. A man who took nothing from no one, and never left the room without a head in his hands. Yet, that was just rumors that she had thrown through the family. This purpose was to allow my anonymity to stay in tact, and allowed anyone to take up the mantle should I perish, or retire. My hand pressed slightly against my mask, it kept it against my face as I slowly walked towards the main doors to the abode.

Meeting a man who had a scar upon his face, nasty and brought forth a damaged eye. One to show the sign of a fight that had taken place long ago, but was still very much a reason for loyalty. Even to lose his eye, he sought to be the eyes for this man. One [member="Kyūshū Tsukasa"], who I had only read about in recent. A hand coming up against my chest while attempting to enter. The white swirling mask slowly moving to meet his gaze. While the obvious was taken into account that they could not trust me with my weapons, I smirked behind the mask as I drew the massive claymore from my back. Presenting it to the man. As soon as I released the weight, the weapon dropped from his hands and thudded to the floor. No clanging or bouncing. The sheer weight and darkness within the weapon prevented any bounce.

Swiftly taking a hold of my secondary belt, I removed it single handed, Wrapped it around and presented it as well. However, I spoke eerie words of caution.

"Should the blade leave it's sheath, A wrath will wake that you could never hope to obtain. Draw it, and you will find yourself and your friends without a life."

Not because I would take it from them, but the sword itself was living and breathed in the corruption. Its... abilities could not be contained by a mere hand. Still, the guard shook his head. Even when he introduced himself, I cared not for a name. Walking past still in armor and my face hidden. Hood was pulled down to reveal slicked back hair. Whiter and brighter than the name of the miss I was meeting.

Walking forth to the two as they were already speaking to one another, hand came together behind my back. Metal clanking and clashing together in softer tones with deft movements. A question of what interests the lady. However, I answered it for the Donna in particular.

"We seek information, and a barter of sorts. One that could benefit all parties involved."

Interrupting was not something looked highly upon. For such sinful manner, I bowed rather low with my head and shoulders. Typical greeting of the Atrisian customs. The lower the bow, the more respect given. A full bow for the transgression to the man at the head of this origination, I stepped forward but did not sit. I had not been allowed or been greeted to do so.

"The Gardener Auberon of the Donna. I come to oversee this transaction. Apologies for any late comings or interruptions."

[member="Ivory Stroud"],


Ivory entered the Kumicho's meeting room, and met the powerful man's eyes. She was about to respond when, quite without warning, the door she'd just entered was again thrown open, and a man stepped forward... Ivory turned to regard the newcomer, not recognizing him at first; a powerful streak of suppressed anger at the interruption only grew when he began speaking for her, and in a second, Ivory understood.

The Donna had surprised her. The Gardener's sudden intervention had been orchestrated without her knowledge. The peaceful meeting between only the Kumicho & Ivory Stroud would now, beyond her control, have a third set of eyes - The Donna's personal hound.

For only a moment before she regained her composure, the woman's momentary loss of balance might have been visible for those with the eyes to see. She would turn back toward the Kumicho, bowing deeply - deeper than The Gardener would. "This... is my companion, Kumicho Tsukara. I was unaware he would be joining us... but I digress. We have much to discuss, you and I." With a sideways glance at The Donna's right hand, she gathered herself into a smile and walked calmly toward the cushion [member="Kyūshū Tsukasa"] had offered her. She sat opposite him, casually tucking an errant strand of black hair behind her ear.

She ignored [member="Shaun Castanic"]'s presence.

"I am not actually an off-worlder... I am a Native of Coruscant, though my present affairs have taken across the Galaxy. This is my first return to Coruscant in a considerable time... It is quite the same as I remember it, but the familiarity is comforting. May I say that The Family greatly appreciates the hospitality of the Tsukasa Gokudo in welcoming us here to your fine establishment. Tales of the Kumicho's business acumen and cleverness are legendary in some circles... I, myself, grew up beneath the Streets of Coruscant; in the Underdark, rumors of the Kumicho's generosity and honor are well-known. It is for these reasons that I declared an interest to sow the seeds of an Mutual Accord between our two Organizations."

The woman went immediately to business, wasting no time with idle chit-chat. She had respect for the Kumicho's position, and aside from the momentary surprise at finding herself no-longer flying solo, she had adapted gracefully to the change in circumstance and seemed to have expertly recovered.

Ivory gave a small smile at the Kumicho... seeking not to seduce him or bedazzle him, but to show a certain sense of honesty and genuineness he might not have expected from types such as The Family.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Akio Takara entered the room alongside [member="Shaun Castanic"], the unexpected addition to the meeting came as something of a surprise though gave them no reason for distress as the new arrival offered up his weapon willingly and without being questioned. This was something that brought respect to the arrival, regardless of his timing; though it was immensely heavy and to this Mr. Castanic, he offered a slight nod with a peculiar half smile in recognition of the mans strength clearly required to handle such a monstrosity.

The Tsukasa Gokudō stood among many other local occupants within the Red Lantern, each could be identified by their white collar business suits, all keeping a conscious eye of the going-on's within the establishment. Each and everyone of them were known for their violence and extortion of local businesses within the Syndicate's territories. They were all trained in their Atrisian Martial Arts and each practiced Akido among other forms of swordsmanship.

Walking to Kyūshū's side, he leaned down to inform the Oyabun of the newcomers precarious strength, a whisper to his ear rather than an audible statement their guests would hear. A simple nod was returned and soon Kyūshū gestured to his right so that his advisor might join the pair from The Family, to give them equal number.

"Welcome" Kyūshū soon gestured to the table, that the male, Shaun Castanic join his partner on either side of [member="Ivory Stroud"]. It was curious that he gave no name but a title of 'Gardener' for which Kyūshū Tsukasa understood to be a metaphor rather than a literal position. "Perhaps an introduction is in order", Ms Stroud had sent word ahead confirming their meeting prior to arriving on Coruscant and thus hers was known and vice versa, yet for the ordeal of the newcomer, Kyūshū deemed it wise to become familiar with one another, especially were he truly the right hand of this rival Organization. "Akio Takara..." He looked to his right-hand man, second to none within the Atrisian Syndicate. "Mr Takara is responsible for a great deal here within my Family. He is also the reason you will have met with little security on your way here, Ms. Stroud". He wasn't aware of the precutions she might have taken though Akio had a number of contacts across the 'right' side of the law which were on the Syndicate's payroll.

"My name is Kyūshū Tsukasa, Oyabun or Kumicho of the Gokudō. You might consider one of my position as the leader, Don, Godfather or what have you" Kyūshū offered a slim smile at the prospect, though he had only done little research into their culture. His advisor was the one whom had cleared them for this meeting before it was even considered by the Oyabun.

"To you, Ms. Stroud, we offer you a warm return to Coruscant here. Should either of you choose to stay, you will be treated among our more prestigious of guests of course. The VIP section will be open to you and any guests you should bring during this time" He lowered his head, glancing from her to Mr. Castanic to ensure he knew he too was included in the offer.

"Might I ask as to what information you are seeking, exactly?" he questioned once he had introduced his subordinate and himself to the pair, intrigued by Mr. Castanic's thoughts.
Factory Judge
The respect returned from my showing of a bow, even while in full armor did no go unnoticed by the man we were to meet. All of the individuals from this Atrisian Mafia were holding their tongues, and respect rather well considering the circumstances. To simply barge in upon a meeting between two fairly large underground organizations would be looked down upon. Yet, there was a curious eye turned to myself. As expected with the live swirling mask I wore and the armor I chose to associate with my title.

Ivory on the other hand, was not so happy to see my presence. She had been doing quite a bit for The Family. She had secured deals that would have otherwise been very difficult and would have taken years to perform otherwise. She knew her way around deals, words and how to use them. While she had done so much, I myself was skeptical of this woman. Was she actually performing all of these actions for the family and it's interests, or was she securing two deals and looking for her own gain? Even just speaking this to the Donna's ear, was enough for her to send me in her stead. Of course, our Donna was quite busy with so many proposals and deals to make of her own. Considering Death Adder, Tom Taff, and our own Lizard Knight were working on their own projects.

Being offered a seat to either side of the woman, I moved to sit down upon Stroud's right side. In all honesty, the guards and the big man himself knew I was not completely unarmed. To carry swords and willingly give them, showed respect, but also showed I was more than willing to give them up, and was more than comfortable with them in someone else's hands. That either showed I was one massive fool, or I could trust my own strength and skills should it go south.

With the introduction to Kyushu, and Akio for their respective roles. I bowed my head each time. Listening to the words for every form of context that they could be used and hidden for. Yet almost all of the words and emotions felt sincere. This showed much strength from the man. To allow two other individuals within his home, and to see quite a bit of how they operated. Even providing the more lavish housing conditions should we choose to stay. Nodding my head in silence until the final question of information we sought, I merely indicated Ivory.

"Miss Stroud is who you will be speaking with Oyabun. I am only here to oversee this transaction, and to bring fruit for the Donna and her Family."

Turning to said woman, I indicated to her, that the floor was hers.

In this moment, I was Ahtemis's eyes, ears, and voice. If only by proxy, any decision I made was for the best interest of our ever growing family. While my "sister" Miss Stroud was not happy with my presence, or the lack of information she had received for this, All I could think about, was how this was part of the game. One part of this puzzle for the woman to find out.

"For now my Oyabun, My silence is a sign of approval."

[member="Kyūshū Tsukasa"], [member="Ivory Stroud"],


Ivory shifted in her seat, watching the Gardener as he explained his presence in the meeting.

In truth, Ivory's connections within various Underworld Circuits ran deep; her ties on Coruscant were among the strongest, but she visited rarely... She was no stranger to backroom deals and diplomatic discussions with members of the Underworld. It was true, however, that her short time with the family had placed her in positions she'd never held before. The respect & level of reputation association with The Family held had provided numerous opportunities she never would have found otherwise... and she enjoyed being a Criminal.

Once [member="Shaun Castanic"] had finished speaking, Ivory's violet eyes turned to regard the Oyabun and his Advisor, Mr. Takara. She offered them a smile... not of cleverness or placation, however, but of a willingness to move on. The smile would serve to disarm the tensions in the room as she spoke,

"Oyabun [member="Kyūshū Tsukasa"], you have held much control over business on Coruscant for a number of years. The Tsukasa Gokudo are quite powerful, holding a number of politicians in reserve, as well as strong control over a number of rackets planet-wide... Among them, gambling, the substance market, assets in the adult entertainment industry, control over illegal smuggling on & off world, and the benefactor of a number of annual donations to numerous anti-poverty, reclamation, and development P-A-Cs. Your reputation amongst legitimized, as well as illigitimate business owners is, on the whole, quite positive... and your detractors fear you enough to choose their allies carefully."

"The Family is presently seeking to grow... expand our influence into various sectors, and develop connections throughout the Galaxy with organizations who conduct business with as much respect for discretion & integrity as our own." She spoke somewhat with her hands, illustrating her points by gesturing, indicating the expansive city, the room, and the four of them.

"That is why we've come to you. In many ways, Coruscant is an untapped market; while there are a number of organizations similar to yours, very few might compare to the scope and reputation as the Tsukasa Gokudo... and we believe this is for a reason."

She paused, glancing at the Gardener before continuing to speak - almost as if she were taking heart in his presence, which spurred her onward.

"The Family wishes to create an Alliance between our two Organizations. We believe it would be mutually beneficial for both parties; an alliance would provide logistical support and resources in time of need for both parties, and assistance in acquiring the right contacts for the right kind of business - we are not seeking to take business from The Tsukasa Gokudo, we are merely seeking to have a share in the credits. In return, the arms of The Family would be open to you and to those who serve the Oyabun. Our Knowledge would be open to you, offered freely in the hopes that you would expand your own holdings. It is our hope that, as partners, we could expand together..."

She smiled, perfect teeth gleaming in the soft light of the beautifully simple decor.

"Into a Force this Galaxy has not seen before."

She had essentially answered his question - the information they were seeking were the Keys to Coruscant's Underworld. And the Tsukasa Gokudo held them.
"A Force this Galaxy has never seen before..." Kyūshū Tsukasa repeated the words to himself, his gaze turning to spare a glance up to the man at his side, Akio Takara. Coruscant certainly had it's potential, though it wasn't without it's own underground circle of criminal organizations and corrupt officials, like many a world, the industry for which Kyūshū worked was by no means in his control alone.

"Respectfully, as I'm certain you will be aware of the current political standing surrounding Coruscant, this government's fight for it's independence from the late Galactic Alliance as well as the presence of the Hutt Cartel sharing territory with my Family..." Kyūshū looked briefly to that of [member="Shaun Castanic"] before turning back to [member="Ivory Stroud"], "Building a force, as you say, will attract a great deal of attention to our possible business endeavors..." his words faded momentarily as he caught movement behind the door to their private room. A quiet tap touched down against the wooden frame, for which it would appear to come from the silhouette of a female form seen through the white paper thin wall.

Mr. Takara quietly rose to his feet and moved to step passed their guests, opening the door only partially in order to gauge the interruption. After a moment of silence and Kyūshū turning his attention toward the lighting of a fresh Cigarro, both Akio Takara and the female worker came to the table offering refreshments and refills of their desired drinks, should they wish for any. Remaining silent, the Oyabun seemed to stay complacently within his own little world whilst his Adviser, Mr. Takara ensured the girl did her job and would soon depart as quietly and politely as she had entered.

"This Gokudō of mine has taken time to establish..." Kyūshū began to speak once more, a pause to his words that Miss Stroud might recognize that all good and powerful things were established through patience and perseverance; "My Family, as you may call it, has established two particular fronts for which my people take great pride. Here in this district, you might notice that we maintain something of a....-Dominant presence, you might say. In other sectors however, my families reputation in the underworld here might be looked at as though we're a Gang of thugs...-They misunderstand of course but there's a certain value in being misunderstood...".

Two the second apparent and suggested Front, Kyūshū gestured to Miss Stroud as he began to elaborate; "Above this dark polluted and impoverished economy live the rich, the greedy and the proud, but too those with great power and authority of influence. You're right to point out that we have contacts within the law...-A balance to the work we do down here. These arrangements too have taken time and that balance I mention, remains a key factor to keeping these relationships in place. You see, if I were to call attention to myself too quickly, I would risk losing these possible accords...".

"Now...Naturally, I won't divulge any details to you both in who and how I conduct my business with" he tapped his Cigarro against the side of the ashtray briefly, thinking with something of a more thoughtful tone of voice, "Your proposal intrigues me however and I have my own ambitions in mind for the future, yet there are certain rules that must be followed for people like us to remain in business together...-How am I to know that the ways in which my Organization go about its business, won't be compromised by this...-Building of such a large and likely attention-calling Force you're suggesting".

[member="Ivory Stroud"] | [member="Shaun Castanic"]


Ivory listened intently as the Oyabun spoke, saying nothing throughout the brief few moments the young woman entered bearing refreshments. Ivory, herself, took a small glass of rice wine; a delicacy, she'd heard, and had been quite curious to try. She smiled a friendly half-smile as the woman served her, offering her gratitude with a nod.

[member="Kyūshū Tsukasa"] began speaking after the woman had left the room. Ivory listened intently, weighing the Kumicho's words, hearing not only what he said but did not say... She nodded at his mention of greater powers; the weight of Coruscant's Government could be considerable if brought to bear against any foe. She reached up, tucking an errant strand of pitch-black hair behind her ear.

At his question, Ivory took a few heartbeats to compose her answer:

"I agree, Oyabun.. There are a great many obstacles those such as we must endure, conducting the sort of business we do."

She paused for a heartbeat, then continued, "I can assure you that The Family is no stranger to the obstacles presented by over-reaching Governments and their Security Forces; In fact, while we may not be entirely equipped to deal with those obstacles at present, we are certain that in a short time, we will have the resources necessary to ensure such... unpleasantness... befalls neither ourselves nor the Tsukasa Gokudo."

"That being said..." She crossed her legs and steepled her fingers; a position of confidence and self-assuredness; "We believe that, united, there are many storms we might weather compared to divided. The Tsukasa Gokudo is not our only alliance, nor will it be our last... but The Kumicho is an honorable man, and one who's own power and influence can grow along with us. The Family is, above all else, professional - as such, it is in our best interest to remain in good standing with the many powers who also call Coruscant home."

She paused, before shifting in her seat. Bright violet eyes regarded the Kumicho Tsukasa and his advisor, then she smiled. She understood timing, positioning, and patience... She was a predator, after all. But this deal was important, and she still had a card up her sleeve... which she now played.

"Gentlemen, I understand your reservations, and I also understand your ambitions. If I may, The Donna has given me personal leave to make an offer... to ensure our alliance is successful, and to pave the way for further ventures. I can assure you that The Family will not operate on turf owned and operated exclusively by the Tsukasa Gokudo, though we may operate similar rackets in other areas of the Planet; surely, there is enough space and credits for everyone. Secondly, all business conducted by either party is exclusively their own. Thirdly, If the Tsukasa Gokudo agree to our terms, The Family is prepared to offer you a sum totaling fifteen percent (15%) of the first year's total take from all successful business ventures on Coruscant... and, following the first year, ten percent (10%) of Coruscant's total take for every year after, for the life of our Organizations. The rate of ten percent will not ever increase or decrease... and the Tsukasa Gokudo will be paid, regardless of any inconveniences The Family might suffer in the future. We are even prepared to make a payment today, upon conclusion of our meeting. Pursuant, of course, that we might come to a mutually beneficial arrangement."

Ivory opened her arms, symbolically offering the deal to the Kumicho for his consideration.
Factory Judge
This is quite the turnout. The words from Tsukasa were very much valid and almost a required question that would have been voiced. The dealings with creating a stronger foundation. Coming with it, is the sight of power draws attention. An attention that the Gokudo is not quite ready to handle. While I had only done enough research to know that what Tsukasa had voice was very much true. They nearly owned an entire district on Courscant, and had their fingers feeling around in others. While refreshments were brought to the table, I raised and hand and waved to the side. Declining politely without a word for my lack of necessity for such.

Wearing a mask prevented me from doing so to begin with. As well, dining or drinking in the presence of another person was an honor given to those who had deserved it. While the tactical prowess needed to govern an entire group such as the Gokudo, took quite some skill, I was not judging a man by preceding reputations. I gathered my honor and respect for the actions from the moment I met them. While this man was showing quite the front at the moment, I had a feeling he was not afraid of getting hands dirty should it come to that. However, how far would he go to obtain what he wished?

With the response from Ivory and given the allowance from the Donna, I found the percentages rather different to understand. However, I would not question it. She was likely more adept at handling this than I was, but my doubts were still evident. She was poised to strike and to take control. While she did have it at the moment, I knew that one day, everyone falls from what their grace was. Would she be one of those who fall, or one of those who perished with their honor? I was unsure given her situation and how well she seemed to be handling herself.

When the final words were spoken from her, about a payment being made today, I was surprised. Did the Donna tell her that this was okay, or was she doing this to just make the "customer" happy? Instead of voicing this directly, I simply added in very little from my own knowledge.

"While the offer of scratching one another upon the back may be as such, Aiding one another is always on the table. Profits can only go so far. Where a pen stops writing, a blade continues. As for the conduct of each situation that may arise, will be questioned at that time. Oyabun Tsukasa, Let me only confirm through Miss Stroud that as we conduct ventures, we seek to keep this in operable condition. We can, or you can always offer the hand to further solidify our... respective houses."

Turning to Ivory, She would not be able to see my face as I had quite the sly smile break on my face.

"Do you have any other concerns or questions for either of us, or the Family in general Oyabun?"

[member="Ivory Stroud"], [member="Kyūshū Tsukasa"],
Silence befell Kyūshū Tsukasa for a short while, the Kumicho having listened to all that [member="Ivory Stroud"] had said and offered, followed by the confirmation of her partner, [member="Shaun Castanic"]. To his side, Akio Takara shifted in his seat, a movement that Kyūshū noted out of the corner of his eye yet gave no physical acknowledgement to his adviser and instead remained in complete control of his composure whilst considering the offer from this presently rival Organization.

The Tsukasa Gokudō and The Family had no history before this day. Likewise, they had no hostilities nor evidence to mistrust one another, save for the business that was both their livelihood and their way of living. Kyūshū did not need to be advised by Mr. Takara to know that such an offer made by Ms. Shroud was a rather generous and considerable one that he would be a fool to turn down. Fifteen percent of all business profits made by their Organization for the first year, decreasing to ten percent for all following years with a guarantee that this would neither rise nor fall, regardless of circumstance for the time that The Family operates on Coruscant.

Kyūshū made no sudden moves nor did he give any hint of pleasure through his body language nor facial expression, his exterior remained stoic in the face of an obviously positive offer and one that went well in the favor of his enterprise. Naturally, the Oyabun did not wish to give the impression that Ms. Stroud had over-extended herself and graciously offered them too greater expense; nor did he wish to appear too easily bought. Appearances were often everything during meetings of such influence, political even within the Criminal Underworld of the Galaxy and especially upon Coruscant where control over the territories of the Metropolis World depended on the leverage one Gang or Criminal Empire could leverage over another. Between he and his Guests however, there would be no such animosity. At-least, not for the foreseeable future.

"Your offer is agreeable" Kyūshū approved, looking between the two of the Family's associates and bowing his head as if to confirm his statement with respect; "However, payment today is not necessary" he lifted his left hand in dismissive gesture. "As you will no doubt agree, our business future together requires an element of trust and honor if it is to remain firm and our people are to conduct themselves appropriately. It is out of both trust and honor, for you as well as myself, that I respectfully decline your payment today and suggest that our agreement begins only once you have established your business here on Coruscant. Once your territory has been secured, and you have been given the support you are desiring, only then will you be obligated to fulfill your part in our arrangement".


Ivory simply sat & waited.

The die was cast. She had given in to fate and allowed the cards to fall where they may.

Whether or not The Gardener had come didn't make much difference in the long run... it neither shook her from her mission nor rattled her unshakable certainty that she could accomplish the goal set out before her. She had been genuinely surprised by the hulking figure's appearance... She'd only met him in passing once before, and the two hadn't shared any meaningful connection - until now. The fact that he'd been sent (obviously) to make sure she could deliver as-promised helped her realize, in the span of heartbeats between her offer & the Kumicho's response, that he was not there to babysit her... Rather, he'd been sent because of her initiative. Sent to watch her. Sent to witness how she'd done what she'd done.

It was true that, for years now, she had grown accustomed to operating in the shadows... manipulating events, people, & even governments. She was dangerous, wily, clever... and the contacts she'd made over the years had seen in her the change from Small-Time to Professional. This meeting had been proposed, arranged, and executed solely between Ivory & The Donna - but, The Donna, being whom she was, saw the Galaxy from a much broader perspective...

Where Ivory saw Coruscant, The Donna could see the makings of an Empire.

It all began here, in this very room.

Kyushu spoke then, even surprising Ivory at his declining of a payment today... she'd been prepared, without anyone's knowledge, to offer the man an amount from her own personal finances to see this deal succeed - an investment, she reasoned. Now, unnecessary, and only one more reason to celebrate. A broad smile blossomed on her face and her eyes lit up; a genuine expression of pleasure. She didn't care how it appeared... She wasn't a stoic, like the rest of them.

She did not, however, lose her composure. She offered a bow of her head in respect, "Thank you, Oyabun... On my Honor, The Family shall honor its' commitments. Together, may we grow stronger than ever apart. To our mutual Family, and to better business for all." and raised her glass of rice wine.

"It is in honor & trust that our bond is formed, and it is for honor & trust that we form this bond." And with that, she drained her glass.

With a small smile on her lips, she turned her attention toward her counterpart, [member="Shaun Castanic"]. The look on her face would have been easy to read, even with the mask the man wore - it said "I'm staying here tonight, and I'm just getting started..."

Whether or not he stuck around, Ivory would be enjoying herself until the dawn. She felt she'd earned it. Whatever rituals of agreement the Tsukasa Gokudo or @Kyushu Tsukasa might have in store, they would find her all-too willing to take part.
Factory Judge
Everything was coming together like a puzzle solving itself. While we would not have to pay them until we actually began the process of moving some of our assets into the area. That was very... honorable of the man. Willing to not just take the money and run with it as some may have done. He didn't want to be put on our bad side at the very least. Considering this man and his connections so far were rather desirable, I would not have been happy if the Donna had sent me after this man. It would not end well for either side. That was a fact.

With the actions taken by Ivory, I could see and feel with the aid of the mask I wore, that she was overjoyed with herself. Hell, I could even see her heartbeat faster due to the increase in body temperature. This was still quite new to me for the ability to see such things. However, I made no movement as Ivory wanted to stay it seemed. The look she had given me only confirmed this. She wanted to know more and to make a better connection should it be needed. Working the case as it were. While I doubt this man would be looking for "Entertainment" I believe the more honor bound approach of simply speaking or going more in depth of one another, would deepen this connection.

"Very well. Either myself, or Ivory will make secondary contact with you when we have began our transition into the area. If you wish to oversee, or aid in the process, the option is yours."

Since we were going to be working together, there was no point in hiding what we were doing in a different sector. No point in pushing them away from what was going to take place. Looking over to Ivory as she still seemed like a predator stalking her prey, hungry for more, I returned my attention to the man to continue.

"If you do not mind the company Oyabun, May we use your facilities until the morrow to leave? We do not wish to overstay our welcome. Merely get a feel for how your Gokudo operates and functions, with the return possible for you to see how we ourselves operate at a later date. I feel being transparent in our operations will solidify... trust and operations between us to run in a smooth manner."

[member="Ivory Stroud"], [member="Kyūshū Tsukasa"],
Akio Takara seemed poised upon studying the behavior of [member="Ivory Stroud"] as she exchanged glances with [member="Shaun Castanic"], it did not require much insight to the character of the man to notice this, though perhaps the pair across the table were both so invested in their end of the business that they might not have noticed. None the less, at their request the Saiko-Komon turned and offered a slight nod of approval to the Oyabun, Kyūshū Tsukasa whom also seemed unphased by their wish to stay and make use of the Akachōchin and their services.

"You will both find suitable accommodation upstairs, free of charge of course" Kyūshū informed them with a thin smile, "And company should you wish it. Mr Takara will inform the house of your status. Providing there are no disturbances, you will both be free to enjoy yourselves.." He moved to stand, gesturing for the three before him to do so also before offering their guests a bow in respectful notion. Kyūshū however was not much of a party goer, the Gardener was correct in suspecting as much. While the others may enjoy themselves, the Oyabun preferred the silence of solitary company and the opportunity to reflect and gauge the interests of the Organization weighed against the day to day risks and affairs that were forever on-going. This was why he was seated at the height of the hierarchy, why he had survived there for as long as he had.

Mr. Takara would soon escort them both back into the main hall where they would see peoples of all types enjoying the Red Lantern's many pleasures, both sentient, narcotic and alcoholic. There were noticable characters among the nightlife however that carried an edge of dominance, members of the Organization under the Oyabun whom were there to keep Order. Their presence however was less busied within the establishment as it was outside in the open air of the Coruscant street, for this was their turf and adopting the need to show a threatening presence to any who might challenge them, the soldiers of the Gokudō did not hesitate to walk tall.

"You will forgive me while I don't partake" Kyūshū spoke before Akio could lead the pair out of the private room, "But as you must understand, time stops for no one" he smiled faintly before the entrance to the room was slid closed behind them.

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