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Approved Starship Hood-Class Missile Carrier

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Manufacturer: Locke and Key Mechanics
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average



  • Intent: To submit a Missile Carrier
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  • Canon Link: N/a
  • Permissions: N/a
  • Primary Source: N/a



  • Hangars
  • Crew Living Areas
    • (Every sector of the ship will have crew quarters and a mess hall. A gym and lounge is included between every two sectors.)
      • Mess Hall
      • Crew Quarters: Normally shared by 6 crew members with a shared bathroom and kitchenette.
      • Recreational Areas (gyms, break rooms, communal social areas)
  • Officer’s Quarters
    • Separated into 3 main areas of the ship, the officer’s quarters are larger than the crew quarters, each one a mini apartment with a separate lounge, bedroom and bathroom.
  • Captain’s Quarters
    • A larger apartment with a separate bedroom, bathroom, dining room, lounge/office and steward’s room and pantry/kitchen.
  • Droid Areas
    • Engineering/Repair Droids stored all over the ship to act as damage control.
      • Repair Workshops
      • Droid storage
  • Internal Defenses and Security
    • The Ship’s Marines maintain the primary responsibility for the ship’s security.
      • A wide spead Sensor network allows the marines assisted by the ship’s AI to keep track of the comings and goings aboard the ship.
      • Retractable Blaster Turrets covering sensitive areas of the ship (Bridge, Engineering, Armouries, CIC, hangars)
      • Turdaium Blast Doors
        • Designed to seal off a section of a ship from intruders, fire or exposure to the vacuum of space.
      • Brig
      • Marine Country
        • The section of the ship nearest the hangars is dedicated to the Marines, allowing them to deploy off ship, or to support the ship against boarding as needed
        • Gun Range
        • Workshops for Weapons and Armour
        • Primary Amoury
          • Containing the bulk of weapons and armour aboard the ship
        • Secondary Armouries
        • Cap Drains
  • Engineering
  • Command and Control
    • Bridge:
      • The bridge is located in the centre of the ship, well protected from enemy attacks.
      • The captain has an office located just off the bridge where they can attend to paperwork or meetings.
    • CIC/Auxiliary Bridge:
      • The CIC is set towards the front of the ship and functions as a data analysis centre that can also be utilised as an emergency command centre if required.
      • There is an office located just off the CIC for the use of the ship’s executive officer
  • Medbay
    • Located equidistant between engineering and the hangars the medbay is the territory of the ship's doctor, tasked with healing the crew's injuries and illnesses.
      • Infirmary
        • A general area where most crew are seen to treat minor ailments, bumps and bruises.
      • Operating theatres
        • Dedicated rooms which can be sealed against outside particulates if needed for more serious injuries or operations. Can also double as quarantine rooms.
      • Doctor's Office
        • The room for the chief doctor to perform their paperwork while keeping an eye on the infirmary and their patients.



  • Automated:
    • Like many vessels produced by Locke and Key Mechanics the Hood-class is heavily automated, relying on the Aesir System and a wide variety of droids to allow the ship to run with a minimal crew.
  • Ranged Support:
    • The Hood Carriers are equipped with long range weapons, capable of providing support to the main fleets and their fighters.
  • Specialised:
    • The Hood-Class Missile Carriers take the concept of missile warfare to a whole new level. Specialised beyond the design of normal carriers, these ships aren't able to field a variety of fighters depending on their role, the Missile Carrier just field the Quiver Drones, sacrificing utility for sheer awesome firepower.
  • Reverse Thrusters:
    • Due to the gravitational technology which powers the Hood's Huabing engines the ships are designed to drive in reverse or move forward, or indeed from side to side with equal capability.
  • Modular Design:
    • The Hood-Class Carriers were built using Locke and Key's new modular design, partitioning the ship into sections. Each module had inner walls of Turadium as well as blast doors that could seal them off in the event of boarding actions or a catastrophic hull breach. This way, the designers believed that the ships could survive damage that would have destroyed weaker ships and keep the crew alive.


  • Small Crew:
    • Due to the heavy automation of the Hood-class, the crew complement is surprisingly tiny. Barely enough, in fact, to manage the critical system on the ship should the automation be neutralized.
  • For a brick, he flew pretty good:
    • No-one ever claimed the Hood-class was a fast or manoeuvrable ship, in fact it’s pilots have described it as a flying elephant. A low acceleration and low maneuverability means that it isn’t going to win any races, it’ll get you from A to B, but it won’t be graceful about it.


The Hood-Class Missile Carrier is the ultimate expression of the missile doctrine that Locke and Key Mechanics championed. A ship capable of blanketing the sky with missiles, and controlling them. A storm that can sweep a battlespace clear of all opposition while sitting well outside the range of any possible counter attack.​
In the Hood Missile Carriers, Locke and Key had created a weapon that was truly terrifying in it's potential.​


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To submit a ship for use and sale
Canon Link: N/a
Permissions: N/a

Technical Information

Affiliation: Locke and Key Mechanics
Model: Hood-Class Missile Carrier
Starship Class: Star Destroyer (1000m-2000m)
Starship Role: Carrier
Modular: No
Material: Frame: Alusteel Sectional Plating: Turadium Blastdoors: Turadium Internal walls: Durasteel Hull: Quadanium Steel Viewports: Theiaglass
Armaments: Spinal Mounted Helios Cannon
Lightstorm Turbolasers
Ionstorm Cannons
Variable Payload Missile Launchers
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Low
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 500
Optimal Crew: 2000
Passenger Capacity: 700
Cargo Capacity: Average
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