Punished Rexus
The orange and white flowery top Rexus loosely wore wasn't what he was usually used to. In fact, usually he would be wearing the crisp, white armour of his stormtrooper uniform. But now, he was relaxing in a seedy dive on Montina. It was fairly common place for the First Order to shuttle troops to neutral systems or other First Imperial holdings. Rexus opted for a neutral system, he'd seen quite enough of those planets through conquest and garrison duty. While many of his unit chose to holiday on Zarnathea, or Bespin, Rexus opted for Montina. It was a dive of a planet and its streets with former One Sith bureaucrats, reduced to wenches who'd do anything for a cut of a stormtroopers wage.
Right now, the trooper slunk back in a small bar, the "Mon Calamari Maiden", it was a small humid dump, but in his brief, so far two day stay there. He sipped a little on a glass of Corellian ale, his green eyes looking around the dark, humid bar.
[member="Keira Ticon"]
Right now, the trooper slunk back in a small bar, the "Mon Calamari Maiden", it was a small humid dump, but in his brief, so far two day stay there. He sipped a little on a glass of Corellian ale, his green eyes looking around the dark, humid bar.
[member="Keira Ticon"]