L Admin
Hey guys, Tsavong here. Huge Yuuzhan Vong enthusiast.
As many of you know, I've been building Hrosha-Gul over the course of the last week. As such, the last Yuuzhan Vong project I took the time of putting effort into was this faction: The Horde. Originally named the Yuuzhan Vong, I helped [member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] shape this place into what it began as and gave him the keys. Executing the idea has thus far been a success, though there have been some bumps in the road, I admire what he's done so far.
I've been doing similar factions like this throughout the years, so I'm no stranger to how it's done.
The biggest concern so far, however, is the Yuuzhan Vong's appeal to the community and the relationship between the Horde and Hrosha-Gul. I've approached Dredge and Kurah about the current state of the Horde, and how I wish to breathe new life into it with Hrosha-Gul. I understand change often comes at a price, but I feel that we should combine our forces and solidify the Yuuzhan Vong's presence on the board.
While I understand the IC inclinations of doing so will be rough, I feel it will provide us ample opportunity for awkward and surprising role-play situations.
In conclusion, I've requested that Dredge and Kurah make me Faction Owner, in lieu of them being able to attend other responsibilities. We have agreed, but we also wanted to let the Horde/Hrosha-Gul members vote on it.
I feel this is the best future for both factions. The best future for everyone who enjoys Yuuzhan Vong/Horde lore. I hope you do too.
1) Vote Tsavong Kraal as Faction Leader, merge with Hrosha-Gul?
Please vote yes or no.
As many of you know, I've been building Hrosha-Gul over the course of the last week. As such, the last Yuuzhan Vong project I took the time of putting effort into was this faction: The Horde. Originally named the Yuuzhan Vong, I helped [member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] shape this place into what it began as and gave him the keys. Executing the idea has thus far been a success, though there have been some bumps in the road, I admire what he's done so far.
I've been doing similar factions like this throughout the years, so I'm no stranger to how it's done.
The biggest concern so far, however, is the Yuuzhan Vong's appeal to the community and the relationship between the Horde and Hrosha-Gul. I've approached Dredge and Kurah about the current state of the Horde, and how I wish to breathe new life into it with Hrosha-Gul. I understand change often comes at a price, but I feel that we should combine our forces and solidify the Yuuzhan Vong's presence on the board.
While I understand the IC inclinations of doing so will be rough, I feel it will provide us ample opportunity for awkward and surprising role-play situations.
In conclusion, I've requested that Dredge and Kurah make me Faction Owner, in lieu of them being able to attend other responsibilities. We have agreed, but we also wanted to let the Horde/Hrosha-Gul members vote on it.
I feel this is the best future for both factions. The best future for everyone who enjoys Yuuzhan Vong/Horde lore. I hope you do too.
1) Vote Tsavong Kraal as Faction Leader, merge with Hrosha-Gul?
Please vote yes or no.
[member="Azal"] [member="Kiruoum Kirdci"] [member="Nam Karakk"] [member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Serin"] [member="Zenoc Lah"][member="Zulusavong Lah"][member="Iron Giant"][member="Krul-Xob"]