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Horde Leadership Vote; Our Future As A Faction, the Yuuzhan Vong's future on SWRP.

Hey guys, Tsavong here. Huge Yuuzhan Vong enthusiast.

As many of you know, I've been building Hrosha-Gul over the course of the last week. As such, the last Yuuzhan Vong project I took the time of putting effort into was this faction: The Horde. Originally named the Yuuzhan Vong, I helped [member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] shape this place into what it began as and gave him the keys. Executing the idea has thus far been a success, though there have been some bumps in the road, I admire what he's done so far.

I've been doing similar factions like this throughout the years, so I'm no stranger to how it's done.

The biggest concern so far, however, is the Yuuzhan Vong's appeal to the community and the relationship between the Horde and Hrosha-Gul. I've approached Dredge and Kurah about the current state of the Horde, and how I wish to breathe new life into it with Hrosha-Gul. I understand change often comes at a price, but I feel that we should combine our forces and solidify the Yuuzhan Vong's presence on the board.

While I understand the IC inclinations of doing so will be rough, I feel it will provide us ample opportunity for awkward and surprising role-play situations.

In conclusion, I've requested that Dredge and Kurah make me Faction Owner, in lieu of them being able to attend other responsibilities. We have agreed, but we also wanted to let the Horde/Hrosha-Gul members vote on it.

I feel this is the best future for both factions. The best future for everyone who enjoys Yuuzhan Vong/Horde lore. I hope you do too.


1) Vote Tsavong Kraal as Faction Leader, merge with Hrosha-Gul?

Please vote yes or no.

[member="Azal"] [member="Kiruoum Kirdci"] [member="Nam Karakk"] [member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Serin"] [member="Zenoc Lah"][member="Zulusavong Lah"][member="Iron Giant"][member="Krul-Xob"]

You mean Tef
Yes on merge- we could use more members, along with something to help stiffen our goals, beliefs, and organization. Plus, Tef is really good with making flashy ads, pics, etc. We could use that to our advantage

Yes on FO as well. Seeing as Ashe and Dredge are leaving, we'll need a capable leader. Having someone who has that much experience, along with generally being good at keeping calm in tough situations, plus being a generally cool person, that will be good for us.
As long as no one steals the shiny things called 'pennies' from me that I stole from Dredge, I'll be sticking around.


I have never said I'm leaving. >_> I know nothing of this.
Edit: Well actually, I did, but that was two hours ago in private with Tef and Aaron, during the presumption that the Horde stops being the Horde, so that doesn't apply.
[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
[member="Mistress Kurah Rrusho"]
I thought you were leaving the site for a bit because of-
Nah, I just remembered ya called that off.
*rolls around in circles, clutching jar of pennies to chest*
Sokrai Ronaro said:
Yes on all, leave Ashe and Dredge as co-owners or something. But my question is this: Who is the leader IC, and if it changes, how do we do it?

We'll do a role-play after all this is squared away, if there's not a horde (lol) of naysayers against this idea.


[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"] - Oh, yeah, I said I was going on semi-LOA until my Factory rights were returned. Which is in... 24 hours. At first, I thought it would be more like two weeks, not two days, but I never said I was leaving. :p

[member="Tsavong Kraal"] - Also, there is worry specifically because you are "THE Man." The head administrator of the board
I don't think it's fair to assume that simply because he is board owner that because he is trying to engage himself in RP leadership that it automatically means he is attempting to abuse his powers.

I vote yes, in my delight to see our delightful dictator benefactor seeking to enjoy himself in his own creation :)


Iron Giant said:
I don't think it's fair to assume that simply because he is board owner that because he is trying to engage himself in RP leadership that it automatically means he is attempting to abuse his powers.
It's specifically because he is engaging in RP leadership... over us. People don't feel... safe? As though what little they have left of it is being swept away from right under their feet. He could be the FO of both factions a million times over and still not worry people as much as simply being the leader. Anyways, that's what I hear and understand, and is in no way my opinion. I've remained completely neutral, and will continue to do so. That's simply how I feel; neutral and undecided either which way.

That's where you guys come in.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Yes to merge, no to Tef getting faction leader of the combined group. For one, I have concerns for power abuse, and for two - doesn't the rule for staff not being FL/FAs still apply?
I'm sure if Tef started to abuse his power as leader, we'd push him out or get him back in check. He's bound to be a capable leader. If he karks up, we can decide as a faction to remove him from his position. If he tries to ignore our opinions and wants, then we can still take action. In the end, if things go sour, and Tef turns bad... Well... Then we can bring it up with another staff member. But I don't think Tef is gonna go around abusing his power.
We'll be good.
Enigma said:
doesn't the rule for staff not being FL/FAs still apply?
Actually that does bring up a point. I know it was applied... then removed, and then applied again, but I don't remember if it was removed again?

What's the answer to that [member="Tsavong Kraal"]?

Scratch all that, is doesn't apply any more [member="Enigma"], just checked

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