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Approved Tech Horizon's Hammer

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  • Manufacturer: Azula Merr
  • Model: Horizon's Hammer
  • Affiliation: Azula Merr
  • Modularity: Can attach compatible scopes (any scope not made specifically for a company's weapons)

  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
  • Hadrium
  • Dallorian alloy

  • Classification: Sustained plasma beam cannon
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Power Cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: 100 seconds of continuous fire

  • Reload Speed: Slow
  • Effective Range: Long Range
  • Rate of Fire: N/A
  • Stopping Power: Very High
  • Recoil: High
  • Has 2 settings:
    Normal - Fires a continuous beam of plasma
  • Heavy - Fires a single heavy beam of plasma. Increases the damage output but burns out power cell in 2 shots

  • Beamer, not Beemer: Utilizing fusioncutter technology, Horizon's Hammer is capable of firing a continuous beam of plasma that is capable of causing most metals to melt after some time.
  • Heat Resistance: The materials used for the barrel of the weapon are capable of resisting heat to incredible temperatures. When using the weapon, Azula feels no heat coming from the intense plasma being fired.
  • Not A Sniper, But Not A Pistol: Although fusioncutters are known to be very short ranged, several focusing crystals within Horizon's Hammer greatly augments the beam being fired, allowing it to reach great ranges.
  • Heavy: Horizon's Hammer is a large and heavy weapon. It'll take some serious strength to not only lift it, but keep it on target with whomstever you are aiming at.
  • Need A Max Ammo!: The power cells used for this weapon are rather bulky as it requires a large amount of power to be used. This adds to the bulkiness of the weapon as a whole. Carrying these power cells could lead to having to omit ammo for other weapons.
  • Reloading! Cover me!: Replacing the power cell for this weapon takes at least 15 seconds, if you've become accustomed to using it. The used up power cell has to be ejected and the fresh cell must be inserted, clipped in and needs a moment to charge up.This is much longer than most other weapons reload time.

As time passes by while in the Golden Company, Azula has begun to tinker a bit more and more with technology. Her latest project, which she has come to title the Horizon's Hammer, is probably her most innovative yet. She has taken the existing idea of a fusioncutter along with the concept of beam cannons and utilized that as a base for a new weapon idea. This new form of weapon is as destructive as it is impressive.

Azula had taken the components from a fusioncutter that produces the high energy plasma beam used to cut through metals in engineering and construction and put it in a larger hull. This required several fusioncutters in order to improve the intensity of the beam so that it is capable of firing a strong enough beam to be used in combat. At first, the beam was capable of at least leaving the barrel, but it's range was still mediocre. The addition of 3 focusing crystals within the barrel of the weapon. With the addition of these crystals, the beam was capable of reaching long ranges without losing the intensity of the beam. Upon pulling the trigger, the weapon requires a few seconds to charge before unleashing it's plasma beam.

Early trials of Horizon's Hammer has proven it to be an effective weapon when used in the right hands. Those hands being Azula Merr's.
Azula Merr said:
Azula had taken the components from a fusioncutter that produces the high energy plasma beam used to cut through metals in engineering and construction and put it in a larger hull. This required several fusioncutters in order to improve the intensity of the beam so that it is capable of firing a strong enough beam to be used in combat. At first, the beam was capable of at least leaving the barrel, but it's range was still mediocre. The addition of 3 focusing crystals within the barrel of the weapon. With the addition of these crystals, the beam was capable of reaching long ranges without losing the intensity of the beam. Upon pulling the trigger, the weapon requires a few seconds to charge before unleashing it's plasma beam.

Azula Merr said:
Beamer, not Beemer: Utilizing fusioncutter technology, Horizon's Hammer is capable of firing a continuous beam of plasma that is capable of piercing most metals and materials.

Azula Merr said:
Not A Sniper, But Not A Pistol: Although fusioncutters are known to be very short ranged, several focusing crystals within Horizon's Hammer greatly augments the beam being fired, allowing it to reach great ranges.

Azula Merr said:
Her latest project, which she has come to title the Horizon's Hammer, is probably her most innovative yet. She has taken the existing technology of a fusioncutter and increased it's potential exponentially. This new form of weapon is as destructive as it is impressive.
This is too similar to the canonical lightsaber rifle, which is a banned form of technology. Referring to cutting power, the ability to cut through most/many materials like a fusioncutter and/or lightsaber is going to render the same verdict here.

I would suggest altering this submission so it is heavily toned down and focuses more on being an unique beam weapon rather than a long-ranged cutting weapon. The former can be approved, the latter will be considered a variation of banned technology and will be denied.
(Banned items list image below for reference, you can find the list in our Factory Standardized Rules page.)
[member="Lily Kuhn"] Does this make Fusioncutters banned tech as well since they cut through most materials? I'm just not seeing the similarities between this and a lightsaber rifle.

What if I were to bring down the range and re-word t to say that it can cut through most metals with enough time and effort? Because this weapon wasn't meant to 'cut' through anything. It moreso melts through metals, much like a plasma railgun.
Azula Merr said:
[member="Lily Kuhn"] Does this make Fusioncutters banned tech as well since they cut through most materials? I'm just not seeing the similarities between this and a lightsaber rifle.

What if I were to bring down the range and re-word t to say that it can cut through most metals with enough time and effort? Because this weapon wasn't meant to 'cut' through anything. It moreso melts through metals, much like a plasma railgun.
A fusion cutter isn't a gun, it's a very short range energy torch. There is no issue with submitting a fusion cutter. What there is an issue with is submitting a beam weapon that cuts through other materials in the same vein as a fusioncutter.

If you want to reword it to state that over the course of time that it can cause most metals to melt/penetrate through most metals over time, that would be fine. That would also fall under my request for this to be toned down and focused more on being a sustained beam weapon rather than a fusioncutter that can be used to cut through things across long ranges.
[member="Lily Kuhn"]

Made some changes.
  • Strength now says it's capable of melting metals over some time.
  • Description now says "She has taken the existing idea of a fusioncutter along with the concept of beam cannons and utilized that as a base for a new weapon idea."
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